layout: doc
title: How to Remove VMs Manually
permalink: /doc/remove-vm-manually/

How to Remove VMs Manually

How to Remove a TemplateVM Manually 

Try the [normal method] before resorting to this.
All of the following commands should be executed in a dom0 terminal.

When a template is marked as 'installed by package manager', but cannot be uninstalled there, trying to uninstall manually will result in the error "ERROR: VM installed by package manager: template-vm-name". Do as follows to be able to uninstall the template:

1. Check the state of `installed_by_rpm`

       $ qvm-prefs template-vm-name

2. If `installed_by_rpm - True]`, mark the template as not installed by package manager

       $ qvm-prefs template-vm-name installed_by_rpm false

3. Re-check the state of `installed_by_rpm`

- If `installed_by_rpm - False`, remove the template like you would a regular qube:

       $ qvm-remove template-vm-name

- If `installed_by_rpm` remains `True`, reboot your computer to bring qubes.xml in sync with qubesd, and try again to remove the template.

[normal method]: /doc/templates/#uninstalling