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Qubes Windows Tools (QWT) in Qubes OS 4.0
**Warning:** *The content below describes Qubes Windows Tools installation in Qubes R4.0. The text has been updated to reflect the newer R4.1 release and QWT recent development. Please see* :doc:`this updated document </user/templates/windows/qubes-windows-tools-4-1>` *for instructions for Qubes R4.1 and the updated version of Qubes Windows Tools.*
Qubes Windows Tools are a set of programs and drivers that provide
integration of Windows AppVMs with the rest of the Qubes system.
Currently the following features are available for Windows VMs after
installation of those tools:
- **Qubes Video Driver** - provides for the Seamless GUI mode that
integrates apps windows onto the common Qubes trusted desktop
- **File sender/receiver** - Support for :doc:`secure clipboard copy/paste </user/how-to-guides/how-to-copy-and-paste-text>` between the Windows VM and other
- **File sender/receiver** - Support for :doc:`secure file exchange </user/how-to-guides/how-to-copy-and-move-files>` between the Windows VM and other
- **Copy/Edit in Disposable VM** - Support for editing files in
DisposableVMs as well as for qvm-run and generic qrexec for the
Windows VM (e.g. ability to run custom service within/from the
Windows VM)
- **Xen PV drivers** for Windows that increase performance compared to
qemu emulated devices
Below is a breakdown of the feature availability depending on the
windows version:
.. list-table::
:widths: 39 39 39
:align: center
:header-rows: 1
* - Feature
- Windows 7 x64
- Windows 10 x64
* - Qubes Video Driver
* - Qubes Network Setup
* - Private Volume Setup (move profiles)
* - File sender/receiver
* - Clipboard Copy/Paste
* - Application shortcuts
* - Copy/Edit in Disposable VM
* - Block device
* - USB device
* - Audio
Qubes Windows Tools are open source and are distributed under a GPL
- Qubes Windows Tools are currently unmaintained
- Currently only 64-bit versions of Windows 7 and Windows 10 are
supported by Qubes Windows Tools. Only emulated SVGA GPU is supported
(although `there has been reports <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/qubes-users/cmPRMOkxkdA>`__
on working GPU passthrough).
- **This page documents the process of installing Qubes Windows Tools on versions up to R3.2.**. Installation on Qubes R4.0 is possible but
is a work in progress and there are limitations/bugs (see `issue #3585 <https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/3585>`__).
Installing Windows OS in a Qubes VM
Please refer to :doc:`this page </user/templates/windows/windows-qubes-4-0>` for
instructions on how to install Windows in a Qubes VM.
**Note:** It is strongly suggested to enable autologon for any Windows
HVMs that will have Qubes Tools installed. To do so, run ``netplwiz``
command from the ``Win+R``/Start menu and uncheck the *Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer* option.
Installing Qubes guest tools in Windows 10 VMs
This will allow you to install the Qubes Windows Tools on Windows 10
both as a StandaloneVM as well as a Template VM and a corresponding
AppVM. But some features are not available:
**Note:** seamless mode is currently not available for windows. Please
check the top of this document for the full feature availability
1. In the Windows 10 VM, download from the `XEN website <https://xenproject.org/downloads/windows-pv-drivers/windows-pv-drivers-9-series/windows-pv-drivers-9-0-0/>`__
the installation kits for Xen bus (``xenbus``) and storage drivers
(``xenvbd``) Version 9.0.0 (two files ``xenvbd.tar``and
2. Use an archive extractor like `7-zip <https://www.7-zip.org/>`__ to
extract the contents of the ``.tar`` files.
3. Install ``xenvbd`` and ``xenbus`` by starting the file
``dpinst.exe`` from the ``x64`` directories of the extracted
tar-files. If during installation, the Xen driver requests a reboot,
select “No” and let the installation continue.
4. After installation, reboot.
5. Download the Qubes Windows Tools (``qubes-tools-``) from
`the qubes FTP server <https://ftp.qubes-os.org/qubes-windows-tools/>`__ and move
it to ``C:\``.
