mirror of
synced 2025-01-29 15:43:34 -05:00
Split database access into its own module
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard <thomas.leonard@unikernel.com>
See the README file for details. *)
open Lwt.Infix
open Utils
open Qubes
type client_vif = {
domid : int;
device_id : int;
client_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t;
let client_vifs domid =
let path = Printf.sprintf "backend/vif/%d" domid in
OS.Xs.make () >>= fun xs ->
OS.Xs.immediate xs (fun h ->
OS.Xs.directory h path >>=
Lwt_list.map_p (fun device_id ->
let device_id = int_of_string device_id in
OS.Xs.read h (Printf.sprintf "%s/%d/ip" path device_id) >|= fun client_ip ->
let client_ip = Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn client_ip in
{ domid; device_id; client_ip }
let watch_clients fn =
OS.Xs.make () >>= fun xs ->
let backend_vifs = "backend/vif" in
OS.Xs.wait xs (fun handle ->
begin Lwt.catch
(fun () -> OS.Xs.directory handle backend_vifs)
| Xs_protocol.Enoent _ -> return []
| ex -> fail ex)
end >>= fun items ->
let items = items |> List.fold_left (fun acc key -> IntSet.add (int_of_string key) acc) IntSet.empty in
fn items;
(* Wait for further updates *)
fail Xs_protocol.Eagain
type network_config = {
uplink_prefix : Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.t; (* The network connecting us to NetVM *)
uplink_netvm_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t; (* The IP address of NetVM (our gateway) *)
uplink_our_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t; (* The IP address of our interface to NetVM *)
clients_prefix : Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.t; (* The network connecting our client VMs to us *)
clients_our_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t; (* The IP address of our interface to our client VMs (their gateway) *)
let read_network_config qubesDB =
let get name =
match DB.read qubesDB name with
| None -> raise (error "QubesDB key %S not present" name)
| Some value -> value in
let uplink_our_ip = get "/qubes-ip" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn in
let uplink_netmask = get "/qubes-netmask" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn in
let uplink_prefix = Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.of_netmask uplink_netmask uplink_our_ip in
let uplink_netvm_ip = get "/qubes-gateway" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn in
let clients_prefix =
(* This is oddly named: seems to be the network we provide to our clients *)
let client_network = get "/qubes-netvm-network" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn in
let client_netmask = get "/qubes-netvm-netmask" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn in
Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.of_netmask client_netmask client_network in
let clients_our_ip = get "/qubes-netvm-gateway" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn in
{ uplink_prefix; uplink_netvm_ip; uplink_our_ip; clients_prefix; clients_our_ip }
let set_iptables_error db = Qubes.DB.write db "/qubes-iptables-error"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard <thomas.leonard@unikernel.com>
See the README file for details. *)
(** Wrapper for XenStore and QubesDB databases. *)
open Utils
type client_vif = {
domid : int;
device_id : int;
client_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t;
val watch_clients : (IntSet.t -> unit) -> 'a Lwt.t
(** [watch_clients fn] calls [fn clients] with the current set of backend client domain IDs
in XenStore, and again each time the set changes. *)
val client_vifs : int -> client_vif list Lwt.t
(** [client_vif domid] is the list of network interfaces to the client VM [domid]. *)
type network_config = {
uplink_prefix : Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.t; (* The network connecting us to NetVM *)
uplink_netvm_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t; (* The IP address of NetVM (our gateway) *)
uplink_our_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t; (* The IP address of our interface to NetVM *)
clients_prefix : Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.t; (* The network connecting our client VMs to us *)
clients_our_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t; (* The IP address of our interface to our client VMs (their gateway) *)
val read_network_config : Qubes.DB.t -> network_config
val set_iptables_error : Qubes.DB.t -> string -> unit Lwt.t
@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
open Lwt.Infix
open Utils
open Qubes
module StringMap = Map.Make(String)
module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
module Eth = Ethif.Make(Netif)
