--- layout: doc title: SourceCode permalink: /doc/SourceCode/ redirect_from: /wiki/SourceCode/ --- Qubes Source Code Repositories ============================== All the Qubes code is kept in GIT repositories. We divided the project into several components, each of which has its own separate repository, some of them: - `core-admin.git` -- the core Qubes infrastructure responsible for VM management, VM templates, fs sharing, etc. - `gui-daemon.git` -- GUI virtualization, Dom0 side. - `gui-agent-linux.git` -- GUI virtualization, Linux VM side. - `linux-template-builder.git` - scripts and other files used to create Qubes templates images. You can browse the repositories [online on GitHub](https://github.com/QubesOS/). The Qubes official repositories are on this `QubesOS` github account. To clone a repository: {% highlight trac-wiki %} git clone git://github.com/QubesOS/.git {% endhighlight %} e.g.: {% highlight trac-wiki %} git clone git://github.com/QubesOS/core-admin.git core-admin {% endhighlight %} If you want to contribute to the project, there are two preferred ways: 1. Use github [fork & pull requests](https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/) 2. [sending a patch](/doc/DevelFaq/#q-how-do-i-submit-a-patch) via the project's mailing list (`git format-patch`).