firewall rule: remove DNS rule (was only needed in Qubes 3)

This commit is contained in:
Hannes Mehnert 2022-08-30 16:47:27 +02:00
parent 050c4706e3
commit 5fdcaae7e8

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@ -96,10 +96,6 @@ let translate_accepted_packets dns_client packet =
(** Packets from the private interface that don't match any NAT table entry are being checked against the fw rules here *)
let from_client dns_client (packet : ([`Client of Fw_utils.client_link], _) Packet.t) : Packet.action Lwt.t =
match packet with
| { dst = `Firewall; transport_header = `UDP header; _ } ->
if header.Udp_packet.dst_port = dns_port
then Lwt.return @@ `NAT_to (`NetVM, dns_port)
else Lwt.return @@ `Drop "packet addressed to client gateway"
| { dst = `External _ ; _ } | { dst = `NetVM; _ } -> translate_accepted_packets dns_client packet
| { dst = `Firewall ; _ } -> Lwt.return @@ `Drop "packet addressed to firewall itself"
| { dst = `Client _ ; _ } -> classify_client_packet dns_client packet