--- layout: doc title: Install Whonix in Qubes permalink: /doc/whonix/install/ redirect_from: /doc/privacy/install-whonix/ --- Install Whonix in Qubes ======================= Installing Whonix in Qubes is simple and only requires a few simple steps. ### First Time Users Using privacy and anonymization tools like Whonix is not a magical solution that instantly makes you anonymous online. Please consider: * Do you know what metadata or a man-in-the-middle attack is? * Do you think nobody can eavesdrop on your communications because you are using Tor? * Do you know how Whonix works? If you answered no, have a look at the [about](https://www.whonix.org/wiki/About), [warning](https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Warning) and [do not](https://www.whonix.org/wiki/DoNot) pages (on the Whonix website) to make sure Whonix is the right tool for you and you understand it's limitations. --- ### Install Templates Launch the `dom0` terminal `Konsole` from your Qubes App Launcher. Then enter the following command to install the Whonix-Gateway and Workstation TemplateVMs. ~~~ sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community qubes-template-whonix-gw qubes-template-whonix-ws ~~~ Download will take a while and there will be no progress indicator. After doing this, you should see two new TemplateVMs in the VM Manager called `whonix-gw` and `whonix-ws` ### Enabling AppArmor This is an optional security enhancement (for testers-only). If you’re technical & interested, see [Enabling AppArmor](/doc/privacy/customizing-whonix/). ### Configuring Whonix VMs Create a **Whonix-Gateway** ProxyVM by clicking on `Create a New VM` and select `whonix-gw` as the template and select ProxyVM as the type. ![Create Whonix-Gateway ProxyVMs](/attachment/wiki/Whonix/Create_Qubes-Whonix-Gateway_ProxyVM.png) Create a **Whonix-Workstation** AppVM by clicking on `Create a New VM` and select `whonix-ws` as the template and select AppVM (should be default) as the type. ![Create Workstation AppVMs](/attachment/wiki/Whonix/Create_Qubes-Whonix-Workstation_AppVM.png) Configure the **Whonix-Gateway TemplateVM** to use the `sys-whonix` ProxyVM that you just created. ![TemplateVM Proxy Settings](/attachment/wiki/Whonix/Qubes-Whonix-Gateway_TemplateVM_Qubes_VM_Manager_Settings.png) Great. You should be all done installing Whonix into Qubes. Use these two TemplateVMs and the ProxyVM you just added, like you would for any other VMs. ### Running Applications To start an application in the **Whonix-Workstation AppVM** that you created, launch it like any other- open the `Qubes App Launcher` and then select an app such as `Privacy Browser` which will then launch the Tor Browser ### Advanced Information You can learn more about [installing Whonix](https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Qubes/Install), [Qubes-Whonix](https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Qubes) or [Whonix generally](https://www.whonix.org).