NetworkManager, by default, uses a connection ID and a per-host random
and secret key to generate `stable` MAC addresses. The intention is to
keep a connection's MAC address stable indefinitely but for it to be
different on every host.
The current instruction mention that "`stable` generates a random
address that persists for each boot session". This is indeed true for
AppVMs using stock TemplateVMs. The reason is that the secret key doesn't
exist in the template and thus is only created when the AppVM starts.
This, however, may not be true for other VMs.
In order to ensure that MACs are always only `stable` during one boot
session, `stable-id`, which is used to generate MACs, can be adjusted.
NetworkManager's documentation suggests to use `${CONNECTION}/${BOOT}`
to ensure generated MACs are unique to a boot session and connection [1].
* Removed some redundant or unnecessary sentences/clauses like "..and these pages may be technical"
* Removed a sentence referencing a no longer existent Qubes support forum
* Rephrased some sentences
* Gerundified words where necessary
Extended the description of the Tails operating system, and the security considerations when running it under virtualization software. Also added a "See Also" section.
* Newline at end of sentence
* Someone wrote part of the document in first person
* Reformatted issues section
* Misc grammar fixes
Moving application-specific icons under the `.../hicolor/48x48/` directory does not work: running `qvm-sync-appmenus` for a fedora-23 template displays:
----> Failed to get icon for XXX: No icon received
A solution is to move icons under `.../hicolor/48x48/apps/` instead (as suggested by [FreeDesktop's Icon Theme Specification]( Indeed, there is no icon file directly under `48x48/` in my (very standard) fedora-23 template VM; they are all under `48x48/apps/`.