6. Check the integrity of the file ``qubes-tools-``by
comparing its hash checksum. This can be done using the Windows
command ``certutil`` on the windows command prompt (``cmd.exe``) and
specifying an appropriate hash algorithm like:
.. code:: bash
certutil -hashfile C:\qubes-tools- SHA256
And compare it the value to
(**it has to exactly match for security reasons**). If it matches,
feel free to continue the installation. If not, repeat the download
to make sure it was not corrupted due to a network problem. If keeps
on not matching it might be an attacker attempting to do something
nasty to your system – Ask for support.
**Note**: This is a workaround for installing the qubes windows
tools on windows 10 since the standard way is broken.
7. Install Qubes Windows Tools by starting
``qubes-tools-``, not selecting the
``Xen PV disk drivers`` and the ``Move user profiles`` (which would
probably lead to problems in Windows, anyhow). If during
installation, the Xen driver requests a reboot, select “No” and let
the installation continue - the system will be rebooted later.
8. Shut down Windows and wait until the VM is really stopped,
i.e. Qubes shows no more activity.
9. On a ``dom0`` terminal write: *(where ``<VMname>`` is the name of your Windows 10 VM)*
.. code:: bash
qvm-features <VMname> gui 1
qvm-prefs <VMname> qrexec_timeout 300
10. Reboot Windows. If the VM starts, but does not show any window then
shutdown Windows from the Qube manager, wait until it has really
stopped, and reboot Windows once more.
11. Now the system should be up, with QWT running correctly.
12. Lastly to enable file copy operations to a Windows 10 VM the
``default_user`` property should be set the ``<username>`` that you
use to login to the Windows VM. This can be done via the following
command on a ``dom0`` terminal: *(where ``<VMname>`` is the name of your Windows 10 VM)*
``qvm-prefs <VMname> default_user <username>``
**Note:** If this property is not set or set to a wrong value, files
copied to this VM are stored in the folder
.. code:: bash
If the target VM is an AppVM, this has the consequence that the files
are stored in the corresponding TemplateVM and so are lost on AppVM
Installing Qubes guest tools in Windows 7 VMs
First, make sure that ``qubes-windows-tools`` is installed in your
.. code:: bash
sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-windows-tools
(If the above command does not work, it could be that the Qubes Tools
are not in the stable repo yet. Try installing from the testing repo
You can also install the package from testing repositories, where we
usually publish new versions first:
.. code:: bash
sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-dom0-current-testing qubes-windows-tools
This package brings the ISO with Qubes Windows Tools that is passed to
the VM when ``--install-windows-tools`` is specified for the
``qvm-start`` command. Please note that none of this software ever runs
in Dom0 or any other part of the system except for the Windows AppVM in
which it is to be installed.
Before proceeding with the installation we need to disable Windows
mechanism that allows only signed drivers to be installed, because
currently (beta releases) the drivers we provide as part of the Windows
Tools are not digitally signed with a publicly recognizable certificate.
To do that:
- Start command prompt as Administrator, i.e. right click on the
Command Prompt icon (All Programs -> Accessories) and choose “Run as
- In the command prompt type ``bcdedit /set testsigning on``
- Reboot your Windows VM
In the future this step will not be necessary anymore, because we will
sign our drivers with a publicly verifiable certificate. However, it
should be noted that even now, the fact that those drivers are not
digitally signed, this doesn’t affect security of the Windows VM in
‘any’ way. This is because the actual installation ISO (the
``qubes-windows-tools-*.iso`` file) is distributed as a signed RPM
package and its signature is verified by the ``qubes-dom0-update``
utility once it’s being installed in Dom0. The only downside of those
drivers not being signed is the inconvenience to the user that he or she
must disable the signature enforcement policy before installing the
To install the Qubes Windows Tools in a Windows VM one should start the
VM passing the additional option ``--install-windows-tools``:
.. code:: bash
qvm-start lab-win7 --install-windows-tools
Once the Windows VM boots, a CDROM should appear in the ‘My Computer’
menu (typically as ``D:``) with a setup program in its main directory.
After successful installation, the Windows VM must be shut down and
started again, possibly a couple of times.
