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Qubes R1.0 release notes
Detailed release notes in `this blog post <https://blog.invisiblethings.org/2012/09/03/introducing-qubes-10.html>`__.
Known issues
- Installer might not support some USB keyboards (#230). This seems to
include all the Mac Book keyboards (most PC laptops have PS2
keyboards and are not affected).
- If you don’t enable Composition (System Setting -> Desktop -> Enable
desktop effects), which you really should do, then the KDE task bar
might get ugly (e.g. half of it might be black). This is some KDE bug
that we don’t plan to fix.
- Some keyboard layout set by KDE System Settings can cause `keyboard not working at all <https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel/browse_thread/thread/77d076b65dda7226>`__.
If you hit this issue, you can switch to console (by console login
option) and manually edit
``/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-system-setup-keyboard.conf`` (and
``/etc/sysconfig/keyboard``) and place correct keyboard layout
settings (details in linked thread). You can check if specific
keyboard layout settings are proper using ``setxkbmap`` tool.
- On systems with more than 8GB of RAM there is problem with
DisposableVM. To fix it, limit maximum memory allocation for DispVM
to 3GB
.. code:: bash
qvm-prefs -s fedora-17-x64-dvm maxmem 3072
qvm-create-default-dvm --default-template --default-script
- On some systems the KDE Window Manager might freeze upon resuming
from S3 sleep when compositing is enabled (and the only method to log
in to the system if this happens is to switch to a text console,
enter your user’s password, kill the kwin process, go back to the
Xorg console, log in, and start a new instance of kwin using Konsole
application :) If you experience such problems, make sure to disable
compositing before putting the system into sleep by pressing
Alt-Ctrl-F12 (and then enabling it back once you log in after resume)
– this way you should never see this problem again.
See :doc:`Qubes Downloads </user/downloading-installing-upgrading/downloads>`.
Installation instructions
See :doc:`Installation Guide </user/downloading-installing-upgrading/installation-guide>`.
From Qubes 1.0-rc1
If you’re already running Qubes 1.0-rc1, you don’t need to reinstall,
it’s just enough to update the packages in your Dom0 and the template
VM(s). The easiest way for doing this is to click on the Update Button
in the Qubes Manger – one click when you selected Dom0, and one click
for each of your template VM (by default there is just one template).
From Qubes 1.0 Beta 3
If you have Qubes Beta 3 currently installed on your system, you must
reinstall from scratch, as we offer no direct upgrade option in the
installer (sorry). However, we do offer tools for smooth migration of
your AppVMs. In order to do that, please backup your AppVMs using the
``qvm-backup`` tool :doc:`as usual </user/how-to-guides/how-to-back-up-restore-and-migrate>`. Then, after you
install Qubes 1.0 rc1, you can restore them using ``qvm-backup-restore``
tool. However, because we have changed the default template in RC1, you
should tell qvm-back-restore about that by passing
``--replace-template`` option:
.. code:: bash
qvm-backup-restore <backup_dir> --replace-template=fedora-15-x64:fedora-17-x64