(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard See the README file for details. *) open Fw_utils open Packet open Lwt.Infix let src = Logs.Src.create "firewall" ~doc:"Packet handler" module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG) (* Transmission *) let transmit_ipv4 packet iface = Lwt.catch (fun () -> let transport = Nat_packet.to_cstruct packet in Lwt.catch (fun () -> iface#writev Ethif_wire.IPv4 transport) (fun ex -> Log.warn (fun f -> f "Failed to write packet to %a: %s" Ipaddr.V4.pp_hum iface#other_ip (Printexc.to_string ex)); Lwt.return () ) ) (fun ex -> Log.err (fun f -> f "Exception in transmit_ipv4: %s for:@.%a" (Printexc.to_string ex) Nat_packet.pp packet ); Lwt.return () ) let forward_ipv4 t packet = let `IPv4 (ip, _) = packet in match Router.target t ip with | Some iface -> transmit_ipv4 packet iface | None -> return () (* Packet classification *) let classify t packet = let `IPv4 (ip, transport) = packet in let proto = match transport with | `TCP ({Tcp.Tcp_packet.src_port; dst_port; _}, _) -> `TCP {sport = src_port; dport = dst_port} | `UDP ({Udp_packet.src_port; dst_port; _}, _) -> `UDP {sport = src_port; dport = dst_port} | `ICMP _ -> `ICMP in Some { packet; src = Router.classify t (Ipaddr.V4 ip.Ipv4_packet.src); dst = Router.classify t (Ipaddr.V4 ip.Ipv4_packet.dst); proto; } let pp_ports fmt {sport; dport} = Format.fprintf fmt "sport=%d dport=%d" sport dport let pp_host fmt = function | `Client c -> Ipaddr.V4.pp_hum fmt (c#other_ip) | `Unknown_client ip -> Format.fprintf fmt "unknown-client(%a)" Ipaddr.pp_hum ip | `NetVM -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "net-vm" | `External ip -> Format.fprintf fmt "external(%a)" Ipaddr.pp_hum ip | `Firewall_uplink -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "firewall(uplink)" | `Client_gateway -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "firewall(client-gw)" let pp_proto fmt = function | `UDP ports -> Format.fprintf fmt "UDP(%a)" pp_ports ports | `TCP ports -> Format.fprintf fmt "TCP(%a)" pp_ports ports | `ICMP -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "ICMP" | `Unknown -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "UnknownProtocol" let pp_packet fmt {src; dst; proto; packet = _} = Format.fprintf fmt "[src=%a dst=%a proto=%a]" pp_host src pp_host dst pp_proto proto (* NAT *) let translate t packet = My_nat.translate t.Router.nat packet (* Add a NAT rule for the endpoints in this frame, via a random port on the firewall. *) let add_nat_and_forward_ipv4 t packet = let xl_host = t.Router.uplink#my_ip in My_nat.add_nat_rule_and_translate t.Router.nat ~xl_host `NAT packet >>= function | Ok packet -> forward_ipv4 t packet | Error e -> Log.warn (fun f -> f "Failed to add NAT rewrite rule: %s" e); Lwt.return () (* Add a NAT rule to redirect this conversation to [host:port] instead of us. *) let nat_to t ~host ~port packet = match Router.resolve t host with | Ipaddr.V6 _ -> Log.warn (fun f -> f "Cannot NAT with IPv6"); Lwt.return () | Ipaddr.V4 target -> let xl_host = t.Router.uplink#my_ip in My_nat.add_nat_rule_and_translate t.Router.nat ~xl_host (`Redirect (target, port)) packet >>= function | Ok packet -> forward_ipv4 t packet | Error e -> Log.warn (fun f -> f "Failed to add NAT redirect rule: %s" e); Lwt.return () (* Handle incoming packets *) let apply_rules t rules info = let packet = info.packet in match rules info, info.dst with | `Accept, `Client client_link -> transmit_ipv4 packet client_link | `Accept, (`External _ | `NetVM) -> transmit_ipv4 packet t.Router.uplink | `Accept, (`Firewall_uplink | `Client_gateway) -> Log.warn (fun f -> f "Bad rule: firewall can't accept packets %a" pp_packet info); return () | `NAT, _ -> add_nat_and_forward_ipv4 t packet | `NAT_to (host, port), _ -> nat_to t packet ~host ~port | `Drop reason, _ -> Log.info (fun f -> f "Dropped packet (%s) %a" reason pp_packet info); return () let handle_low_memory t = match Memory_pressure.status () with | `Memory_critical -> (* TODO: should happen before copying and async *) Log.warn (fun f -> f "Memory low - dropping packet and resetting NAT table"); My_nat.reset t.Router.nat >|= fun () -> `Memory_critical | `Ok -> Lwt.return `Ok let ipv4_from_client t packet = handle_low_memory t >>= function | `Memory_critical -> return () | `Ok -> (* Check for existing NAT entry for this packet *) translate t packet >>= function | Some frame -> forward_ipv4 t frame (* Some existing connection or redirect *) | None -> (* No existing NAT entry. Check the firewall rules. *) match classify t packet with | None -> return () | Some info -> apply_rules t Rules.from_client info let ipv4_from_netvm t packet = handle_low_memory t >>= function | `Memory_critical -> return () | `Ok -> match classify t packet with | None -> return () | Some info -> match info.src with | `Client _ | `Firewall_uplink | `Client_gateway -> Log.warn (fun f -> f "Frame from NetVM has internal source IP address! %a" pp_packet info); return () | `External _ | `NetVM -> translate t packet >>= function | Some frame -> forward_ipv4 t frame | None -> apply_rules t Rules.from_netvm info