(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard See the README file for details. *) open Utils let src = Logs.Src.create "router" ~doc:"Router" module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG) (* The routing table *) type t = { client_eth : Client_eth.t; mutable nat : Nat_lookup.t; uplink : interface; } let create ~client_eth ~uplink = let nat = Nat_lookup.empty () in { client_eth; nat; uplink } let target t buf = let open Wire_structs.Ipv4_wire in let dst_ip = get_ipv4_dst buf |> Ipaddr.V4.of_int32 in match Client_eth.lookup t.client_eth dst_ip with | Some client_link -> Some (client_link :> interface) | None -> Some t.uplink let add_client t = Client_eth.add_client t.client_eth let remove_client t = Client_eth.remove_client t.client_eth let classify t ip = if ip = Ipaddr.V4 t.uplink#my_ip then `Firewall_uplink else if ip = Ipaddr.V4 t.uplink#other_ip then `NetVM else (Client_eth.classify t.client_eth ip :> Packet.host) let resolve t = function | `Firewall_uplink -> Ipaddr.V4 t.uplink#my_ip | `NetVM -> Ipaddr.V4 t.uplink#other_ip | #Client_eth.host as host -> Client_eth.resolve t.client_eth host (* To avoid needing to allocate a new NAT table when we've run out of memory, pre-allocate the new one ahead of time. *) let next_nat = ref (Nat_lookup.empty ()) let reset t = t.nat <- !next_nat; (* (at this point, the big old NAT table can be GC'd, so allocating a new one should be OK) *) next_nat := Nat_lookup.empty ()