(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard See the README file for details. *) (** Put your firewall rules here. *) open Packet (* OCaml normally warns if you don't match all fields, but that's OK here. *) [@@@ocaml.warning "-9"] (* List your AppVM IP addresses here if you want to match on them in the rules below. Any client not listed here will appear as [`Client `Unknown]. *) let clients = [ (* "", `Dev; "", `Untrusted; *) ] (* List your external (non-AppVM) IP addresses here if you want to match on them in the rules below. Any external machine not listed here will appear as [`External `Unknown]. *) let externals = [ (* "", `GoogleDNS; *) ] (** Decide what to do with a packet from a client VM. Note: If the packet matched an existing NAT rule then this isn't called. *) let from_client (info : _ info) : action = match info with (* Examples (add your own rules here): *) (* | { src = `Client `Dev; dst = `Client `Untrusted; proto = `TCP { dport = 22 } } -> `Accept | { src = `Client _; dst = `Client _; proto = `TCP _; packet } when not (is_tcp_start packet) -> `Accept | { dst = `External `GoogleDNS } -> `Drop "block Google DNS" *) | { dst = (`External _ | `NetVM) } -> `NAT | { dst = `Client_gateway; proto = `UDP { dport = 53 } } -> `NAT_to (`NetVM, 53) | { dst = (`Client_gateway | `Firewall_uplink) } -> `Drop "packet addressed to firewall itself" | { dst = `Client _ } -> `Drop "prevent communication between client VMs by default" (** Decide what to do with a packet received from the outside world. Note: If the packet matched an existing NAT rule then this isn't called. *) let from_netvm (info : _ info) : action = match info with | _ -> `Drop "drop by default"