mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:19:21 -05:00
Moved uplink code to its own module
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard <thomas.leonard@unikernel.com>
See the README file for details. *)
(** General network stuff (needs reorganising). *)
open Lwt.Infix
open Utils
module Eth = Ethif.Make(Netif)
module Netback = Netchannel.Backend.Make(Netchannel.Xenstore.Make(OS.Xs))
module ClientEth = Ethif.Make(Netback)
let src = Logs.Src.create "net" ~doc:"Firewall networking"
module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)
module Make(Clock : V1.CLOCK) = struct
module Arp = Arpv4.Make(Eth)(Clock)(OS.Time)
module IPv4 = Ipv4.Make(Eth)(Arp)
module Xs = OS.Xs
class netvm_iface eth my_ip mac nat_table : interface = object
method my_mac = Eth.mac eth
method writev ip =
mac >>= fun dst ->
let eth_hdr = eth_header_ipv4 ~src:(Eth.mac eth) ~dst in
match Nat_rules.nat my_ip nat_table Nat_rewrite.Source (Cstruct.concat (eth_hdr :: ip)) with
| None -> return ()
| Some frame -> Eth.writev eth (fixup_checksums frame)
let connect_uplink config =
let nat_table = Nat_lookup.empty () in
let ip = config.Dao.uplink_our_ip in
Netif.connect "tap0" >>= function
| `Error (`Unknown msg) -> failwith msg
| `Error `Disconnected -> failwith "Disconnected"
| `Error `Unimplemented -> failwith "Unimplemented"
| `Ok net0 ->
Eth.connect net0 >>= or_fail "Can't make Ethernet device for tap" >>= fun eth0 ->
Arp.connect eth0 >>= or_fail "Can't add ARP" >>= fun arp0 ->
Arp.add_ip arp0 ip >>= fun () ->
let netvm_mac = Arp.query arp0 config.Dao.uplink_netvm_ip >|= function
| `Timeout -> failwith "ARP timeout getting MAC of our NetVM"
| `Ok netvm_mac -> netvm_mac in
let ip46 = Ipaddr.V4 ip in
let iface = new netvm_iface eth0 ip46 netvm_mac nat_table in
let listen router =
let unnat frame _ip =
match Nat_rules.nat ip46 nat_table Nat_rewrite.Destination frame with
| None ->
Log.debug "Discarding unexpected frame" Logs.unit;
return ()
| Some frame ->
let frame = fixup_checksums frame |> Cstruct.concat in
Router.forward_ipv4 router (Cstruct.shift frame Wire_structs.sizeof_ethernet) in
Netif.listen net0 (fun frame ->
~arpv4:(Arp.input arp0)
~ipv4:(unnat frame)
~ipv6:(fun _buf -> return ())
eth0 frame
) in
return (iface, listen)
let connect qubesDB =
let config = Dao.read_network_config qubesDB in
connect_uplink config >>= fun (netvm_iface, netvm_listen) ->
Dao.set_iptables_error qubesDB "" >>= fun () ->
Logs.info "Client (internal) network is %a"
(fun f -> f Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.pp_hum config.Dao.clients_prefix);
let client_eth = Client_eth.create
~prefix:config.Dao.clients_prefix in
let router = Router.create
~client_eth in
Lwt.join [
Client_net.listen router;
netvm_listen router
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ open Qubes
let src = Logs.Src.create "unikernel" ~doc:"Main unikernel code"
module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)
(* Configure logging *)
let () =
let open Logs in
(* Set default log level *)
@ -16,9 +17,34 @@ let () =
Src.set_level xs (Some Debug)
module Main (Clock : V1.CLOCK) = struct
module N = Net.Make(Clock)
module Log_reporter = Mirage_logs.Make(Clock)
module Uplink = Uplink.Make(Clock)
(* Set up networking and listen for incoming packets. *)
let network qubesDB =
(* Read configuration from QubesDB *)
let config = Dao.read_network_config qubesDB in
Logs.info "Client (internal) network is %a"
(fun f -> f Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.pp_hum config.Dao.clients_prefix);
(* Initialise connection to NetVM *)
Uplink.connect config >>= fun uplink ->
(* Report success *)
Dao.set_iptables_error qubesDB "" >>= fun () ->
(* Set up client-side networking *)
