--- lang: en layout: doc permalink: /doc/releases/3.2/release-notes/ ref: 21 title: Qubes R3.2 release notes --- ## New features since 3.1 * Management Stack extended to support in-VM configuration - [documentation](/doc/salt/) * PV USB - [documentation](/doc/usb/) * Dom0 update to Fedora 23 for better hardware support * Kernel 4.4.x * Default desktop environment switched to Xfce4 * KDE 5 support (but it is no longer the default one) * Tiling window managers support: awesome, [i3](/doc/i3/) * More flexible Qubes RPC services - [related ticket](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1876), [documentation](/doc/qrexec/#service-policies-with-arguments) You can get detailed description in [completed github issues](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues?q=is%3Aissue+sort%3Aupdated-desc+milestone%3A%22Release+3.2%22+label%3Arelease-notes+is%3Aclosed) ## Known issues * [Fedora 23 reached EOL in December 2016](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/End_of_life). There is a [manual procedure to upgrade your VMs](/news/2018/01/06/fedora-26-upgrade/). * Windows Tools: `qvm-block` does not work * Some icons in the Qubes Manager application might not be drawn correctly when using the Xfce4 environment in Dom0. If this bothers you, please use the KDE environment instead. * For other known issues take a look at [our tickets](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22Release+3.2%22+label%3Abug) It is advised to install updates just after system installation to apply bug fixes for (some of) the above problems. ## Downloads See [Qubes Downloads](/downloads/). ## Installation instructions See [Installation Guide](/doc/installation-guide/). After installation, [manually upgrade to Fedora 26](/news/2018/01/06/fedora-26-upgrade/). ## Upgrading ### From R3.1 The easiest and safest way to upgrade to Qubes R3.2 is to install it from scratch and use [qubes backup and restore tools](/doc/backup-restore/) for migrating of all of the user VMs. Users of Qubes R3.1 can also upgrade using [this procedure](/doc/upgrade-to-r3.2/). ### From R3.0 or earlier When upgrading from earlier versions the easiest and safest way is to install it from scratch and use [qubes backup and restore tools](/doc/backup-restore/) for migrating of all of the user VMs. Alternatively you can [upgrade to R3.1 using](/doc/releases/3.1/release-notes/#upgrading) first, then follow the instructions above. This will be time consuming process.