mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 11:59:17 -05:00
Update to new mirage-nat API
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ addons:
- time
- libxen-dev
- OCAML_VERSION=4.04 MIRAGE_BACKEND=xen PINS="mirage-nat:https://github.com/talex5/mirage-nat.git#mirage3"
- OCAML_VERSION=4.04 MIRAGE_BACKEND=xen PINS="mirage-nat:https://github.com/talex5/mirage-nat.git#cleanup"
@ -2,19 +2,20 @@
# It will probably still work on newer images, though, unless Debian 8
# changes some compiler optimisations (unlikely).
#FROM ocaml/opam:debian-8_ocaml-4.03.0
FROM ocaml/opam@sha256:28efab6a5535a517aa719ba5ac6d2e6fddd4831afaeabf5eee6470717eda9cca
FROM ocaml/opam@sha256:72ebf516fca7a9464db2136f2dcf2a58d09547669b60f3643a8329768febaed6
# Pin last known-good version for reproducible builds.
# Remove this line (and the base image pin above) if you want to test with the
# latest versions.
RUN cd opam-repository && git reset --hard 0f17b354206c97e729700ce60ddce3789ccb1d52 && opam update
RUN cd opam-repository && git reset --hard 8f4d15eae94dfe6f70a66a7572a21a0c60d9f4f4 && opam update
RUN sudo apt-get install -y m4 libxen-dev
RUN opam install -y vchan xen-gnt mirage-xen-ocaml mirage-xen-minios io-page mirage-xen mirage
RUN opam pin add -n -y mirage-nat 'https://github.com/talex5/mirage-nat.git#simplify-checksum'
RUN opam pin add -n -y tcpip 'https://github.com/talex5/mirage-tcpip.git#fix-length-checks'
RUN opam pin add -n -y mirage-nat 'https://github.com/talex5/mirage-nat.git#cleanup'
RUN mkdir /home/opam/qubes-mirage-firewall
ADD config.ml /home/opam/qubes-mirage-firewall/config.ml
WORKDIR /home/opam/qubes-mirage-firewall
RUN opam config exec -- mirage configure --xen
CMD opam config exec -- mirage configure --xen --no-opam && \
RUN opam config exec -- mirage configure -t xen && make depend
CMD opam config exec -- mirage configure -t xen && \
opam config exec -- make tar
@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ This took about 10 minutes on my laptop (it will be much quicker if you run it a
2. Install mirage, pinning a few unreleased features we need:
opam pin add -y mirage-nat 'https://github.com/talex5/mirage-nat.git#mirage3'
opam pin add -n -y tcpip 'https://github.com/talex5/mirage-tcpip.git#fix-length-checks'
opam pin add -y mirage-nat 'https://github.com/talex5/mirage-nat.git#cleanup'
opam install mirage
3. Build mirage-firewall:
@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ echo Building Docker image with dependencies..
docker build -t qubes-mirage-firewall .
echo Building Firewall...
docker run --rm -i -v `pwd`:/home/opam/qubes-mirage-firewall qubes-mirage-firewall
echo "SHA2 of build: $(sha256sum mir-qubes-firewall.xen)"
echo "SHA2 last known: f0c1a06fc4b02b494c81972dc89419af6cffa73b75839c0e8ee3798d77bf69b3"
echo "SHA2 of build: $(sha256sum qubes_firewall.xen)"
echo "SHA2 last known: 45b82182341237ca9e754636f771ef3f4c93824212d1a76520a8a79bbee18668"
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ let clients : Cleanup.t Dao.VifMap.t ref = ref Dao.VifMap.empty
let input_arp ~fixed_arp ~iface request =
match Arpv4_packet.Unmarshal.of_cstruct request with
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "ignored unknown ARP message: %a" Arpv4_packet.Unmarshal.pp_error e);
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Ignored unknown ARP message: %a" Arpv4_packet.Unmarshal.pp_error e);
Lwt.return ()
| Ok arp ->
match Client_eth.ARP.input fixed_arp arp with
@ -55,13 +55,14 @@ let input_arp ~fixed_arp ~iface request =
(** Handle an IPv4 packet from the client. *)
let input_ipv4 ~client_ip ~router packet =
match Ipv4_packet.Unmarshal.of_cstruct packet with
match Nat_packet.of_ipv4_packet packet with
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "ignored unknown IPv4 message: %s" e);
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Ignored unknown IPv4 message: %a" Nat_packet.pp_error e);
Lwt.return ()
| Ok (ip, payload) ->
| Ok packet ->
let `IPv4 (ip, _) = packet in
let src = ip.Ipv4_packet.src in
if src = client_ip then Firewall.ipv4_from_client router (ip, payload)
if src = client_ip then Firewall.ipv4_from_client router packet
