diff --git a/dao.ml b/dao.ml index d1580e1..383b1b6 100644 --- a/dao.ml +++ b/dao.ml @@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ type network_config = { uplink_our_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t; (* The IP address of our interface to NetVM *) clients_our_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t; (* The IP address of our interface to our client VMs (their gateway) *) + dns : Ipaddr.V4.t list; } exception Missing_key of string -(* TODO: /qubes-secondary-dns *) let try_read_network_config db = let get name = match DB.KeyMap.find_opt name db with @@ -138,14 +138,20 @@ let try_read_network_config db = let uplink_our_ip = get "/qubes-ip" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn in let uplink_netvm_ip = get "/qubes-gateway" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn in let clients_our_ip = get "/qubes-netvm-gateway" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn in + let dns = + [ get "/qubes-primary-dns" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn ; + get "/qubes-secondary-dns" |> Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn ] + in Log.info (fun f -> f "@[Got network configuration from QubesDB:@,\ NetVM IP on uplink network: %a@,\ Our IP on uplink network: %a@,\ - Our IP on client networks: %a@]" + Our IP on client networks: %a@,\ + DNS resolvers: %a@]" Ipaddr.V4.pp uplink_netvm_ip Ipaddr.V4.pp uplink_our_ip - Ipaddr.V4.pp clients_our_ip); - { uplink_netvm_ip; uplink_our_ip; clients_our_ip } + Ipaddr.V4.pp clients_our_ip + Fmt.(list ~sep:(any ", ") Ipaddr.V4.pp) dns); + { uplink_netvm_ip; uplink_our_ip; clients_our_ip ; dns } let read_network_config qubesDB = let rec aux bindings = diff --git a/dao.mli b/dao.mli index 811c2e7..94d418e 100644 --- a/dao.mli +++ b/dao.mli @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ type network_config = { uplink_our_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t; (* The IP address of our interface to NetVM *) clients_our_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t; (* The IP address of our interface to our client VMs (their gateway) *) + dns : Ipaddr.V4.t list; } val read_network_config : Qubes.DB.t -> network_config Lwt.t diff --git a/my_dns.ml b/my_dns.ml index bcdfa47..ca2c0f8 100644 --- a/my_dns.ml +++ b/my_dns.ml @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module Transport (R : Mirage_random.S) (C : Mirage_clock.MCLOCK) = struct let open Router in let open My_nat in let nslist = snd ctx.t.nameservers in - let dst, dst_port = List.hd(nslist) in + let dst, dst_port = List.hd nslist in let router, send_udp, _ = ctx.t.stack in let src_port = Ports.pick_free_port ~consult:router.ports.nat_udp router.ports.dns_udp in ctx.src_port <- src_port; diff --git a/unikernel.ml b/unikernel.ml index 72f2c83..0621e42 100644 --- a/unikernel.ml +++ b/unikernel.ml @@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ module Main (R : Mirage_random.S)(Clock : Mirage_clock.MCLOCK) = struct let send_dns_query = Uplink.send_dns_client_query uplink in let dns_mvar = Lwt_mvar.create_empty () in - let dns_client = Dns_client.create (router, send_dns_query, dns_mvar) in + let nameservers = `Udp, List.map (fun ip -> ip, 53) config.Dao.dns in + let dns_client = Dns_client.create ~nameservers (router, send_dns_query, dns_mvar) in let net_listener = network (Dns_client.getaddrinfo dns_client Dns.Rr_map.A) dns_mvar uplink qubesDB router in