(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard See the README file for details. *) (** Wrapper for XenStore and QubesDB databases. *) module ClientVif : sig type t = { domid : int; device_id : int; } val pp : t Fmt.t end module VifMap : sig include Map.S with type key = ClientVif.t val find : key -> 'a t -> 'a option end val watch_clients : (Ipaddr.V4.t VifMap.t -> unit) -> 'a Lwt.t (** [watch_clients fn] calls [fn clients] with the list of backend clients in XenStore, and again each time XenStore updates. *) type network_config = { netvm_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t; (* The IP address of NetVM (our gateway) *) our_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t; (* The IP address of our interface to NetVM *) dns : Ipaddr.V4.t; dns2 : Ipaddr.V4.t; } val read_network_config : Qubes.DB.t -> network_config Lwt.t (** [read_network_config db] fetches the configuration from QubesDB. If it isn't there yet, it waits until it is. *) val db_root : Ipaddr.V4.t -> string (** Returns the root path of the firewall rules in the QubesDB for a given IP address. *) val read_rules : string Qubes.DB.KeyMap.t -> Ipaddr.V4.t -> Pf_qubes.Parse_qubes.rule list (** [read_rules bindings ip] extracts firewall rule information for [ip] from [bindings]. If any rules fail to parse, it will return only one rule denying all traffic. *) val update_network_config : network_config -> network_config -> network_config Lwt.t val print_network_config : network_config -> unit val set_iptables_error : Qubes.DB.t -> string -> unit Lwt.t