SoftwareUpdateVM changed

Clarification about rootfs non-persistency as security features: updates might cure infections
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Joanna Rutkowska 2014-07-08 20:01:33 +00:00
parent a1e90dd594
commit fcd26bbc51

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@ -98,6 +98,6 @@ As explained above, any AppVM that is based on a Template VM (i.e. which is not
However, one should be careful with treating this property as a reliable way to keep the AppVM malware-free. This is because the non-persistency, in case of normal AppVMs, applies only to the root filesystem and not to the user filesystem (on which the `/home`, `/rw`, and `/usr/local` are stored) for obvious reasons. It is possible that malware, especially malware that could be specifically written to target a Qubes-based AppVMs, could install its hooks inside the user home directory files only. Examples of obvious places for such hooks could be: `.bashrc`, the Firefox profile directory which contains the extensions, or some PDF or DOC documents that are expected to be opened by the user frequently (assuming the malware found an exploitable bug in the PDF or DOC reader), and surely many others places, all in the user's home directory.
One advantage of the non-persistent rootfs though, is that the malware is still inactive before the user's filesystem gets mounted and "processed" by system/applications, which might theoretically allow for some scanning programs (or a skilled user) to reliably scan for signs of infections of the AppVM. But, of course, the problem of finding malware hooks in general is hard, so this would work likely only for some special cases (e.g. an AppVM which doesn't use Firefox, as otherwise it would be hard to scan the Firefox profile directory reliably to find malware hooks there). Also note that the user filesystem's metadata might got maliciously modified by malware in order to exploit a hypothetical bug in the AppVM kernel whenever it mounts the malformed filesystem.
One advantage of the non-persistent rootfs though, is that the malware is still inactive before the user's filesystem gets mounted and "processed" by system/applications, which might theoretically allow for some scanning programs (or a skilled user) to reliably scan for signs of infections of the AppVM. But, of course, the problem of finding malware hooks in general is hard, so this would work likely only for some special cases (e.g. an AppVM which doesn't use Firefox, as otherwise it would be hard to scan the Firefox profile directory reliably to find malware hooks there). Also note that the user filesystem's metadata might got maliciously modified by malware in order to exploit a hypothetical bug in the AppVM kernel whenever it mounts the malformed filesystem. However, these exploits will automatically stop working (and so the infection might be cleared automatically) after the hypothetical bug got patched and the update applied (via template update), which is an exceptional feature of Qubes OS.
But Disposable VMs do not have persistent user filesystem, and so they start up completely "clean" every time. Note the word "clean" means in this context: the same as their template filesystem, of course.
Also note that Disposable VMs do not have persistent user filesystem, and so they start up completely "clean" every time. Note the word "clean" means in this context: the same as their template filesystem, of course.