Qubes will automatically detect the tools has been installed in the VM
and will set appropriate properties for the VM, such as
``qrexec_installed``, ``guiagent_installed``, and ``default_user``. This
can be verified (but is not required) using qvm-prefs command:
.. code:: bash
qvm-prefs <your-appvm-name>
**Note:** it is recommended to increase the default value of Windows
VM’s ``qrexec_timeout`` property from 60 (seconds) to, for example, 300.
During one of the first reboots after Windows Tools installation Windows
user profiles are moved onto the private VM’s virtual disk (private.img)
and this operation can take some time. Moving profiles is performed in
an early boot phase when qrexec is not yet running, so timeout may occur
with the default value. To change the property use this command in dom0:
.. code:: bash
qvm-prefs <vm-name> qrexec_timeout 300
Xen PV drivers and Qubes Windows Tools
Installing Xen’s PV drivers in the VM will lower its resources usage
when using network and/or I/O intensive applications, but *may* come at
the price of system stability (although Xen’s PV drivers on a Win7 VM
are usually very stable). There are two ways of installing the drivers:
1. installing the drivers independently, from Xen’s `official site <https://www.xenproject.org/developers/teams/windows-pv-drivers.html>`__
2. installing Qubes Windows Tools (QWT), which bundles Xen’s PV drivers.
Notes about using Xen’s VBD (storage) PV driver: - **Windows 7:**
installing the driver requires a fully updated VM or else you’ll likely
get a BSOD and a VM in a difficult to fix state. Updating Windows takes
*hours* and for casual usage there isn’t much of a performance between
the disk PV driver and the default one; so there is likely no need to go
through the lengthy Windows Update process if your VM doesn’t have
access to untrusted networks and if you don’t use I/O intensive apps. If
you plan to update your newly installed Windows VM it is recommended
that you do so *before* installing Qubes Windows Tools (QWT). If QWT are
installed, you should temporarily re-enable the standard VGA adapter in
Windows and disable Qubes’ (see the section above). - the option to
install the storage PV driver is disabled by default in Qubes Windows
Tools - in case you already had QWT installed without the storage PV
driver and you then updated the VM, you may then install the driver from
Xen’s site (xenvbd.tar).
**Caution:** Installing the version 9.0.0 Xen drivers on Windows 7 (a
system without QWT - QWT uninstalled) leads to an unbootable system. The
drivers install without error, but after reboot, the system aborts the
reboot saying ``Missing driver xenbus.sys``.
- **Windows 10:** The version 9.0.0 Xen drivers have to be installed
before installing Qubes Windows Tools. Installing them on a system
with QWT installed is likely to produce a system which crashes or has
the tools in a non-functional state. Even if the tools were installed
and then removed before installing the Xen drivers, they probably
will not work as expected.
With Qubes Windows Tools installed the early graphical console provided
in debugging mode isn’t needed anymore since Qubes’ display driver will
be used instead of the default VGA driver:
.. code:: bash
qvm-prefs -s win7new debug false
Using Windows AppVMs in seamless mode
**Note:** This feature is only available for Windows 7
Once you start a Windows-based AppVM with Qubes Tools installed, you can
easily start individual applications from the VM (note the ``-a`` switch
used here, which will auto-start the VM if it is not running):
.. code:: bash
qvm-run -a my-win7-appvm explorer.exe
|windows-seamless-4.png| |windows-seamless-1.png|
Also, the inter-VM services work as usual – e.g. to request opening a
document or URL in the Windows AppVM from another VM:
.. code:: bash
[user@work ~]$ qvm-open-in-vm work-win7 roadmap.pptx
.. code:: bash
[user@work ~]$ qvm-open-in-vm work-win7 https://invisiblethingslab.com
… just like in the case of Linux AppVMs. Of course all those operations
are governed by central policy engine running in Dom0 – if the policy
doesn’t contain explicit rules for the source and/or target AppVM, the
user will be asked whether to allow or deny the operation.
