--- layout: doc title: Supported Versions permalink: /doc/supported-versions/ --- Supported Versions ================== Qubes OS -------- Qubes OS releases are supported for **six months** after each subsequent major or minor release (see [Version Scheme]). The current release and past major releases are always available on the [Downloads] page, while all ISOs, including past minor releases, are available from our [FTP server]. | Qubes OS Version | Start Date | End Date | Status | | ---------------- | ---------- | ---------- | --------------------------- | | Release 1 | 2012-09-03 | 2015-03-26 | Old, unsupported | | Release 2 | 2014-09-26 | 2016-04-01 | Old, unsupported | | Release 3.0 | 2015-10-01 | 2016-09-09 | Old, unsupported | | Release 3.1 | 2016-03-09 | 2017-03-29 | Old, supported | | Release 3.2 | 2016-09-29 | TBA | Current, supported | | Release 4.0 | TBA | TBA | In development | Dom0 ---- The table below shows the OS used for dom0 in each Qubes OS release. | Qubes OS Version | Dom0 OS | | ---------------- | --------- | | Release 1 | Fedora 13 | | Release 2 | Fedora 18 | | Release 3.0 | Fedora 20 | | Release 3.1 | Fedora 20 | | Release 3.2 | Fedora 23 | | Release 4.0 | TBA | **Note:** Dom0 is isolated from domUs. DomUs can access only a few interfaces, such as Xen, device backends (in the dom0 kernel and in other VMs, such as the NetVM), and Qubes tools (gui-daemon, qrexec-daemon, etc.). These components are [security-critical], and we provide updates for all of them (when necessary), regardless of the support status of the base distribution. For this reason, we consider it safe to continue using a given base distribution in dom0 even after it has reached end-of-life. TemplateVMs ----------- The table below shows the [TemplateVM] versions supported by each Qubes OS release. Currently, only Fedora and Debian TemplateVMs are officially supported. | Qubes OS Version | Fedora Versions | Debian Versions | | ---------------- | --------------- | --------------------------------------------- | | Release 1 | 18, 20 | None | | Release 2 | 21 | None | | Release 3.0 | 21, 22\*, 23 | 7 ("wheezy")\*, 8 ("jessie") | | Release 3.1 | 21, 22\*, 23 | 7 ("wheezy")\*, 8 ("jessie"), 9 ("stretch")\* | | Release 3.2 | 23 | 8 ("jessie") | | Release 4.0 | TBA | TBA | \* Denotes versions for which we have published the packages but have not done extensive testing. [Version Scheme]: /doc/version-scheme/ [Downloads]: /downloads/ [FTP server]: https://ftp.qubes-os.org/ [security-critical]: /doc/security-critical-code/ [TemplateVM]: /doc/templates/