layout: doc
title: How to create Penetration Testers Framework (PTF) VM
permalink: /doc/pentesting/ptf/
- /doc/ptf/

**General Remainder:**

- The installation scripts and provided tools may have bugs, be vulnerable to Man in the Middle (MitM) attacks or other vulnerabilities.

- Adding additional repositories or tools for installing software extends your trust to those tool provider.

Please keep in mind that using such a VM or VM's based on the template for security and privacy critical tasks is not recommended.

How to create Penetration Testers Framework (PTF) VM

"The PenTesters Framework (PTF) is a Python script designed for Debian/Ubuntu/ArchLinux based distributions to create a similar and familiar distribution for Penetration Testing.

PTF attempts to install all of your penetration testing tools (latest and greatest), compile them, build them, and make it so that you can install/update your distribution on any machine." (source [PTF Readme](https://github.com/trustedsec/ptf/blob/master/README.md))

**Note** PTF works on Debian testing as well as on Debian 8. PTF itself works with Debian 8, but the software tools will have missing dependencies. Metasploit for examples requires a newer Ruby version than Debian 8 has in the repositories. Therefor the best way to install PTF is by upgrading a Debian 8 into Debian testing with additional Kali repositories. Instead of installing the tools from Kali, PTF will install and update the newest tools.

Create Debian Based Penetration Testers Framework (PTF) Template

1. Create PTF template

    1. Follow [Create Debian Based Kali Template](/doc/pentesting/kali/) till step 7.

    2. (Optional) Rename the cloned template to `ptf`

2. Download PTF

        sudo apt-get install git
        cd /opt
        sudo git clone https://github.com/trustedsec/ptf.git

    - (Optional) Configure PTF

        1. Go to configuration directory

                cd /opt/ptf/config

        2. Edit the configuration file

            for example by using vim:

                sudo vim ptf.config

            the configuration options are described in the `ptf.config` file

3. Install PTF

        cd /opt/ptf
        sudo ./ptf

    **Note:** the config file has to be in the same directory as the executable. It is not
possible to do sudo ptf/ptf

    PTF will put itself into `/usr/local/bin/ptf`. You can use `ptf` from now on.

4. Install/Update modules (tools)

    1. Start PTF

            sudo ptf

        ![PTF start banner](/attachment/wiki/PTF/ptf-banner.png)

    2. Show available modules (tools)

            ptf> show modules

    3. Install/Update modules (all/)

        - Install/Update all tools

                ptf> use modules/install_update_all

        - or by category Install/Update

                ptf> use modules/code-audit/install_update_all

        - or individually (example Metasploit)

            1. Search for module

                    ptf> search metasploit
                    [*] Search results below:

            2. Use module

                    ptf> use modules/exploitation/metasploit

            3. Install module


            4. Run Metasploit

                    ptf> quit
                    [*] Exiting PTF - the easy pentest platform creation framework.
                    sudo msfconsole

5. Create a AppVMs based on the `ptf` template

    - (Optional) Attach necessary devices

Alternative Options to PTF

- [BlackArch](/doc/pentesting/blackarch/)
- [Kali](/doc/pentesting/kali/)
- [Pentesting](/doc/pentesting/)