Inter-VM file copy and clipboard works for Windows AppVMs the same way
as for Linux AppVM (except that we don’t provide a command line wrapper,
``qvm-copy-to-vm`` in Windows VMs) – to copy files from Windows AppVMs
just right-click on the file in Explorer, and choose: Send To-> Other
To simulate CTRL-ALT-DELETE in the HVM (SAS, Secure Attention Sequence),
press Ctrl-Alt-Home while having any window of this VM in the
Changing between seamless and full desktop mode
You can switch between seamless and “full desktop” mode for Windows HVMs
in their settings in Qubes Manager. The latter is the default.
Using template-based Windows AppVMs
Qubes allows HVM VMs to share a common root filesystem from a select
Template VM, just as for Linux AppVMs. This mode is not limited to
Windows AppVMs, and can be used for any HVM (e.g. FreeBSD running in a
In order to create a HVM TemplateVM one can use the following command,
suitably adapted:
.. code:: bash
qvm-create --class TemplateVM win-template --property virt_mode=HVM --property kernel='' -l green
… , set memory as appropriate, and install Windows OS (or other OS) into
this template the same way as you would install it into a normal HVM –
please see instructions on :doc:`this page </user/advanced-topics/standalones-and-hvms>`.
If you use this Template as it is, then any HVMs that use it will
effectively be DisposableVMs - the User directory will be wiped when the
HVN is closed down.
If you want to retain the User directory between reboots, then it would
make sense to store the ``C:\Users`` directory on the 2nd disk which is
automatically exposed by Qubes to all HVMs. This 2nd disk is backed by
the ``private.img`` file in the AppVMs’ and is not reset upon AppVMs
reboot, so the user’s directories and profiles would survive the AppVMs
reboot, unlike the “root” filesystem which will be reverted to the
“golden image” from the Template VM automatically. To facilitate such
separation of user profiles, Qubes Windows Tools provide an option to
automatically move ``C:\Users`` directory to the 2nd disk backed by
``private.img``. It’s a selectable feature of the installer, enabled by
default, but working only for Windows 7. If that feature is selected
during installation, completion of the process requires two reboots:
- The private disk is initialized and formatted on the first reboot
after tools installation. It can’t be done **during** the
installation because Xen mass storage drivers are not yet active.
- User profiles are moved to the private disk on the next reboot after
the private disk is initialized. Reboot is required because the
“mover utility” runs very early in the boot process so OS can’t yet
lock any files in there. This can take some time depending on the
profiles’ size and because the GUI agent is not yet active dom0/Qubes
Manager may complain that the AppVM failed to boot. That’s a false
alarm (you can increase AppVM’s default boot timeout using
``qvm-prefs``), the VM should appear “green” in Qubes Manager shortly
For Windows 10, the user directories have to be moved manually, because
the automatic transfer during QWT installation is bound to crash due to
undocumented new features of NTFS, and a system having the directory
``users``on another disk than ``C:`` will break on Windows update. So
the following steps should be taken:
- The Windows disk manager may be used to add the private volume as
disk ``D:``, and you may, using the documented Windows operations,
move the user directories ``C:\users\<username>\Documents`` to this
new disk, allowing depending AppVMs to have their own private
volumes. Moving the hidden application directories ``AppData``,
however, is likely to invite trouble - the same trouble that occurs
if, during QWT installation, the option ``Move user profiles`` is
- Configuration data like those stored in directories like ``AppData``
still remain in the TemplateVM, such that their changes are lost each
time the AppVM shuts down. In order to make permanent changes to
these configuration data, they have to be changed in the TemplateVM,
meaning that applications have to be started there, which violates
and perhaps even endangers the security of the TemplateVM. Such
changes should be done only if absolutely necessary and with great
care. It is a good idea to test them first in a cloned TemplateVM
before applying them in the production VM.
It also makes sense to disable Automatic Updates for all the
template-based AppVMs – of course this should be done in the Template
VM, not in individual AppVMs, because the system-wide settings are
stored in the root filesystem (which holds the system-wide registry
hives). Then, periodically check for updates in the Template VM and the
changes will be carried over to any child AppVMs.
Once the template has been created and installed it is easy to create
AppVMs based on it:
.. code:: bash
qvm-create --property virt_mode=hvm <new windows appvm name> --template <name of template vm> --label <label color>
Qubes Windows Tools (QWT for short) contain several components than can
be enabled or disabled during installation:
- Shared components (required): common libraries used by QWT
- Xen PV drivers: drivers for the virtual hardware exposed by Xen.
