--- layout: doc title: Mailing Lists permalink: /doc/mailing-lists/ redirect_from: - /en/doc/mailing-lists/ - /en/doc/qubes-lists/ - /doc/qubes-lists/ - /doc/QubesLists/ - /wiki/QubesLists/ --- Qubes Mailing Lists =================== Please send all the questions regarding Qubes to one of the following mailing lists. **Please do not send questions to individual Qubes developers.** By sending a message to the appropriate mailing list, you are not only giving others a chance to help you, but you may also be helping others by starting a public discussion about a shared problem or interest. Mailing List Rules ------------------ - Send your message to the correct list. Read the sections below to determine which list is correct for your message. - Do not [top-post](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style). - Include a precise and informative subject line. This will allow others to easily find your thread in the future and use it as a reference. - Bad: "Help! Qubes problems!" - Good: "R2B2 Installation problem: Apple keyboard not working in installer." - Be concise. Do not write an essay. Include only essential information. Please think about how many messages come to the list every day and whether people will want to read through your lengthy message (hint: they won't!). - Do not apologize for your poor English. This is a waste of everyone's time, including your own. If we can't understand you, we will ask you to clarify (or ignore your message if it's a total mess ;). - While we're generally open to hearing suggestions for new features, please note that we already have a pretty well defined [roadmap](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/milestones), and it's rather unlikely that we will change our schedule in order to accommodate your request. If there's a particular feature you'd like to see in Qubes, a much more effective way to make it happen is to... contribute code to Qubes which implements it! We happily accept such contributions, provided they meet our standards. Please note, however, that it's always a good idea to field a discussion of your idea on the qubes-devel list before putting in a lot of hard work on something that we may not be able or willing to accept. The `qubes-users` Mailing List ------------------------------ ### How to Use This List This list is for helping users solve various daily problems with Qubes OS. Examples of topics or questions suitable for this list include: - [HCL reports](/doc/HCL/#generating-and-submitting-new-reports). - Installation problems. - Hardware compatibility problems. - Bug reports. - How do I...? ### Read These First Please try searching both the Qubes website and the archives of the mailing lists before sending a question. In addition, please make sure that you have read and understood the following basic documentation prior to posting to the list: - [Installation guides, System Requirements, and HCL](/doc/QubesDownloads/) \<-- for problems related to Qubes OS installation - [Qubes User FAQ](/doc/user-faq/) - [Qubes User Guides](/doc/) \<-- for questions about how to use Qubes OS ### How to Subscribe and Post You don't have to subscribe in order to post to this list. However, subscribing might nonetheless be desirable, as it ensures that your messages will not be eaten by the Google Groups spam filter and allows you to receive messages which were sent directly to the list. - To subscribe to the list, send a blank mail to `qubes-users+subscribe@googlegroups.com`. (Note: A Gmail account is not required. Any email address should work.) - To post a message to the list, address your email to `qubes-users@googlegroups.com`. (Note: You don't have to be subscribed in order to post.) - To unsubscribe, send a blank email to `qubes-users+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com`. - This list has a Google Groups web interface: [https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users) - Some users prefer to interact with the mailing list through the Google Groups web interface. This has the advantage that it allows you to search and reply to messages which were sent prior to your subscription to the list. However, a Google account is required in order to post through this interface. The `qubes-devel` mailing list ------------------------------ ### How to Use This List This list is primarily intended for people who are interested in contributing to Qubes OS or who are willing to learn more about its architecture and implementation. Examples of topics and questions suitable for this list include: - Questions about why we made certain architecture or implementation decisions. ("Why did you implement XYZ this way and not the other way?") - Questions about code layout and where is code for certain functionality. - Discussions about proposed new features, patches, etc. ("I would like to implement feature XYZ.") - Contributed code and patches. - Security discussions which are relevant to Qubes in some way. ### How to Subscribe and Post You must be subscribed in order to post to this list. - To subscribe to the list, send a blank mail to `qubes-devel+subscribe@googlegroups.com`. (Note: A Gmail account is not required. Any email address should work.) - To post a message to the list, address your email to `qubes-devel@googlegroups.com`. (Note: You must be subscribed in order to post. If your post does not appear, please allow time for moderation to occur.) - To unsubscribe, send a blank email to `qubes-devel+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com`. - This list has a Google Groups web interface: [https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel) - Some users prefer to interact with the mailing list through the Google Groups web interface. This has the advantage that it allows you to search and reply to messages which were sent prior to your subscription to the list. However, a Google account is required in order to post through this interface.