mirror of
synced 2024-12-31 18:16:16 -05:00
We previously assumed that Qubes would always give clients IP addresses on a particular network. However, it is not required to do this and in fact uses a different network for disposable VMs. With this change: - We no longer reject clients with unknown IP addresses - The `Unknown_client` classification is gone; we have no way to tell the difference between a client that isn't connected and an external address. - We now consider every client to be on a point-to-point link and do not answer ARP requests on behalf of other clients. Clients should assume their netmask is (and ignore /qubes-netmask). This is a partial fix for #9. It allows disposable VMs to connect to the firewall but for some reason they don't process any frames we send them (we get their ARP requests but they don't get our replies). Taking eth0 down in the disp VM, then bringing it back up (and re-adding the routes) allows it to work.
204 lines
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204 lines
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(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard <thomas.leonard@unikernel.com>
See the README file for details. *)
open Utils
open Packet
let src = Logs.Src.create "firewall" ~doc:"Packet handler"
module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)
(* Transmission *)
let transmit ~frame iface =
(* If packet has been NAT'd then we certainly need to recalculate the checksum,
but even for direct pass-through it might have been received with an invalid
checksum due to checksum offload. For now, recalculate full checksum in all
cases. *)
let frame = fixup_checksums frame |> Cstruct.concat in
let packet = Cstruct.shift frame Wire_structs.sizeof_ethernet in
(fun () -> iface#writev [packet])
(fun ex ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Failed to write packet to %a: %s"
Ipaddr.V4.pp_hum iface#other_ip
(Printexc.to_string ex));
Lwt.return ()
let forward_ipv4 t frame =
let packet = Cstruct.shift frame Wire_structs.sizeof_ethernet in
match Router.target t packet with
| Some iface -> transmit ~frame iface
| None -> return ()
(* Packet classification *)
let ports transport =
let sport, dport = Nat_rewrite.ports_of_transport transport in
{ sport; dport }
let classify t frame =
match Nat_rewrite.layers frame with
| None ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Failed to parse frame");
| Some (_eth, ip, transport) ->
let src, dst = Nat_rewrite.addresses_of_ip ip in
let proto =
match Nat_rewrite.proto_of_ip ip with
| 1 -> `ICMP
| 6 -> `TCP (ports transport)
| 17 -> `UDP (ports transport)
| _ -> `Unknown in
Some {
src = Router.classify t src;
dst = Router.classify t dst;
let pp_ports fmt {sport; dport} =
Format.fprintf fmt "sport=%d dport=%d" sport dport
let pp_host fmt = function
| `Client c -> Ipaddr.V4.pp_hum fmt (c#other_ip)
| `Unknown_client ip -> Format.fprintf fmt "unknown-client(%a)" Ipaddr.pp_hum ip
| `NetVM -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "net-vm"
| `External ip -> Format.fprintf fmt "external(%a)" Ipaddr.pp_hum ip
| `Firewall_uplink -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "firewall(uplink)"
| `Client_gateway -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "firewall(client-gw)"
let pp_proto fmt = function
| `UDP ports -> Format.fprintf fmt "UDP(%a)" pp_ports ports
| `TCP ports -> Format.fprintf fmt "TCP(%a)" pp_ports ports
| `ICMP -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "ICMP"
| `Unknown -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "UnknownProtocol"
let pp_packet fmt {src; dst; proto; frame = _} =
Format.fprintf fmt "[src=%a dst=%a proto=%a]"
pp_host src
pp_host dst
pp_proto proto
(* NAT *)
let translate t frame =
Nat_rewrite.translate t.Router.nat frame
let random_user_port () =
1024 + Random.int (0xffff - 1024)
let rec add_nat_rule_and_transmit ?(retries=100) t frame fn logf =
let xl_port = random_user_port () in
match fn xl_port with
| exception Out_of_memory ->
(* Because hash tables resize in big steps, this can happen even if we have a fair
