--- layout: wiki title: ResizeDiskImage permalink: /wiki/ResizeDiskImage/ --- Resizing Disk Image ------------------- There are several disk images which can be easily extended. But pay attention to the overall consumed space of your sparse disk images. ### Private disk image The private disk image of a AppVM can be grown with [qubes-grow-private](/wiki/Dom0Tools/QvmGrowPrivate): ``` {.wiki} qvm-grow-private ``` ### HVM disk image A disk image for a HVM for can be grown using following command: ``` {.wiki} truncate -s root.img ``` The root.img is found in /var/lib/qubes/appvm/hvmname. Be aware, that the HVM should be stopped during this operation. The partition table and file-system must be adjusted after this change. #### Windows Go to Storage management and click on "Extend Volume" #### FreeBSD ``` {.wiki} gpart recover ada0 sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=0x10 gpart resize -i index ada0 zpool online -e poolname ada0 ```