else (
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Incorrect source IP %a in IP packet from %a (dropping)"
Ipaddr.V4.pp_hum src Ipaddr.V4.pp_hum client_ip);
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)
(* Transmission *)
let transmit (ip, payload) iface =
let packet = Ipv4_packet.Marshal.make_cstruct ~payload ip in
let transmit_ipv4 packet iface =
let headers, payload = Nat_packet.make_headers_cstruct packet in
(fun () -> iface#writev Ethif_wire.IPv4 [packet; payload])
(fun () -> iface#writev Ethif_wire.IPv4 [headers; payload])
(fun ex ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Failed to write packet to %a: %s"
Ipaddr.V4.pp_hum iface#other_ip
@ -21,42 +21,23 @@ let transmit (ip, payload) iface =
Lwt.return ()
let forward_ipv4 t (ip, packet) =
let forward_ipv4 t packet =
let `IPv4 (ip, _) = packet in
match Router.target t ip with
| Some iface -> transmit (ip, packet) iface
| Some iface -> transmit_ipv4 packet iface
| None -> return ()
(* Packet classification *)
let classify_tcp trans =
match Tcp.Tcp_packet.Unmarshal.of_cstruct trans with
| Error e ->
Log.info (fun f -> f "Failed to parse TCP packet: %s" e);
| Ok (tcp, _payload) ->
let sport = tcp.Tcp.Tcp_packet.src_port in
let dport = tcp.Tcp.Tcp_packet.dst_port in
`TCP {sport; dport}
let classify_udp trans =
match Udp_packet.Unmarshal.of_cstruct trans with
| Error e ->
Log.info (fun f -> f "Failed to parse UDP packet: %s" e);
| Ok (udp, _payload) ->
let sport = udp.Udp_packet.src_port in
let dport = udp.Udp_packet.dst_port in
`UDP {sport; dport}
let classify t (ip, transport) =
let classify t packet =
let `IPv4 (ip, transport) = packet in
let proto =
match ip.Ipv4_packet.proto |> Ipv4_packet.Unmarshal.int_to_protocol with
| Some `ICMP -> `ICMP
| Some `TCP -> classify_tcp transport
| Some `UDP -> classify_udp transport
| None -> `Unknown in
match transport with
| `TCP ({Tcp.Tcp_packet.src_port; dst_port; _}, _) -> `TCP {sport = src_port; dport = dst_port}
| `UDP ({Udp_packet.src_port; dst_port; _}, _) -> `UDP {sport = src_port; dport = dst_port}
Some {
packet = (ip, transport);
src = Router.classify t (Ipaddr.V4 ip.Ipv4_packet.src);
dst = Router.classify t (Ipaddr.V4 ip.Ipv4_packet.dst);
@ -114,8 +95,8 @@ let nat_to t ~host ~port packet =
let apply_rules t rules info =
let packet = info.packet in
match rules info, info.dst with
| `Accept, `Client client_link -> transmit packet client_link
| `Accept, (`External _ | `NetVM) -> transmit packet t.Router.uplink
| `Accept, `Client client_link -> transmit_ipv4 packet client_link
| `Accept, (`External _ | `NetVM) -> transmit_ipv4 packet t.Router.uplink
| `Accept, (`Firewall_uplink | `Client_gateway) ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Bad rule: firewall can't accept packets %a" pp_packet info);
return ()
@ -133,24 +114,24 @@ let handle_low_memory t =
| `Ok -> Lwt.return `Ok
let ipv4_from_client t (ip, payload) =
let ipv4_from_client t packet =
handle_low_memory t >>= function
| `Memory_critical -> return ()
| `Ok ->
(* Check for existing NAT entry for this packet *)
translate t (ip, payload) >>= function
translate t packet >>= function
| Some frame -> forward_ipv4 t frame (* Some existing connection or redirect *)
| None ->
(* No existing NAT entry. Check the firewall rules. *)
match classify t (ip, payload) with
match classify t packet with
| None -> return ()
| Some info -> apply_rules t Rules.from_client info
let ipv4_from_netvm t (ip, payload) =
let ipv4_from_netvm t packet =
handle_low_memory t >>= function
| `Memory_critical -> return ()
| `Ok ->
match classify t (ip, payload) with
match classify t packet with
| None -> return ()
| Some info ->
match info.src with
@ -158,7 +139,7 @@ let ipv4_from_netvm t (ip, payload) =
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Frame from NetVM has internal source IP address! %a" pp_packet info);
return ()
| `External _ | `NetVM ->
translate t (ip, payload) >>= function
translate t packet >>= function
| Some frame -> forward_ipv4 t frame
| None ->
apply_rules t Rules.from_netvm info
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