@ -61,16 +57,11 @@ module Make(Clock : V1.CLOCK) = struct
ClientEth.writev eth (fixup_checksums (Cstruct.concat (eth_hdr :: ip)))
let random_user_port () =
1024 + Random.int (0xffff - 1024)
let pp_ip4 = Ipaddr.V4.pp_hum
let or_fail msg = function
| `Ok x -> return x
| `Error _ -> fail (Failure msg)
let clients : Cleanup.t StringMap.t ref = ref StringMap.empty
let clients : Cleanup.t IntMap.t ref = ref IntMap.empty
let forward_ipv4 router buf =
match Memory_pressure.status () with
@ -84,21 +75,16 @@ module Make(Clock : V1.CLOCK) = struct
let start_client ~router domid =
let cleanup_tasks = Cleanup.create () in
Log.info "start_client in domain %s" (fun f -> f domid);
Log.info "start_client in domain %d" (fun f -> f domid);
Lwt.async (fun () ->
Lwt.catch (fun () ->
let domid = int_of_string domid in
let path = Printf.sprintf "backend/vif/%d" domid in
OS.Xs.make () >>= fun xs ->
OS.Xs.immediate xs (fun h ->
OS.Xs.directory h path >>= function
| [] -> return None
| device_id :: others ->
if others <> [] then Log.warn "Client has multiple interfaces; using first" Logs.unit;
let device_id = int_of_string device_id in
OS.Xs.read h (Printf.sprintf "%s/%d/ip" path device_id) >>= fun client_ip ->
Netback.make ~domid ~device_id >|= fun backend ->
Some (backend, Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn client_ip)
Dao.client_vifs domid >>= (function
| [] -> return None
| vif :: others ->
if others <> [] then Log.warn "Client has multiple interfaces; using first" Logs.unit;
let { Dao.domid; device_id; client_ip } = vif in
Netback.make ~domid ~device_id >|= fun backend ->
Some (backend, client_ip)
) >>= function
| None -> Log.warn "Client has no interfaces" Logs.unit; return ()
| Some (backend, client_ip) ->
@ -131,60 +117,37 @@ module Make(Clock : V1.CLOCK) = struct
(fun ex ->
Log.warn "Error connecting client domain %s: %s"
Log.warn "Error connecting client domain %d: %s"
(fun f -> f domid (Printexc.to_string ex));
return ()
let watch_clients ~router xs =
let watch_clients router =
let backend_vifs = "backend/vif" in
Log.info "Watching %s" (fun f -> f backend_vifs);
Xs.wait xs (fun handle ->
begin Lwt.catch
(fun () -> Xs.directory handle backend_vifs)
| Xs_protocol.Enoent _ -> return []
| ex -> fail ex)
end >>= fun items ->
Log.debug "Items: %s" (fun f -> f (String.concat ", " items));
let new_set = items
|> List.fold_left (fun acc key -> StringSet.add key acc) StringSet.empty in
Dao.watch_clients (fun new_set ->
(* Check for removed clients *)
!clients |> StringMap.iter (fun key cleanup ->
if not (StringSet.mem key new_set) then (
clients := !clients |> StringMap.remove key;
Log.info "stop_client %S" (fun f -> f key);
!clients |> IntMap.iter (fun key cleanup ->
if not (IntSet.mem key new_set) then (
clients := !clients |> IntMap.remove key;
Log.info "stop_client %d" (fun f -> f key);
Cleanup.cleanup cleanup
(* Check for added clients *)
new_set |> StringSet.iter (fun key ->
if not (StringMap.mem key !clients) then (
new_set |> IntSet.iter (fun key ->
if not (IntMap.mem key !clients) then (
let cleanup = start_client ~router key in
clients := !clients |> StringMap.add key cleanup
clients := !clients |> IntMap.add key cleanup
(* Wait for further updates *)
fail Xs_protocol.Eagain
let connect qubesDB ~xs =
let connect_uplink config =
let nat_table = Nat_lookup.empty () in
let get name =
match DB.read qubesDB name with
| None -> raise (error "QubesDB key %S not present" name)
| Some value -> value in
let ip = get "/qubes-ip" |> Ipaddr.of_string_exn in
(* let netmask = get "/qubes-netmask" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn in *)
let gateway = get "/qubes-gateway" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn in
(* This is oddly named: seems to be the network we provde to our clients *)
let client_prefix =
let client_network = get "/qubes-netvm-network" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn in
let client_netmask = get "/qubes-netvm-netmask" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn in
Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.of_netmask client_netmask client_network in
let client_gw = get "/qubes-netvm-gateway" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn in
let ip = config.Dao.uplink_our_ip in
Netif.connect "tap0" >>= function
| `Error (`Unknown msg) -> failwith msg
| `Error `Disconnected -> failwith "Disconnected"
@ -192,24 +155,15 @@ module Make(Clock : V1.CLOCK) = struct
| `Ok net0 ->
Eth.connect net0 >>= or_fail "Can't make Ethernet device for tap" >>= fun eth0 ->
Arp.connect eth0 >>= or_fail "Can't add ARP" >>= fun arp0 ->
match Ipaddr.to_v4 ip with
| None -> failwith "Don't have an IPv4 address!"
