How to install software
When you wish to install software in Qubes OS, you should generally
install it in a :ref:`template `. For installing
templates themselves, see :ref:`how to install a template `. Advanced users may also be
interested in learning how to install software in
:doc:`standalones ` and
:doc:`dom0 `.
Qubes OS is effectively a “meta” operating system (OS) that can run
almost any arbitrary OS inside of itself. For example, the way software
is normally installed in a Linux distribution (“distro”) is quite
different from the way software is normally installed in Windows. This
isn’t up to Qubes. Qubes is just the framework in which you’re running
these other OSes. Therefore, if you want to install software in a Linux
template, for example, you should do so in whatever way is normal for
that Linux distro. Most Linux software is distributed via
`packages `__, which are
stored in `software repositories `__
(“repos”). `Package managers `__ handle
downloading, installing, updating, and removing packages. (Again, none
of this is Qubes-specific.) If you’re not familiar with how software is
normally installed in Linux distros via package managers or the software
you want doesn’t seem to be available in your distro’s repos (or you’re
in another situation not covered on this page), please read this
`community guide to installing software in Qubes `__.
The following instructions explain how to permanently install new
software in a template. There are different instructions for software
from the default repositories and all other software. (If you’re not
sure, try the default repositories first.)
Installing software from default repositories
1. Start the template.
2. Start either a terminal (e.g. ``gnome-terminal``) or a dedicated
software management application, such as ``gpk-application``.
3. Install software as normally instructed inside that operating system,
- Fedora: ``sudo dnf install ``
- Debian: ``sudo apt install ``
4. Shut down the template.
5. Restart all qubes based on the template.
6. (Recommended) In the relevant qubes’ **Settings > Applications** tab,
select the new application(s) from the list, and press **OK**. These
new shortcuts will appear in the Applications Menu. (If you encounter
problems, see :doc:`here ` for
.. figure:: /attachment/doc/r4.1-dom0-appmenu-select.png
:alt: `The Applications tab in Qube Settings `__
`The Applications tab in Qube Settings `__
Installing software from other sources
**Warning:** This method gives your template direct network access,
which is `risky <#why-dont-templates-have-network-access>`__. This
method is **not** recommended for trusted templates. Moreover, depending
on how you install this software, it may not get updated automatically
when you :doc:`update Qubes normally `, which means
you may have to update it manually yourself.
Some software is not available from the default repositories and must be
downloaded and installed from another source. This method assumes that
you’re trying to follow the instructions to install some piece of
software in a normal operating system, except that operating system is
running as a template in Qubes OS.
1. (Recommended) Clone the desired template (since this new template
will probably be less trusted than the original).
2. (Recommended) In the new template’s **Settings > Basic** tab, change
the color label from black to red (or another color that signifies to
you that the template is less trusted).
3. In the new template’s **Settings > Basic** tab, change the
**Networking** value from ``default (none) (current)`` to
``sys-firewall`` (or whichever network-providing qube you wish to
4. (Recommended) In the new template’s **Settings > Firewall rules**
tab, select “Limit outgoing Internet connections to…” and tick “Allow
full access for 5 min.” (This can help in case you forget to remove
network access later.)
5. Follow the normal instructions for installing your software in the
new template. For example, open a terminal and enter the commands as
instructed. **Warning:** If you don’t fully understand the commands
you’re entering, then this can be extremely risky, and the template
should be regarded as *completely untrusted*.
6. (Recommended) In the new template’s **Settings > Basic** tab, change
the **Networking** value from ``sys-firewall (current)`` (or
whichever network-providing qube you chose) back to
``default (none)``.
7. Shut down the new template.
8. Create or assign your desired app qubes to use the new template. If
any app qubes were already assigned to the new template, restart
9. (Recommended) In the relevant qubes’ **Settings > Applications** tab,
select the new application(s) from the list, and press **OK**. These
new shortcuts will appear in the Applications Menu. (If you encounter
problems, see :doc:`here ` for
.. figure:: /attachment/doc/r4.1-dom0-appmenu-select.png
:alt: `The Applications tab in Qube Settings `__
`The Applications tab in Qube Settings `__
If things are still not working as expected:
- Review the instructions very carefully, making sure you follow each
- Make sure you **shut down the template after installing your software**.
- Make sure you **restart your app qube after shutting down your template**.
- Make sure your app qube is assigned to the right template.
- If your software requires special files or directories to be
persistent, and you’re an advanced user, see :doc:`standalones and HVMs ` and :doc:`how to make any file persistent (bind-dirs) `.
- :doc:`Ask for help. `
How to update software
Please see :doc:`How to Update `.
Why don't templates have network access?
In order to protect you from performing risky activities in templates,
they do not have normal network access by default. Instead, templates
use an `updates proxy <#updates-proxy>`__ that allows you to install and
update software using the distribution package manager without giving
the template direct network access. **The updates proxy is already setup to work automatically out-of-the-box and requires no special action from you.** Most users should simply follow the normal
instructions for `installing software from default repositories <#installing-software-from-default-repositories>`__ and
:doc:`updating ` software. If your software is not
available in the default repositories, see `installing software from other sources <#installing-software-from-other-sources>`__.