(** Classify IP packets, apply rules and send as appropriate. *)
val ipv4_from_netvm : Router.t -> Ipv4_packet.t * Cstruct.t -> unit Lwt.t
val ipv4_from_netvm : Router.t -> Nat_packet.t -> unit Lwt.t
(** Handle a packet from the outside world (this module will validate the source IP). *)
val ipv4_from_client : Router.t -> Ipv4_packet.t * Cstruct.t -> unit Lwt.t
val ipv4_from_client : Router.t -> Nat_packet.t -> unit Lwt.t
(** Handle a packet from a client. Caller must check the source IP matches the client's
before calling this. *)
@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ type action = [
| `Redirect of Ipaddr.t * int
type packet = Ipv4_packet.t * Cstruct.t
(* To avoid needing to allocate a new NAT table when we've run out of
memory, pre-allocate the new one ahead of time. *)
type 'a with_standby = {
@ -35,21 +33,10 @@ let fake_ipv4_eth =
let dontcare = Macaddr.broadcast in
Fw_utils.eth_header Ethif_wire.IPv4 ~src:dontcare ~dst:dontcare
let translate (Nat ((module Nat), _, table)) (ip, payload) =
(* XXX: change Nat.translate API *)
let packet = Ipv4_packet.Marshal.make_cstruct ~payload ip in
let frame = Cstruct.concat [
] in
Nat.translate table.current frame >|= function
let translate (Nat ((module Nat), _, table)) packet =
Nat.translate table.current packet >|= function
| Mirage_nat.Untranslated -> None
| Mirage_nat.Translated _ -> (* XXX: translate mutates frame *)
let packet = Cstruct.shift frame Ethif_wire.sizeof_ethernet in
match Ipv4_packet.Unmarshal.of_cstruct packet with
| Error e -> Log.err (fun f -> f "Translation failed: %s" e); None
| Ok packet -> Some packet
| Mirage_nat.Translated packet -> Some packet
let random_user_port () =
1024 + Random.int (0xffff - 1024)
@ -62,20 +49,13 @@ let reset (Nat ((module Nat), c, table)) =
table.next <- next
let add_nat_rule_and_translate ((Nat ((module Nat), c, table)) as t) ~xl_host action packet =
let frame =
let (ip, payload) = packet in
Cstruct.concat [
Ipv4_packet.Marshal.make_cstruct ~payload ip;
] in
let apply_action xl_port =
Lwt.try_bind (fun () ->
match action with
| `Rewrite ->
Nat.add_nat table.current frame (xl_host, xl_port)
Nat.add_nat table.current packet (xl_host, xl_port)
| `Redirect target ->
Nat.add_redirect table.current frame (xl_host, xl_port) target
Nat.add_redirect table.current packet (xl_host, xl_port) target
| Nat.Ok -> Lwt.return (Ok ())
@ -10,10 +10,8 @@ type action = [
| `Redirect of Ipaddr.t * int
type packet = Ipv4_packet.t * Cstruct.t
val create : (module Mirage_nat.S with type t = 'a and type config = 'c) -> 'c -> t Lwt.t
val reset : t -> unit Lwt.t
val translate : t -> packet -> packet option Lwt.t
val translate : t -> Nat_packet.t -> Nat_packet.t option Lwt.t
val add_nat_rule_and_translate : t -> xl_host:Ipaddr.t ->
action -> packet -> (packet, string) result Lwt.t
action -> Nat_packet.t -> (Nat_packet.t, string) result Lwt.t
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ type host =
[ `Client of client_link | `Client_gateway | `Firewall_uplink | `NetVM | `External of Ipaddr.t ]
type info = {
packet : Ipv4_packet.t * Cstruct.t;
packet : Nat_packet.t;
src : host;
dst : host;
proto : [ `UDP of ports | `TCP of ports | `ICMP | `Unknown ];
@ -34,17 +34,20 @@ module Make(Clock : Mirage_clock_lwt.MCLOCK) = struct
let listen t router =
Netif.listen t.net (fun frame ->
(* Handle one Ethernet frame from NetVM *)
Eth.input t.eth
~arpv4:(Arp.input t.arp)
~ipv4:(fun ip ->
match Ipv4_packet.Unmarshal.of_cstruct ip with
| Error e -> Log.warn (fun f -> f "Bad IPv4 packet from uplink: %s" e); Lwt.return ()
| Ok packet -> Firewall.ipv4_from_netvm router packet
~ipv6:(fun _ip -> return ())
) >|= or_raise "Uplink listen loop" Netif.pp_error
(* Handle one Ethernet frame from NetVM *)
Eth.input t.eth
~arpv4:(Arp.input t.arp)
~ipv4:(fun ip ->
match Nat_packet.of_ipv4_packet ip with
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Ignored unknown IPv4 message from uplink: %a" Nat_packet.pp_error e);
Lwt.return ()
| Ok packet ->
Firewall.ipv4_from_netvm router packet
~ipv6:(fun _ip -> return ())
) >|= or_raise "Uplink listen loop" Netif.pp_error
let interface t = t.interface
Reference in New Issue
Block a user