| Some ip4 ->
Arp.add_ip arp0 ip4 >>= fun () ->
DB.write qubesDB "/qubes-iptables-error" "" >>= fun () ->
Logs.info "Client (internal) network is %a"
(fun f -> f Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.pp_hum client_prefix);
let netvm_iface =
let netvm_mac = Arp.query arp0 gateway >|= function
| `Timeout -> failwith "ARP timeout getting MAC of our NetVM"
| `Ok netvm_mac -> netvm_mac in
new netvm_iface eth0 ip netvm_mac nat_table in
let client_net = Client_net.create ~client_gw ~prefix:client_prefix in
let router = Router.create ~default_gateway:netvm_iface ~client_net in
let clients = watch_clients ~router xs in
let wan =
Arp.add_ip arp0 ip >>= fun () ->
let netvm_mac = Arp.query arp0 config.Dao.uplink_netvm_ip >|= function
| `Timeout -> failwith "ARP timeout getting MAC of our NetVM"
| `Ok netvm_mac -> netvm_mac in
let ip46 = Ipaddr.V4 ip in
let iface = new netvm_iface eth0 ip46 netvm_mac nat_table in
let listen router =
let unnat frame _ip =
match Nat_rules.nat ip nat_table Nat_rewrite.Destination frame with
match Nat_rules.nat ip46 nat_table Nat_rewrite.Destination frame with
| None ->
Log.debug "Discarding unexpected frame" Logs.unit;
return ()
@ -223,5 +177,22 @@ module Make(Clock : V1.CLOCK) = struct
~ipv6:(fun _buf -> return ())
eth0 frame
) in
Lwt.join [clients; wan]
return (iface, listen)
let connect qubesDB =
let config = Dao.read_network_config qubesDB in
connect_uplink config >>= fun (netvm_iface, netvm_listen) ->
Dao.set_iptables_error qubesDB "" >>= fun () ->
Logs.info "Client (internal) network is %a"
(fun f -> f Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.pp_hum config.Dao.clients_prefix);
let client_net = Client_net.create
~prefix:config.Dao.clients_prefix in
let router = Router.create
~client_net in
Lwt.join [
watch_clients router;
netvm_listen router
@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ module Main (Clock : V1.CLOCK) = struct
(* Watch for shutdown requests from Qubes *)
let shutdown_rq = OS.Lifecycle.await_shutdown () >|= function `Poweroff | `Reboot -> () in
(* Set up networking *)
OS.Xs.make () >>= fun xs ->
let net = N.connect ~xs qubesDB in
let net = N.connect qubesDB in
(* Run until something fails or we get a shutdown request. *)
Lwt.choose [agent_listener; net; shutdown_rq] >>= fun () ->
(* Give the console daemon time to show any final log messages. *)
@ -10,6 +10,14 @@ module IpMap = struct
with Not_found -> None
module Int = struct
type t = int
let compare (a:t) (b:t) = compare a b
module IntSet = Set.Make(Int)
module IntMap = Map.Make(Int)
(** An Ethernet interface. *)
class type interface = object
method my_mac : Macaddr.t
Reference in New Issue
Block a user