- Base Xen PV Drivers (required): paravirtual bus and interface
- Xen PV Disk Drivers: paravirtual storage drivers.
- Xen PV Network Drivers: paravirtual network drivers.
- Qubes Core Agent: qrexec agent and services. Needed for proper
integration with Qubes.
- Move user profiles: user profile directory (``c:\users``) is moved
to VM’s private disk backed by private.img file in dom0 (useful
mainly for HVM templates).
- Qubes GUI Agent: video driver and gui agent that enable seamless
showing of Windows applications on the secure Qubes desktop.
- Disable UAC: User Account Control may interfere with QWT and doesn’t
really provide any additional benefits in Qubes environment.
**In testing VMs only** it’s probably a good idea to install a VNC
server before installing QWT. If something goes very wrong with the
Qubes gui agent, a VNC server should still allow access to the OS.
**NOTE**: Xen PV disk drivers are not installed by default. This is
because they seem to cause problems (BSOD = Blue Screen Of Death). We’re
working with upstream devs to fix this. *However*, the BSOD seems to
only occur after the first boot and everything works fine after that.
**Enable the drivers at your own risk** of course, but we welcome
reports of success/failure in any case (backup your VM first!). With
disk PV drivers absent ``qvm-block`` will not work for the VM, but you
can still use standard Qubes inter-VM file copying mechanisms.
Xen PV driver components may display a message box asking for reboot
during installation – it’s safe to ignore them and defer the reboot.
Installation logs
If the install process fails or something goes wrong during it, include
the installation logs in your bug report. They are created in the
``%TEMP%`` directory, by default ``<user profile>\AppData\Local\Temp``.
There are two text files, one small and one big, with names starting
with ``Qubes_Windows_Tools``.
Uninstalling QWT is supported from version 3.2.1. Uninstalling previous
versions is **not recommended**. After uninstalling you need to manually
enable the DHCP Client Windows service, or set IP settings yourself to
restore network access.
Starting from version 2.2.* various aspects of Qubes Windows Tools can
be configured through registry. Main configuration key is located in
``HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Invisible Things Lab\Qubes Tools``.
Configuration values set on this level are global to all QWT components.
It’s possible to override global values with component-specific keys,
this is useful mainly for setting log verbosity for troubleshooting.
Possible configuration values are:
.. list-table::
:widths: 11 11 11 11
:align: center
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Type
- Description
- Default value
* - LogDir
- String
- Directory where logs are created
- c:\Program Files\Invisible Things Lab\Qubes Tools\log
* - LogLevel
- Log verbosity (see below)
- 2 (INFO)
* - Log Retention
- Maximum age of log files (in seconds), older logs are automatically deleted
- 604800 (7 days)
Possible log levels:
.. list-table::
:widths: 7 7 7
:align: center
:header-rows: 1
* - Le vel
- Type
- Description
* - 1
- Error
- Serious errors that most likely cause irrecoverable failures
* - 2
- Warning
- Unexpected but non-fatal events
* - 3
- Info
- Useful information (default)
* - 4
- Debug
- Internal state dumps for troubleshooting
* - 5
- Verbose
- Trace most function calls
Debug and Verbose levels can generate large volume of logs and are
intended for development/troubleshooting only.