chunk of free memory. *)
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Out_of_memory adding NAT rule. Dropping NAT table...");
Router.reset t;
add_nat_rule_and_transmit ~retries:(retries - 1) t frame fn logf
| Nat_rewrite.Overlap when retries < 0 -> return ()
| Nat_rewrite.Overlap ->
if retries = 0 then (
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Failed to find a free port; resetting NAT table");
Router.reset t;
add_nat_rule_and_transmit ~retries:(retries - 1) t frame fn logf (* Try a different port *)
| Nat_rewrite.Unparseable ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Failed to add NAT rule: Unparseable");
return ()
| Nat_rewrite.Ok _ ->
Log.debug (logf xl_port);
match translate t frame with
| Some frame -> forward_ipv4 t frame
| None ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "No NAT entry, even after adding one!");
return ()
(* Add a NAT rule for the endpoints in this frame, via a random port on the firewall. *)
let add_nat_and_forward_ipv4 t ~frame =
let xl_host = Ipaddr.V4 t.Router.uplink#my_ip in
add_nat_rule_and_transmit t frame
(* Note: DO NOT partially apply; [t.nat] may change between calls *)
(fun xl_port -> Nat_rewrite.make_nat_entry t.Router.nat frame xl_host xl_port)
(fun xl_port f ->
match Nat_rewrite.layers frame with
| None -> assert false
| Some (_eth, ip, transport) ->
let src, dst = Nat_rewrite.addresses_of_ip ip in
let sport, dport = Nat_rewrite.ports_of_transport transport in
f "added NAT entry: %s:%d -> firewall:%d -> %d:%s" (Ipaddr.to_string src) sport xl_port dport (Ipaddr.to_string dst)
(* Add a NAT rule to redirect this conversation to [host:port] instead of us. *)
let nat_to t ~frame ~host ~port =
let target = Router.resolve t host in
let xl_host = Ipaddr.V4 t.Router.uplink#my_ip in
add_nat_rule_and_transmit t frame
(fun xl_port ->
Nat_rewrite.make_redirect_entry t.Router.nat frame (xl_host, xl_port) (target, port)
(fun xl_port f ->
match Nat_rewrite.layers frame with
| None -> assert false
| Some (_eth, ip, transport) ->
let src, _dst = Nat_rewrite.addresses_of_ip ip in
let sport, dport = Nat_rewrite.ports_of_transport transport in
f "added NAT redirect %s:%d -> %d:firewall:%d -> %d:%a"
(Ipaddr.to_string src) sport dport xl_port port pp_host host
(* Handle incoming packets *)
let apply_rules t rules info =
let frame = info.frame in
match rules info, info.dst with
| `Accept, `Client client_link -> transmit ~frame client_link
| `Accept, (`External _ | `NetVM) -> transmit ~frame t.Router.uplink
| `Accept, (`Firewall_uplink | `Client_gateway) ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Bad rule: firewall can't accept packets %a" pp_packet info);
return ()
| `NAT, _ -> add_nat_and_forward_ipv4 t ~frame
| `NAT_to (host, port), _ -> nat_to t ~frame ~host ~port
| `Drop reason, _ ->
Log.info (fun f -> f "Dropped packet (%s) %a" reason pp_packet info);
return ()
let handle_low_memory t =
match Memory_pressure.status () with
| `Memory_critical -> (* TODO: should happen before copying and async *)
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Memory low - dropping packet and resetting NAT table");
Router.reset t;
| `Ok -> `Ok
let ipv4_from_client t frame =
match handle_low_memory t with
| `Memory_critical -> return ()
| `Ok ->
(* Check for existing NAT entry for this packet *)
match translate t frame with
| Some frame -> forward_ipv4 t frame (* Some existing connection or redirect *)
| None ->
(* No existing NAT entry. Check the firewall rules. *)
match classify t frame with
| None -> return ()
| Some info -> apply_rules t Rules.from_client info
let ipv4_from_netvm t frame =
match handle_low_memory t with
| `Memory_critical -> return ()
| `Ok ->
match classify t frame with
| None -> return ()
| Some info ->
match info.src with
| `Client _ | `Firewall_uplink | `Client_gateway ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Frame from NetVM has internal source IP address! %a" pp_packet info);
return ()
| `External _ | `NetVM ->
match translate t frame with
| Some frame -> forward_ipv4 t frame
| None ->
apply_rules t Rules.from_netvm info