--- layout: doc title: UEFI Troubleshooting permalink: /doc/uefi-troubleshooting/ --- Troubleshooting UEFI related problems ======================================== Cannot start installation, installation completes successfully but then BIOS loops at boot device selection, hangs at four penguins after choosing "Test media and install Qubes OS" in GRUB menu --------------------- There is some [common bug in UEFI implementation](http://xen.markmail.org/message/f6lx2ab4o2fch35r), affecting mostly Lenovo systems, but probably some others too. You can try existing workaround: 01. In GRUB menu[1](#f1), select "Troubleshoot", then "Boot from device", then press `e`. 02. At the end of `chainloader` line add `/mapbs /noexitboot`. 03. Perform installation normally, but not reboot system at the end yet. 04. Go to `tty2` (Ctrl-Alt-F2). 05. Enable `/mapbs /noexitboot` on just installed system. This step differs between Qubes releases: **For Qubes 3.1:** 06. Execute `mount | grep boot/efi` and note device name (first column). It should be something like `/dev/sda1`. 07. Execute `efibootmgr -v`, search for `Qubes` entry and note its number (it should be something like `Boot0001` - `0001` is an entry number). 08. Replace existing `Qubes` entry with modified one. Replace `XXXX` with entry number from previous step, `/dev/sda` with your disk name and `-p 1` with `/boot/efi` partition number): efibootmgr -b XXXX -B efibootmgr -v -c -u -L Qubes -l /EFI/qubes/xen.efi -d /dev/sda -p 1 "placeholder /mapbs /noexitboot" 09. Compare new entry with the old one (printed in step 6) - it should only differ in additional options at the end, and look probably something like this: Boot0001* Qubes HD(1,GPT,partition-guid-here,0x800,0x64000)/File(\EFI\qubes\xen.efi)p.l.a.c.e.h.o.l.d.e.r. ./.m.a.p.b.s. ./.n.o.e.x.i.t.b.o.o.t. If instead it looks like: Boot0001* Qubes HD(1,0,00000000...0,0x0,0x0)/File(\EFI\qubes\xen.efi)p.l.a.c.e.h.o.l.d.e.r. ./.m.a.p.b.s. ./.n.o.e.x.i.t.b.o.o.t. then try passing `/dev/sda1` or `/dev/nvme0n1p1` or whatever is your EFI partition instead of `/dev/sda` and `-p 1`. 10. Now you can reboot the system by issuing `reboot` command. **For Qubes 3.2 or later:** 11. Edit `/mnt/sysimage/boot/efi/EFI/qubes/xen.cfg` (you can use `vi` editor) and add to every kernel section: mapbs=1 noexitboot=1 **Note:** You must add these parameters on two separate new lines (one paramater on each line) at the end of each section that includes a kernel line (i.e., all sections except the first one, since it doesn't have a kernel line). 12. Now you can reboot the system by issuing `reboot` command. System crash/restart when booting installer ------------------------------------------- Some Dell systems and probably others have [another bug in UEFI firmware](http://markmail.org/message/amw5336otwhdxi76). And there is another workaround for it: 1. In GRUB menu[1](#f1) press `e`. 2. At the end of `chainloader` line add `-- efi=attr=uc`. 3. Perform installation normally, but not reboot system at the end yet. 4. Go to `tty2` (Ctrl-Alt-F2). 5. Execute: sed -i -e 's/^options=.*/\0 efi=attr=uc/' /mnt/sysimage/boot/efi/qubes/xen.cfg 6. Now you can reboot the system by issuing `reboot` command. * * * 1 If you use rEFInd, you can see 3 options regarding the USB installer. Choose "Fallback Boot Loader" to enter the GRUB menu. [↩](#a1-1) [↩](#a1-2)