--- layout: doc title: Updating Qubes OS permalink: /doc/updating-qubes-os/ --- Updating Qubes OS ================= *This page is about updating your system while staying on the same [supported version of Qubes OS]. If you're instead looking to upgrade from your current version of Qubes OS to a newer version, see the [Upgrade Guides].* It is very important to keep your Qubes OS system up-to-date to ensure you have the latest [security] updates, as well as the latest non-security enhancements and bug fixes. Fully updating your Qubes OS system means updating: - [Dom0] - [TemplateVMs] - [StandaloneVMs] (if you have any) Visit the pages above to see to how to update each one. The final step is to make sure that all of your VMs are running a supported operating system so that they're all receiving upstream security updates. For example, you might be using a [Fedora TemplateVM]. The [Fedora Project] is independent of the Qubes OS Project. They set their own [schedule] for when each Fedora release reaches [end-of-life] (EOL). You can always find out when an operating system reaches EOL from the upstream project that maintains it, but we also make EOL [announcements] and publish guides for official TemplateVM operating systems as a convenience to Qubes users. When this happens, you should make sure to follow the guide to upgrade to a supported version of that operating system (see the [Fedora upgrade guides] and the [Debian upgrade guides]). The one exception is dom0, which [doesn't have to be upgraded][dom0-eol]. [supported version of Qubes OS]: /doc/supported-versions/#qubes-os [Upgrade Guides]: /doc/upgrade/ [security]: /security/ [Dom0]: /doc/software-update-dom0/ [TemplateVMs]: /doc/software-update-domu/#updating-software-in-templatevms [StandaloneVMs]: /doc/software-update-domu/#standalonevms [Fedora TemplateVM]: /doc/templates/fedora/ [Fedora Project]: https://getfedora.org/ [schedule]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Release_Life_Cycle#Maintenance_Schedule [end-of-life]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/End_of_life [announcements]: /news/categories/#announcements [Fedora upgrade guides]: /doc/templates/fedora/#upgrading [Debian upgrade guides]: /doc/templates/debian/#upgrading [dom0-eol]: /doc/supported-versions/#note-on-dom0-and-eol