--- lang: en layout: doc redirect_from: - /doc/optical-discs/ - /doc/recording-optical-discs/ - /en/doc/recording-optical-discs/ ref: 204 title: Optical Discs --- Optical Discs ============= Passthrough reading and recording (a.k.a., "burning") are not supported by Xen. Currently, the only options for reading and recording optical discs (e.g., CDs, DVDs, BRDs) in Qubes are: 1. Use a USB optical drive. 2. Attach a SATA optical drive to a secondary SATA controller, then assign this secondary SATA controller to a VM. 3. Use a SATA optical drive attached to dom0. (**Caution:** This option is [potentially dangerous](https://github.com/Qubes-Community/Contents/blob/master/docs/security/security-guidelines.md#dom0-precautions).) To access an optical disc via USB follow the [typical procedure for attaching a USB device](/doc/usb-devices/#with-the-command-line-tool), then check with the **Qubes Devices** widget to see what device in the target qube the USB optical drive was attached to. Typically this would be `sr0`. For example, if `sys-usb` has device `3-2` attached to the `work` qube's `sr0`, you would mount it with `mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/removable`. You could also write to a disc with `wodim -v dev=/dev/sr0 -eject /home/user/Qubes.iso`.