(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard See the README file for details. *) open Lwt.Infix open Utils module Eth = Ethif.Make(Netif) let src = Logs.Src.create "uplink" ~doc:"Network connection to NetVM" module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG) module Make(Clock : V1.CLOCK) = struct module Arp = Arpv4.Make(Eth)(Clock)(OS.Time) module IPv4 = Ipv4.Make(Eth)(Arp) type t = { net : Netif.t; eth : Eth.t; arp : Arp.t; interface : interface; } class netvm_iface eth mac ~my_ip ~other_ip : interface = object val queue = FrameQ.create (Ipaddr.V4.to_string other_ip) method my_mac = Eth.mac eth method my_ip = my_ip method other_ip = other_ip method writev ip = FrameQ.send queue (fun () -> mac >>= fun dst -> let eth_hdr = eth_header_ipv4 ~src:(Eth.mac eth) ~dst in Eth.writev eth (eth_hdr :: ip) ) end let listen t router = Netif.listen t.net (fun frame -> (* Handle one Ethernet frame from NetVM *) Eth.input t.eth ~arpv4:(Arp.input t.arp) ~ipv4:(fun _ip -> Firewall.ipv4_from_netvm router frame) ~ipv6:(fun _ip -> return ()) frame ) let interface t = t.interface let connect config = let ip = config.Dao.uplink_our_ip in Netif.connect "tap0" >>= or_fail "Can't connect uplink device" >>= fun net -> Eth.connect net >>= or_fail "Can't make Ethernet device for tap" >>= fun eth -> Arp.connect eth >>= or_fail "Can't add ARP" >>= fun arp -> Arp.add_ip arp ip >>= fun () -> let netvm_mac = Arp.query arp config.Dao.uplink_netvm_ip >|= function | `Timeout -> failwith "ARP timeout getting MAC of our NetVM" | `Ok netvm_mac -> netvm_mac in let interface = new netvm_iface eth netvm_mac ~my_ip:ip ~other_ip:config.Dao.uplink_netvm_ip in return { net; eth; arp; interface } end