To override global settings for a specific component, create a new key
under the root key mentioned above and name it as the executable name,
without ``.exe`` extension. For example, to change qrexec-agent’s log
level to Debug, set it like this:
Component-specific settings currently available:
.. list-table::
:widths: 13 13 13 13 13
:align: center
:header-rows: 1
* - /home/user/qubes-doc-rst2/user/templates/windows/qubes-windows-tools-4-0.rst:569: (INFO/1) Unexpected possible title overline or transition. Treating it as ordinary text because it's so short. ** Component**
- /home/user/qubes-doc-rst2/user/templates/windows/qubes-windows-tools-4-0.rst:569: (INFO/1) Unexpected possible title overline or transition. Treating it as ordinary text because it's so short. ** Setting**
- /home/user/qubes-doc-rst2/user/templates/windows/qubes-windows-tools-4-0.rst:569: (INFO/1) Unexpected possible title overline or transition. Treating it as ordinary text because it's so short. ** Type**
- /home/user/qubes-doc-rst2/user/templates/windows/qubes-windows-tools-4-0.rst:569: (INFO/1) Unexpected possible title overline or transition. Treating it as ordinary text because it's so short. ** Description**
- Default value
* - qga
- Disa bleCursor
- Disable cursor in the VM. Useful for integration with Qubes desktop so you don’t see two cursors. Can be disabled if you plan to use the VM through a remote desktop connection of some sort. Needs gui agent restart to apply change (locking OS/logoff should be enough since qga is restarted on desktop change).
- 1
If the VM is inaccessible (doesn’t respond to qrexec commands, gui is
not functioning), try to boot it in safe mode:
- ``qvm-start --debug vmname``
- mash F8 on the boot screen to enable boot options and select Safe
Mode (optionally with networking)
Safe Mode should at least give you access to logs (see above).
**Please include appropriate logs when reporting bugs/problems.**
Starting from version 2.4.2 logs contain QWT version, but if you’re
using an earlier version be sure to mention which one. If the OS crashes
(BSOD) please include the BSOD code and parameters in your bug report.
The BSOD screen should be visible if you run the VM in debug mode
(``qvm-start --debug vmname``). If it’s not visible or the VM reboots
automatically, try to start Windows in safe mode (see above) and 1)
disable automatic restart on BSOD (Control Panel - System - Advanced
system settings - Advanced - Startup and recovery), 2) check the system
event log for BSOD events. If you can, send the ``memory.dmp`` dump file
from ``c:\Windows``. Xen logs (/var/log/xen/console/guest-*) are also
useful as they contain pvdrivers diagnostic output.
If a specific component is malfunctioning, you can increase its log
verbosity as explained above to get more troubleshooting information.
Below is a list of components:
.. list-table::
:widths: 40 40
:align: center
:header-rows: 1
* - qrexec-agent
- Responsible for most communication with Qubes (dom0
* - and other domains), secure clipboard, file copying, qrexec services.
* - qrexec-wrapper
- Helper executable that’s responsible for launching
* - qrexec services, handling their I/O and vchan communication.
* - qrexec-client-vm
- Used for communications by the qrexec protocol.
* - qga
- Gui agent.
- QgaWatchdog
- Service that monitors session/desktop
* - changes (logon/logoff/locking/UAC…) and simulates SAS sequence
* - (ctrl-alt-del).
- qubesdb-daemon
- Service for accessing Qubes
* - configuration database.
- network-setup
- Service that sets up network
* - parameters according to VM’s configuration.
- prepare-volume
- Utility
* - that initializes and formats the disk backed by private.img file.
* - It’s registered to run on next system boot during QWT setup, if that
* - feature is selected (it can’t run during the setup because Xen block
* - device drivers are not yet active). It in turn registers move-profiles
* - (see below) to run at early boot.
- relocate-dir
- Utility that moves
* - user profiles directory to the private disk. It’s registered as an early
* - boot native executable (similar to chkdsk) so it can run before any
* - profile files are opened by some other process. Its log is in a fixed
* - location: c:\move-profiles.log (it can’t use our common logger
* - library so none of the log settings apply).
When we publish new QWT version, it’s usually pushed to the
``current-testing`` or ``unstable`` repository first. To use versions
from current-testing, run this in dom0:
``qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-dom0-current-testing qubes-windows-tools``
That command will download a new QWT .iso from the testing repository.
It goes without saying that you should **backup your VMs** before
installing anything from testing repos.
.. |windows-seamless-4.png| image:: /attachment/doc/windows-seamless-4.png
.. |windows-seamless-1.png| image:: /attachment/doc/windows-seamless-1.png
.. |windows-seamless-7.png| image:: /attachment/doc/windows-seamless-7.png
.. |qtw-log-level.png| image:: /attachment/doc/qtw-log-level.png