Those are fields used by the language switcher to correlate pages across
different languages, even if they have different names/paths/titles.
They are generated with the script.
- mark all code blocks with ```
- unify empty lines between sections
- adjust list syntax (no space before dash)
- adjust headers to use Atx-style syntax
- remove trailing spaces
1 - Inform the user how to return to installation @ step 8;
2 - Clarify the need to choose a FS and format prior to assigning the mount points (option is greyed out until you do). @ step 9
3 - Guide the user on navigating the quirky behaviour of Anaconda on that part - You have to first check the box, then choose FS, then enter mount point, from bottom to top, which is not really friendly. @ step 9
Future TODO: Include details for GPT / UEFI disks. Boot mount point and FS are different, as well as the disk initialization part with fdisk (step 2).