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Here are links to various research papers, projects, videos, and blog
posts related to Qubes OS.
Secure Software Development
- `Security challenges for the Qubes build process <https://blog.invisiblethings.org/2016/05/30/build-security.html>`__ by Joanna Rutkowska, May 2016
Towards Trusted Hardware
- `Thoughts on the "physically secure" ORWL computer <https://blog.invisiblethings.org/2016/09/03/thoughts-about-orwl.html>`__ by Joanna Rutkowska, September 2016
- `State considered harmful <https://blog.invisiblethings.org/papers/2015/state_harmful.pdf>`__ by Joanna Rutkowska, December 2015
- `Intel x86 considered harmful <https://blog.invisiblethings.org/papers/2015/x86_harmful.pdf>`__ by Joanna Rutkowska, October 2015
Intel's Safeguard Extensions
- `Thoughts on Intel's upcoming SoftwareGuard Extensions (Part 2) <https://blog.invisiblethings.org/2013/09/23/thoughts-on-intels-upcoming-software.html>`__ by Joanna Rutkowska, September 2013
- `Thoughts on Intel's upcoming SoftwareGuard Extensions (Part 1) <https://blog.invisiblethings.org/2013/08/30/thoughts-on-intels-upcoming-software.html>`__ by Joanna Rutkowska, August 2013
Attacks on Intel TXT
- `Attacking Intel TXT® via SINIT code execution hijacking <https://invisiblethingslab.com/resources/2011/Attacking_Intel_TXT_via_SINIT_hijacking.pdf>`__ by Rafal Wojtczuk and Joanna Rutkowska, November 2011
- `Another Way to Circumvent Intel® Trusted Execution Technology <https://invisiblethingslab.com/resources/misc09/Another%20TXT%20Attack.pdf>`__ by Rafal Wojtczuk, Joanna Rutkowska, Alex Tereshkin, December 2009
- `ACPI: Design Principles and Concerns <https://www.ssi.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/article_acpi.pdf>`__ by Loic Duflot, Olivier Levillain, and Benjamin Morin, 2009
- `Attacking Intel® Trusted Execution Technology <https://invisiblethingslab.com/resources/bh09dc/Attacking%20Intel%20TXT%20-%20paper.pdf>`__ by Rafal Wojtczuk and Joanna Rutkowska
Software Attacks Coming Through Devices
- `Following the White Rabbit: Software Attacks against Intel® VT-d <https://invisiblethingslab.com/resources/2011/Software%20Attacks%20on%20Intel%20VT-d.pdf>`__ by Rafal Wojtczuk and Joanna Rutkowska, April 2011
- `On Formally Verified Microkernels (and on attacking them) <https://blog.invisiblethings.org/2010/05/03/on-formally-verified-microkernels-and.html>`__ by Joanna Rutkowska, May 2010
- `Remotely Attacking Network Cards (or why we do need VT-d and TXT) <https://blog.invisiblethings.org/2010/04/30/remotely-attacking-network-cards-or-why.html>`__ by Joanna Rutkowska, April 2010
- `Can you still trust your network card? <https://www.ssi.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/csw-trustnetworkcard.pdf>`__ by Loïc Duflot, Yves-Alexis Perez and others
Application-level Security
- `Virtics: A System for Privilege Separation of Legacy Desktop Applications <https://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2010/EECS-2010-70.pdf>`__ by Matt Piotrowski, May 2010
Compartmentalization, Isolation, and Separation
- `Software compartmentalization vs. physical separation <https://invisiblethingslab.com/resources/2014/Software_compartmentalization_vs_physical_separation.pdf>`__ by Joanna Rutkowska, August 2014
- `Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Security and Functionality in a Commodity Hypervisor <https://tjd.phlegethon.org/words/sosp11-xoar.pdf>`__ by Patrick Colp at el., October 2011
The Qubes Architecture
- `Qubes virtual mini-summit 2021 <https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2021/07/30/minisummit-agenda/>`__ by 3mdeb and the Qubes team, August 2021
- `Qubes Air: Generalizing the Qubes Architecture <https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2018/01/22/qubes-air/>`__ by Joanna Rutkowska, January 2018
- `Introducing the Next Generation Qubes Core Stack <https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2017/10/03/core3/>`__ by Joanna Rutkowska, October 2017
- `Introducing the Qubes Admin API <https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2017/06/27/qubes-admin-api/>`__ by Joanna Rutkowska, June 2017
- `Qubes OS Architecture Spec v0.3 <https://www.qubes-os.org/attachment/doc/arch-spec-0.3.pdf>`__ by Joanna Rutkowska and Rafal Wojtczuk, January 2010