Thomas Leonard 0a4dd7413c Force backend MAC to fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff to fix HVM clients
Xen appears to configure the same MAC address for both the frontend
and backend in XenStore. e.g.

    [tal@dom0 ~]$ xenstore-ls /local/domain/3/backend/vif/19/0
    frontend = "/local/domain/19/device/vif/0"
    mac = "00:16:3e:5e:6c:00"

    [tal@dom0 ~]$ xenstore-ls /local/domain/19/device/vif/0
    mac = "00:16:3e:5e:6c:00"

This works if the client uses just a simple ethernet device, but fails
if it connects via a bridge. HVM domains have an associated stub domain
running qemu, which provides an emulated network device. The stub domain
uses a bridge to connect qemu's interface with eth0, and this didn't

Force the use of the fixed version of mirage-net-xen, which no longer
uses XenStore to get the backend MAC, and provides a new function to get
the frontend one.
2019-05-06 09:52:46 +01:00

42 lines
1.2 KiB

(* Copyright (C) 2017, Thomas Leonard <thomas.leonard@unikernel.com>
See the README file for details. *)
(** Configuration for the "mirage" tool. *)
open Mirage
let table_size =
let open Functoria_key in
let info = Arg.info
~doc:"The number of NAT entries to allocate."
~docv:"ENTRIES" ["nat-table-size"]
let key = Arg.opt ~stage:`Both Arg.int 5_000 info in
create "nat_table_size" key
let main =
~keys:[Functoria_key.abstract table_size]
package "vchan" ~min:"4.0.2";
package "cstruct";
package "astring";
package "tcpip" ~min:"3.7.0";
package "arp";
package "arp-mirage";
package "ethernet";
package "mirage-protocols";
package "shared-memory-ring" ~min:"3.0.0";
package "netchannel" ~min:"1.11.0" ~pin:"git+https://github.com/mirage/mirage-net-xen.git";
package "mirage-net-xen";
package "ipaddr" ~min:"3.0.0";
package "mirage-qubes";
package "mirage-nat" ~min:"1.2.0";
package "mirage-logs";
"Unikernel.Main" (mclock @-> job)
let () =
register "qubes-firewall" [main $ default_monotonic_clock]