--- layout: wiki title: DispVMCustomization permalink: /wiki/UserDoc/DispVMCustomization/ --- Customization of Disposable VM ============================== It is possible to change application settings for each new DispVM. This can be done by customizin DispVM template: 1. Start terminal in 'fedora-17-x64-dvm' VM (via command line, it is not listed in Qubes Manager nor system menu): ``` {.wiki} qvm-run -a fedora-17-x64-dvm gnome-terminal ``` 2. Change application settings (eg you can start firefox and change default search engine, install some plugins etc). 3. Create empty /home/user/.qubes-dispvm-customized file: ``` {.wiki} touch /home/user/.qubes-dispvm-customized file ``` 4. Shutdown the VM (either by poweroff from VM terminal, or qvm-shutdown from dom0 terminal). 5. Regenerate DispVM template: ``` {.wiki} qvm-create-default-dvm --default-template --default-script ``` **Note:** All above require at least qubes-core-vm \>= 2.1.2 installed in template.