The following sections cover advanced topics pertaining to installing
and updating software in domUs.
Testing repositories
If you wish to install updates that are still in
:doc:`testing `, you must enable the appropriate testing
**Note:** The following repos are in templates and standalones. For dom0
testing repos, see
:ref:`here `.
For testing new templates, please see
:ref:`here `.
There are three Qubes VM testing repositories (where ``*`` denotes the
- ``qubes-vm-*-current-testing`` – testing packages that will
eventually land in the stable (``current``) repository
- ``qubes-vm-*-security-testing`` – a subset of
``qubes-vm-*-current-testing`` that contains packages that qualify as
security fixes
- ``qubes-vm-*-unstable`` – packages that are not intended to land in
the stable (``qubes-vm-*-current``) repository; mostly experimental
debugging packages
To temporarily enable any of these repos, use the
``--enablerepo=`` option. Example commands:
.. code:: bash
sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=qubes-vm-*-current-testing
sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=qubes-vm-*-security-testing
sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=qubes-vm-*-unstable
To enable or disable any of these repos permanently, change the
corresponding ``enabled`` value to ``1`` in
Debian also has three Qubes VM testing repositories (where ``*`` denotes
the Release):
- ``*-testing`` – testing packages that will eventually land in the
stable (``current``) repository
- ``*-securitytesting`` – a subset of ``*-testing`` that contains
packages that qualify as security fixes
- ``*-unstable`` – packages that are not intended to land in the stable
repository; mostly experimental debugging packages
To enable or disable any of these repos permanently, uncomment the
corresponding ``deb`` line in ``/etc/apt/sources.list.d/qubes-r*.list``.
The process for installing and updating software in
:ref:`standalones ` is the same as described
above for templates, except no qubes are based on standalones, so there
are no other qubes to restart.
RPMFusion for Fedora templates
If you would like to enable the `RPM Fusion `__
repositories, open a Terminal of the template and type the following
commands, depending on which RPM Fusion repositories you wish to enable
(see `RPM Fusion `__ for details):
.. code:: bash
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled rpmfusion-free
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled rpmfusion-free-updates
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled rpmfusion-nonfree
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled rpmfusion-nonfree-updates
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
This will permanently enable the RPM Fusion repos. If you install
software from here, it’s important to keep these repos enabled so that
you can receiving future updates. If you only enable these repos
temporarily to install a package the Qubes update mechanism may
persistently notify you that updates are available, since it cannot
download them.
Reverting changes to a template
Perhaps you’ve just updated your template, and the update broke your
template. Or perhaps you’ve made a terrible mistake, like accidentally
confirming the installation of an unsigned package that could be
malicious. If you want to undo changes to a template, there are three
basic methods:
1. **Root revert.** This is appropriate for misconfigurations, but not
for security concerns. It will preserve your customizations.
2. **Reinstall the template.** This is appropriate for both
misconfigurations and security concerns, but you will lose all
3. **Full revert.** This is appropriate for both misconfigurations and
security concerns, and it can preserve your customizations. However,
it is a bit more complex.
Root revert
**Important:** This command will roll back any changes made *during the last time the template was run, but* **not** *before.* This means that
if you have already restarted the template, using this command is
unlikely to help, and you’ll likely want to reinstall it from the
repository instead. On the other hand, if the template is already broken
or compromised, it won’t hurt to try reverting first. Just make sure to
**back up** all of your data and changes first!
1. Shut down ````. If you’ve already just shut it down, do
**not** start it again (see above).
2. In a dom0 terminal:
.. code:: bash
qvm-volume revert :root
Reinstall the template
Please see :doc:`How to Reinstall a template `.
Full revert
This is like the simple revert, except:
- You must also revert the private volume with
``qvm-volume revert :private``. This requires you to have
an old revision of the private volume, which does not exist with the
current default config. However, if you don’t have anything important
in the private volume (likely for a template), then you can work
around this by just resetting the private volume with
``qvm-volume import --no-resize :private /dev/null``.
- The saved revision of the volumes must be uncompromised. With the
default ``revisions_to_keep=1`` for the root volume, you must **not**
have started the template since the compromising action.
Updates proxy
Updates proxy is a service which allows access from package managers
configured to use the proxy by default, but can be used by any other
program that accepts proxy arguments. The purpose of the proxy, instead
of direct network access, is meant to mitigate user errors of using
applications such as the browser in the template. Not necessarily what
part of the network they can access, but only to applications trusted by
the user, configured to use the proxy. The http proxy (tinyproxy) does
not filter traffic because it is hard to list all the repository mirrors
and keep that list up to date). it also does not cache anything.
