--- layout: doc title: Development Workflow permalink: /en/doc/development-workflow/ redirect_from: - /doc/DevelopmentWorkflow/ - /wiki/DevelopmentWorkflow/ --- Development Workflow ==================== A workflow for developing Qubes OS+ First things first, setup [QubesBuilder](/en/doc/qubes-builder/). This guide assumes you're using qubes-builder to build Qubes. Repositories and committing Code -------------------------------- Qubes is split into a bunch of git repos. This are all contained in the `qubes-src` directory under qubes-builder. FIXME(ypid): Not on github? The best way to write and contribute code is to create a git repo somewhere (e.g., github) for the repo you are interested in editing (e.g., `qubes-manager`, `core`, etc). To integrate your repo with the rest of Qubes, cd to the repo directory and add your repository as a remote in git **Example:** ~~~ $ cd qubes-builder/qubes-src/qubes-manager $ git remote add abel git@github.com:abeluck/qubes-manager.git ~~~ You can then proceed to easily develop in your own branches, pull in new commits from the dev branches, merge them, and eventually push to your own repo on github. When you are ready to submit your changes to Qubes to be merged, push your changes, then create a signed git tag (using `git tag -s`). Finally, send a letter to the Qubes listserv describing the changes and including the link to your repository. Don't forget to include your public PGP key you use to sign your tags. ### Kernel-specific notes #### Prepare fresh version of kernel sources, with Qubes-specific patches applied In qubes-builder/qubes-src/kernel: ~~~ make prep ~~~ The resulting tree will be in kernel-\/linux-\: ~~~ ls -ltrd kernel*/linux* ~~~ ~~~ drwxr-xr-x 23 user user 4096 Nov 5 09:50 kernel-3.4.18/linux-3.4.18 drwxr-xr-x 6 user user 4096 Nov 21 20:48 kernel-3.4.18/linux-obj ~~~ #### Go to the kernel tree and update the version In qubes-builder/qubes-src/kernel: ~~~ cd kernel-3.4.18/linux-3.4.18 ~~~ #### Changing the config In kernel-3.4.18/linux-3.4.18: ~~~ cp ../../config-pvops .config make oldconfig ~~~ Now change the configuration. For example, in kernel-3.4.18/linux-3.4.18: ~~~ make menuconfig ~~~ Copy the modified config back into the kernel tree: ~~~ cp .config ../../../config-pvops ~~~ #### Patching the code TODO: describe the workflow for patching the code, below are some random notes, not working well ~~~ ln -s ../../patches.xen export QUILT_PATCHES=patches.xen export QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index" export QUILT_SERIES=../../series-pvops.conf quilt new patches.xen/pvops-3.4-0101-usb-xen-pvusb-driver-bugfix.patch quilt add drivers/usb/host/Kconfig drivers/usb/host/Makefile \ drivers/usb/host/xen-usbback/* drivers/usb/host/xen-usbfront.c \ include/xen/interface/io/usbif.h *edit something* quilt refresh cd ../.. vi series-pvops.conf ~~~ #### Building RPMS TODO: Is this step generic for all subsystems? Now it is a good moment to make sure you have changed kernel release name in rel-pvops file. For example, if you change it to '1debug201211116c' the resulting RPMs will be named 'kernel-3.4.18-1debug20121116c.pvops.qubes.x86\_64.rpm'. This will help distinguish between different versions of the same package. You might want to take a moment here to review (git diff, git status), commit your changes locally. To actually build RPMS, in qubes-src/kernel: ~~~ make rpms ~~~ RPMS will appear in qubes-src/kernel/rpm/x86\_64: ~~~ -rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 42996126 Nov 17 04:08 kernel-3.4.18-1debug20121116c.pvops.qubes.x86_64.rpm -rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 43001450 Nov 17 05:36 kernel-3.4.18-1debug20121117a.pvops.qubes.x86_64.rpm -rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 8940138 Nov 17 04:08 kernel-devel-3.4.18-1debug20121116c.pvops.qubes.x86_64.rpm -rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 8937818 Nov 17 05:36 kernel-devel-3.4.18-1debug20121117a.pvops.qubes.x86_64.rpm -rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 54490741 Nov 17 04:08 kernel-qubes-vm-3.4.18-1debug20121116c.pvops.qubes.x86_64.rpm -rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 54502117 Nov 17 05:37 kernel-qubes-vm-3.4.18-1debug20121117a.pvops.qubes.x86_64.rpm ~~~ ### Useful [QubesBuilder](/en/doc/qubes-builder/) commands 1. *make check* - will check if all the code was commited into repository and if all repository are tagged with signed tag. 2. *make show-vtags* - show version of each component (based on git tags) - mostly useful just before building ISO. **Note:** this will not show version for components containing changes since last version tag 3. *make push* - push change from **all** repositories to git server. You must set proper remotes (see above) for all repositories first. 4. *make prepare-merge* - fetch changes from remote repositories (can be specified on commandline via GIT\_SUBDIR or GIT\_REMOTE vars), (optionally) verify tags and show the changes. This do not merge the changes - there are left for review as FETCH\_HEAD ref. You can merge them using "git merge FETCH\_HEAD" (in each repo directory). Copying Code to dom0 -------------------- When developing it is convenient to be able to rapidly test changes. Assuming you're developing Qubes on Qubes, you should be working in a special VM for Qubes and occasionally you will want to transfer code or rpms back to dom0 for testing. Here are some handy scripts Marek has shared to facilitate this. You may also like to run your [test environment on separate machine](/en/doc/test-bench/). ### Syncing dom0 files TODO: edit this script to be more generic ~~~ #!/bin/sh set -x set -e QUBES_PY_DIR=/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/qubes QUBES_PY=$QUBES_PY_DIR/qubes.py QUBESUTILS_PY=$QUBES_PY_DIR/qubesutils.py qvm-run -p qubes-devel 'cd qubes-builder/qubes-src/core/dom0; tar c qmemman/qmemman*.py qvm-core/*.py qvm-tools/* misc/vm-template-hvm.conf misc/qubes-start.desktop ../misc/block-snapshot aux-tools ../qrexec' |tar xv cp $QUBES_PY qubes.py.bak$$ cp $QUBESUTILS_PY qubesutils.py.bak$$ cp /etc/xen/scripts/block-snapshot block-snapshot.bak$$ sudo cp qvm-core/qubes.py $QUBES_PY sudo cp qvm-core/qubesutils.py $QUBESUTILS_PY sudo cp qvm-core/guihelpers.py $QUBES_PY_DIR/ sudo cp qmemman/qmemman*.py $QUBES_PY_DIR/ sudo cp misc/vm-template-hvm.conf /usr/share/qubes/ sudo cp misc/qubes-start.desktop /usr/share/qubes/ sudo cp misc/block-snapshot /etc/xen/scripts/ sudo cp aux-tools/qubes-dom0-updates.cron /etc/cron.daily/ # FIXME(Abel Luck): I hope to ~~~ ### Apply qvm-tools TODO: make it more generic ~~~ #!/bin/sh BAK=qvm-tools.bak$$ mkdir -p $BAK cp -a /usr/bin/qvm-* /usr/bin/qubes-* $BAK/ sudo cp qvm-tools/qvm-* qvm-tools/qubes-* /usr/bin/ ~~~ ### Copy from dom0 to an appvm ~~~ #/bin/sh # # usage ./cp-domain # domain=$1 file=$2 fname=`basename $file` qvm-run $domain 'mkdir /home/user/incoming/dom0 -p' cat $file| qvm-run --pass-io $domain "cat > /home/user/incoming/dom0/$fname" ~~~