--- lang: en layout: doc permalink: /doc/how-to-update/ redirect_from: - /doc/updating-qubes-os/ ref: 200 title: How to update --- *This page is about updating your system while staying on the same [supported version of Qubes OS](/doc/supported-releases/#qubes-os). If you're instead looking to upgrade from your current version of Qubes OS to a newer version, see [Upgrade guides](/doc/upgrade/).* It is important to keep your Qubes OS system up-to-date to ensure you have the latest security updates, as well as the latest non-security enhancements and bug fixes. Fully updating your Qubes OS system means updating: - [dom0](/doc/glossary/#dom0) - [templates](/doc/glossary/#template) - [standalones](/doc/glossary/#standalone) (if you have any) ## Security updates Security updates are an extremely important part of keeping your Qubes installation secure. When there is an important security incident, we will issue a [Qubes Security Bulletin (QSB)](/security/qsb/) via the [Qubes Security Pack (`qubes-secpack`)](/security/pack/). It is very important to read each new QSB and follow any user instructions it contains. Most of the time, simply updating your system normally, as described below, will be sufficient to obtain security updates. However, in some cases, special action may be required on your part, which will be explained in the QSB. ## Checking for updates By default, the **Qubes Update** tool will appear as an icon in the Notification Area when updates are available. [![Qube Updates Available](/attachment/doc/r4.2-qube-updates-available.png)](/attachment/doc/r4.2-qube-updates-available.png) However, you can also start the tool manually by selecting it in the Applications Menu under "Qubes Tools." Even if no updates have been detected, you can use this tool to check for updates manually at any time by selecting all desired items from the list and clicking "Update". By default, most qubes that are connected to the internet will periodically check for updates for their parent templates. You can check the date of the last update check in the "last checked" column. If updates are available for any qube, you will receive a notification as described above, and in the "Updates available" column you will see "YES" for that qube(s). If the update check did not find any new updates, "NO" will appear in the column. Respectively, for qubes that are no longer supported, "OBSOLETE" will be displayed. However, if you have any templates that do *not* have any online child qubes, you will *not* receive update notifications for them. By default, after a week, if updates for a given qube have not been checked, the value in the "Updates available" column will be set to "MAYBE". ## Installing updates The standard way to install updates is with the **Qubes Update** tool. (However, you can also perform the same action via the [command-line interface](#command-line-interface).) [![Qubes Update](/attachment/doc/r4.2-software-update.png)](/attachment/doc/r4.2-software-update.png) You can easily decide which qubes to update by clicking on the checkbox in the column header. At startup, only the qubes for which updates are known are selected for updating, but clicking on the mentioned checkbox will also select all qubes with the "MAYBE" status. It is recommended to update all qubes with the statuses "YES" and "MAYBE". Then simply follow the on-screen instructions, and the tool will download and install all available updates for you. Note that if you are downloading updates over Tor (`sys-whonix`), this can take a very long time, especially if there are a lot of updates available. ## Restarting after updating Certain updates require certain components to be restarted in order for the updates to take effect: - QSBs may instruct you to restart certain components after installing updates. - Dom0 should be restarted after all **Xen** and **kernel** updates. - On Intel systems, dom0 should be restarted after all `microcode_ctl` updates. - On AMD systems, dom0 should be restarted after all `linux-firmware` updates. - After updating a template, first shut down the template, then restart all running qubes based on that template. The updater will try to do this for you automatically in the last step of updating. Remember to save all your data before restarting! ## AEM resealing after updating If you use [Anti Evil Maid (AEM)](/doc/anti-evil-maid/), you'll have to "reseal" after certain updates. It's common for QSBs to contain instructions to this effect. See the relevant QSB and the [AEM `README`](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-antievilmaid/blob/main/README) for details. ## Command-line interface Advanced users may wish to perform updates via the command-line interface. To update templates and standalones non-interactively, use the command `qubes-vm-update`, and to update dom0, use `qubes-dom0-update`. If you want to perform an update with more advanced user-configurable options (e.g., custom pre- or post-update scripts, custom workarounds), see: [update.qubes-dom0](/doc/salt/#updatequbes-dom0) and [update.qubes-vm](/doc/salt/#updatequbes-vm). Advanced users may also be interested in learning [how to enable the testing repos](/doc/testing/). ## Upgrading to avoid EOL The above covers updating *within* a given operating system (OS) release. Eventually, however, most OS releases will reach **end-of-life (EOL)**, after which point they will no longer be supported. This applies to Qubes OS itself as well as OSes used in [templates](/doc/templates/) (and [standalones](/doc/standalones-and-hvms/), if you have any). **It's very important that you use only supported releases so that you continue to receive security updates.** This means that you *must* periodically upgrade Qubes OS and your templates before they reach EOL. You can always see which versions of Qubes OS and select templates are supported on [Supported releases](/doc/supported-releases/). In the case of Qubes OS itself, we will make an [announcement](/news/categories/#releases) when a supported Qubes OS release is approaching EOL and another when it has actually reached EOL, and we will provide [instructions for upgrading to the next stable supported Qubes OS release](/doc/upgrade/). Periodic upgrades are also important for templates. For example, you might be using a [Fedora template](/doc/templates/fedora/). The [Fedora Project](https://getfedora.org/) is independent of the Qubes OS Project. They set their own [schedule](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Release_Life_Cycle#Maintenance_Schedule) for when each Fedora release reaches EOL. You can always find out when an OS reaches EOL from the upstream project that maintains it. We also pass along any EOL notices we receive for official template OSes as a convenience to Qubes users (see the [supported template releases](/doc/supported-releases/#templates)). The one exception to all this is the specific release used for dom0 (not to be confused with Qubes OS as a whole), which [doesn't have to be upgraded](/doc/supported-releases/#note-on-dom0-and-eol).