The proxy is running in selected VMs (by default all the NetVMs (1)) and
intercepts traffic directed to Thanks to such
configuration all the VMs can use the same proxy address. If the VM is
configured to have access to the updates proxy (2), the startup scripts
will automatically configure dnf/apt to really use the proxy (3). Also
access to updates proxy is independent of any other firewall settings
(VM will have access to updates proxy, even if policy is set to block
all the traffic).
There are two services (``qvm-service``, :doc:`service framework `):
1. ``qubes-updates-proxy`` (and its deprecated name:
``qubes-yum-proxy``) - a service providing a proxy for templates - by
default enabled in NetVMs (especially: sys-net)
2. ``updates-proxy-setup`` (and its deprecated name:
``yum-proxy-setup``) - use a proxy provided by another VM (instead of
downloading updates directly), enabled by default in all templates
Both the old and new names work. The defaults listed above are applied
if the service is not explicitly listed in the services tab.
Technical details
The updates proxy uses RPC/qrexec. The proxy is configured in qrexec
policy in dom0: ``/etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.UpdatesProxy``. By default
this is set to sys-net and/or sys-whonix, depending on firstboot
choices. This new design allows for templates to be updated even when
they are not connected to any NetVM.
Example policy file in R4.1 (with Whonix installed, but not set as
default UpdateVM for all templates):
.. code:: bash
# any VM with tag `whonix-updatevm` should use `sys-whonix`; this tag is added to `whonix-gw` and `whonix-ws` during installation and is preserved during template clone
@tag:whonix-updatevm @default allow,target=sys-whonix
@tag:whonix-updatevm @anyvm deny
# other templates use sys-net
@type:TemplateVM @default allow,target=sys-net
@anyvm @anyvm deny
Installing Snap Packages
Snap packages do not use the normal update channels for Debian and
Fedora (apt and dnf) and are often installed as the user rather than as
root. To support these in an app qube you need to take the following
1. In the **template** you must install ``snapd`` and
``qubes-snapd-helper``. Open a terminal in the template and run:
.. code:: bash
[user@fedora-36-snap-demo ~]$ sudo dnf install snapd qubes-snapd-helper
Last metadata expiration check: 0:33:05 ago on Thu 03 Nov 2022 04:34:06.
Dependencies resolved.
Package Arch Version Repository Size
snapd x86_64 2.56.2-4.fc36 updates 14 M
qubes-snapd-helper noarch 1.0.4-1.fc36 qubes-vm-r4.1-current 10 k
Installing dependencies:
Transaction Summary
Install 19 Packages
Total download size: 27 M
Installed size: 88 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
Failed to resolve booleanif statement at /var/lib/selinux/targeted/tmp/modules/200/snappy/cil:1174
/usr/sbin/semodule: Failed!
Last metadata expiration check: 0:33:05 ago on Thu 03 Nov 2022 04:34:06.
Notifying dom0 about installed applications
snapd-2.56.2-4.fc36.x86_64 qubes-snapd-helper-1.0.4-1.fc36.noarch
You may see the following message:
.. code:: bash
Failed to resolve booleanif statement at /var/lib/selinux/targeted/tmp/modules/200/snappy/cil:1174
/usr/sbin/semodule: Failed!
This is expected and you can safely continue.
Shutdown the template:
.. code:: bash
[user@fedora-36-snap-demo ~]$ sudo shutdown -h now
2. Now open the **app qube** in which you would like to install the Snap
application and run a terminal:
.. code:: bash
[user@snap-demo-app qube ~]$ snap install
When the install is complete you can close the terminal window.
3. Refresh the Applications list for the app qube. In the Qubes Menu for
the **app qube*** launch the Qube Settings. Then go to the
Applications tab and click “Refresh Applications”
The refresh will take a few minutes; after it’s complete the Snap app
will appear in the app qube’s list of available applications. At this
point the snap will be persistent within the app qube and will
receive updates when the app qube is running.
Autostarting Installed Applications
If you want a desktop app to start automatically every time a qube
starts you can create a link to it in the ``~/.config/autostart``
directory of the **app qube**. This might be useful for Qubes that you
set to automatically start on boot or for Qubes that have a set of apps
you typically use all day, such as a chat app.
1. Open a terminal in the **app qube** where you would like the app to
2. List the names of the available desktop shortcuts by running the
command ``ls /usr/share/applications`` and find the exact name of
the shortcut to the app you want to autostart:
.. code:: bash
[user@example-app qube ~]$ ls /usr/share/applications/
3. Create the autostart directory:
.. code:: bash
[user@example-app qube ~]$ mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart
4. Make a link to the desktop app file you’d like to start in the
autostart directory. For example, the command below will link the
Thunderbird app into the autostart directory:
.. code:: bash
[user@example-app qube ~]$ ln -s /usr/share/applications/mozilla-thunderbird.desktop ~/.config/autostart/mozilla-thunderbird.desktop
Note that the app will autostart only when the app qube starts. If you
would like the app qube to autostart, select the “Start qube
automatically on boot” checkbox in the app qube’s Qube Settings.