(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard See the README file for details. *) open Utils let src = Logs.Src.create "client_eth" ~doc:"Ethernet for NetVM clients" module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG) type t = { mutable iface_of_ip : client_link IpMap.t; prefix : Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.t; client_gw : Ipaddr.V4.t; (* The IP that clients are given as their default gateway. *) } let create ~prefix ~client_gw = { iface_of_ip = IpMap.empty; client_gw; prefix } let prefix t = t.prefix let add_client t iface = let ip = iface#other_ip in assert (Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.mem ip t.prefix); (* TODO: Should probably wait for the previous client to disappear. *) (* assert (not (IpMap.mem ip t.iface_of_ip)); *) t.iface_of_ip <- t.iface_of_ip |> IpMap.add ip iface let remove_client t iface = let ip = iface#other_ip in assert (IpMap.mem ip t.iface_of_ip); t.iface_of_ip <- t.iface_of_ip |> IpMap.remove ip let lookup t ip = IpMap.find ip t.iface_of_ip let classify t = function | Ipaddr.V6 _ -> `External | Ipaddr.V4 ip -> if ip === t.client_gw then `Client_gateway else match lookup t ip with | Some client_link -> `Client client_link | None when Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.mem ip t.prefix -> `Unknown_client | None -> `External module ARP = struct type arp = { net : t; client_link : client_link; } let lookup t ip = if ip === t.net.client_gw then Some t.client_link#my_mac else match IpMap.find ip t.net.iface_of_ip with | Some client_iface -> Some client_iface#other_mac | None -> None let create ~net client_link = {net; client_link} type arp_msg = { op: [ `Request |`Reply |`Unknown of int ]; sha: Macaddr.t; spa: Ipaddr.V4.t; tha: Macaddr.t; tpa: Ipaddr.V4.t; } let to_wire arp = let open Arpv4_wire in (* Obtain a buffer to write into *) let buf = Cstruct.create (Wire_structs.sizeof_ethernet + sizeof_arp) in (* Write the ARP packet *) let dmac = Macaddr.to_bytes arp.tha in let smac = Macaddr.to_bytes arp.sha in let spa = Ipaddr.V4.to_int32 arp.spa in let tpa = Ipaddr.V4.to_int32 arp.tpa in let op = match arp.op with |`Request -> 1 |`Reply -> 2 |`Unknown n -> n in Wire_structs.set_ethernet_dst dmac 0 buf; Wire_structs.set_ethernet_src smac 0 buf; Wire_structs.set_ethernet_ethertype buf 0x0806; (* ARP *) let arpbuf = Cstruct.shift buf 14 in set_arp_htype arpbuf 1; set_arp_ptype arpbuf 0x0800; (* IPv4 *) set_arp_hlen arpbuf 6; (* ethernet mac size *) set_arp_plen arpbuf 4; (* ipv4 size *) set_arp_op arpbuf op; set_arp_sha smac 0 arpbuf; set_arp_spa arpbuf spa; set_arp_tha dmac 0 arpbuf; set_arp_tpa arpbuf tpa; buf let input_query t frame = let open Arpv4_wire in let req_ipv4 = Ipaddr.V4.of_int32 (get_arp_tpa frame) in Log.info "who-has %s?" (fun f -> f (Ipaddr.V4.to_string req_ipv4)); if req_ipv4 === t.client_link#other_ip then ( Log.info "ignoring request for client's own IP" Logs.unit; None ) else match lookup t req_ipv4 with | None -> Log.info "unknown address; not responding" Logs.unit; None | Some req_mac -> Log.info "responding to: who-has %s?" (fun f -> f (Ipaddr.V4.to_string req_ipv4)); Some (to_wire { op = `Reply; (* The Target Hardware Address and IP are copied from the request *) tha = Macaddr.of_bytes_exn (copy_arp_sha frame); tpa = Ipaddr.V4.of_int32 (get_arp_spa frame); sha = req_mac; spa = req_ipv4; }) let input_gratuitous t frame = let open Arpv4_wire in let spa = Ipaddr.V4.of_int32 (get_arp_spa frame) in let sha = Macaddr.of_bytes_exn (copy_arp_sha frame) in match lookup t spa with | Some real_mac when Macaddr.compare sha real_mac = 0 -> Log.info "client suggests updating %s -> %s (as expected)" (fun f -> f (Ipaddr.V4.to_string spa) (Macaddr.to_string sha)); | Some other_mac -> Log.warn "client suggests incorrect update %s -> %s (should be %s)" (fun f -> f (Ipaddr.V4.to_string spa) (Macaddr.to_string sha) (Macaddr.to_string other_mac)); | None -> Log.warn "client suggests incorrect update %s -> %s (unexpected IP)" (fun f -> f (Ipaddr.V4.to_string spa) (Macaddr.to_string sha)) let input t frame = match Arpv4_wire.get_arp_op frame with |1 -> input_query t frame |2 -> input_gratuitous t frame; None |n -> Log.warn "unknown message %d - ignored" (fun f -> f n); None end