--- layout: doc title: Installing contributed packages permalink: /doc/installing-contributed-packages/ --- # Installing contributed packages _This page is for users who wish to install contributed packages. If you want to contribute a package, please see [package contributions]._ Qubes OS contributed packages are available under the [QubesOS-contrib] GitHub Project. This is a place where our community can [contribute Qubes OS related packages, additions and various customizations][package contributions]. ## Installing the repositories If you want to install one of these packages, first you need to enable the repository in your system (dom0 and/or templates). This can be done by installing the `qubes-repo-contrib` package. This package includes the repository definition and keys necessary to download, verify, and install [QubesOS-contrib] packages. In dom0, use `qubes-dom0-update`: sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-repo-contrib In a Fedora-based template, use `dnf`: sudo dnf install qubes-repo-contrib In a Debian-based template, use `apt`: sudo apt update && sudo apt install qubes-repo-contrib The new repository definition will be in the usual location for your distro, and it will follow the naming pattern `qubes-contrib-*`, depending on your Qubes release and whether it is in dom0 or a TemplateVM. For example, in a Fedora TemplateVM on Qubes 4.0, the new repository definition would be: /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-contrib-vm-r4.0.repo ## Installing packages After you've installed the repositories, you can install contributed packages. **Note:** The first time you install a contrib package in dom0, you must use the `--clean` flag. For example, to install `qvm-screenshot-tool` in dom0: sudo qubes-dom0-update --clean qvm-screenshot-tool Please see the package's README for specific installation and setup instructions. [package contributions]: /doc/package-contributions/ [QubesOS-contrib]: https://github.com/QubesOS-contrib/