--- layout: doc title: qvm-run permalink: /doc/tools/3.2/dom0/qvm-run/ redirect_from: - /doc/dom0-tools/qvm-run/ - /en/doc/dom0-tools/qvm-run/ - /doc/Dom0Tools/QvmRun/ - /wiki/Dom0Tools/QvmRun/ --- ``` ======= qvm-run ======= NAME ==== qvm-run - run a command on a specified VM SYNOPSIS ======== | qvm-run [options] [] [] OPTIONS ======= -h, --help Show this help message and exit -q, --quiet Be quiet -a, --auto Auto start the VM if not running -u USER, --user=USER Run command in a VM as a specified user --tray Use tray notifications instead of stdout --all Run command on all currently running VMs (or all paused, in case of --unpause) --exclude=EXCLUDE_LIST When --all is used: exclude this VM name (might be repeated) --wait Wait for the VM(s) to shutdown --shutdown (deprecated) Do 'xl shutdown' for the VM(s) (can be combined this with --all and --wait) --pause Do 'xl pause' for the VM(s) (can be combined this with --all and --wait) --unpause Do 'xl unpause' for the VM(s) (can be combined this with --all and --wait) -p, --pass-io Pass stdin/stdout/stderr from remote program --localcmd=LOCALCMD With --pass-io, pass stdin/stdout/stderr to the given program --nogui Run command without gui --filter-escape-chars Filter terminal escape sequences (default if output is terminal) --no-filter-escape-chars Do not filter terminal escape sequences - overrides --filter-escape-chars, DANGEROUS when output is terminal --no-color-output Disable marking VM output with red color --no-color-stderr Disable marking VM stderr with red color --color-output Force marking VM output with given ANSI style (use 31 for red) --color-stderr Force marking VM stderr with given ANSI style (use 31 for red) --force Force operation, even if may damage other VMs (eg. shutdown of NetVM) AUTHORS ======= | Joanna Rutkowska | Rafal Wojtczuk | Marek Marczykowski ``` ----- **Note:** The Markdown source of this page in [`qubes-doc`] was generated by running the [`update-manpages-3-2`] script on `qubes-core-admin/doc/qvm-tools/`. If you wish to update the contents of this page as it appears on the Qubes OS website, please submit a pull request to change the appropriate file in `qubes-core-admin/doc/qvm-tools/`. Do not attempt to change the Markdown source of this page in [`qubes-doc`] directly. All direct changes to the Markdown file will be overwritten the next time this page is regenerated. [`qubes-doc`]: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-doc/ [`update-manpages-3-2`]: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubesos.github.io/blob/master/_utils/update-manpages-3-2