let client_eth = Client_eth.create
~prefix:config.Dao.clients_prefix in
(* Set up routing between networks and hosts *)
let router = Router.create
~default_gateway:(Uplink.interface uplink) in
(* Handle packets from both networks *)
Lwt.join [
Client_net.listen router;
Uplink.listen uplink router
(* Main unikernel entry point (called from auto-generated main.ml). *)
let start () =
let start_time = Clock.time () in
Log_reporter.init_logging ();
@ -37,9 +63,9 @@ module Main (Clock : V1.CLOCK) = struct
(* Watch for shutdown requests from Qubes *)
let shutdown_rq = OS.Lifecycle.await_shutdown () >|= function `Poweroff | `Reboot -> () in
(* Set up networking *)
let net = N.connect qubesDB in
let net_listener = network qubesDB in
(* Run until something fails or we get a shutdown request. *)
Lwt.choose [agent_listener; net; shutdown_rq] >>= fun () ->
Lwt.choose [agent_listener; net_listener; shutdown_rq] >>= fun () ->
(* Give the console daemon time to show any final log messages. *)
OS.Time.sleep 1.0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard <thomas.leonard@unikernel.com>
See the README file for details. *)
open Lwt.Infix
open Utils
module Eth = Ethif.Make(Netif)
let src = Logs.Src.create "uplink" ~doc:"Network connection to NetVM"
module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)
module Make(Clock : V1.CLOCK) = struct
module Arp = Arpv4.Make(Eth)(Clock)(OS.Time)
module IPv4 = Ipv4.Make(Eth)(Arp)
type t = {
net : Netif.t;
eth : Eth.t;
arp : Arp.t;
interface : interface;
my_ip : Ipaddr.t;
nat_table : Nat_lookup.t;
class netvm_iface eth my_ip mac nat_table = object
method my_mac = Eth.mac eth
method writev ip =
mac >>= fun dst ->
let eth_hdr = eth_header_ipv4 ~src:(Eth.mac eth) ~dst in
match Nat_rules.nat my_ip nat_table Nat_rewrite.Source (Cstruct.concat (eth_hdr :: ip)) with
| None -> return ()
| Some frame -> Eth.writev eth (fixup_checksums frame)
let unnat t router frame _ip =
match Nat_rules.nat t.my_ip t.nat_table Nat_rewrite.Destination frame with
| None ->
Log.debug "Discarding unexpected frame" Logs.unit;
return ()
| Some frame ->
let frame = fixup_checksums frame |> Cstruct.concat in
Router.forward_ipv4 router (Cstruct.shift frame Wire_structs.sizeof_ethernet)
let listen t router =
Netif.listen t.net (fun frame ->
~arpv4:(Arp.input t.arp)
~ipv4:(unnat t router frame)
~ipv6:(fun _buf -> return ())
t.eth frame
let interface t = t.interface
let connect config =
let ip = config.Dao.uplink_our_ip in
Netif.connect "tap0" >>= function
| `Error (`Unknown msg) -> failwith msg
| `Error `Disconnected -> failwith "Disconnected"
| `Error `Unimplemented -> failwith "Unimplemented"
| `Ok net ->
Eth.connect net >>= or_fail "Can't make Ethernet device for tap" >>= fun eth ->
Arp.connect eth >>= or_fail "Can't add ARP" >>= fun arp ->
Arp.add_ip arp ip >>= fun () ->
let netvm_mac = Arp.query arp config.Dao.uplink_netvm_ip >|= function
| `Timeout -> failwith "ARP timeout getting MAC of our NetVM"
| `Ok netvm_mac -> netvm_mac in
let my_ip = Ipaddr.V4 ip in
let nat_table = Nat_lookup.empty () in
let interface = new netvm_iface eth my_ip netvm_mac nat_table in
return { net; eth; arp; interface; my_ip; nat_table }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard <thomas.leonard@unikernel.com>
See the README file for details. *)
(** The link from us to NetVM (and, through that, to the outside world). *)
open Utils
module Make(Clock : V1.CLOCK) : sig
type t
val connect : Dao.network_config -> t Lwt.t
(** Connect to our NetVM (gateway). *)
val interface : t -> interface
(** The network interface to NetVM. *)
val listen : t -> Router.t -> unit Lwt.t
(** Handle incoming frames from NetVM. *)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user