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synced 2025-03-21 05:56:28 -04:00
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@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
layout: doc-full
title: Admin API
permalink: /doc/admin-api/
- /doc/mgmt/
- /doc/mgmt1/
# Admin API
*(This page is the current draft of the proposal. It is not implemented yet.)*
The API should be implemented as a set of qrexec calls. This is to make it easy
to set the policy using current mechanism.
## The calls
| call | dest | argument | inside | return | note |
| ------------------------------------- | --------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ---- |
| `admin.vmclass.List` | `dom0` | - | - | `<class>\n` |
| `admin.vm.List` | `dom0|<vm>` | - | - | `<name> class=<class> state=<state>\n` |
| `admin.vm.Create.<class>` | `dom0` | template | `name=<name> label=<label>` | - |
| `admin.vm.CreateInPool.<class>` | `dom0` | template | `name=<name> label=<label> `<br/>`pool=<pool> pool:<volume>=<pool>` | - | either use `pool=` to put all volumes there, <br/>or `pool:<volume>=` for individual volumes - both forms are not allowed at the same time
| `admin.vm.CreateTemplate` | `dom0` | name | `root.img` | - |
| `admin.vm.Clone` | vm | - | `name=<name>` | - |
| `admin.vm.CloneInPool` | vm | - | `name=<name> `<br/>`pool=<pool> pool:<volume>=<pool>` | - | same as for `admin.vm.CreateInPool`
| `admin.vm.Remove` | vm | - | - | - |
| `admin.label.List` | `dom0` | - | - | `<property>\n` |
| `admin.label.Create` | `dom0` | label | `0xRRGGBB` | - |
| `admin.label.Get` | `dom0` | label | - | `0xRRGGBB` |
| `admin.label.Index` | `dom0` | label | - | `<label-index>` |
| `admin.label.Remove` | `dom0` | label | - | - |
| `admin.property.List` | `dom0` | - | - | `<property>\n` |
| `admin.property.Get` | `dom0` | property | - | `default={yes|no} `<br/>`type={str|int|bool|vm|label} <value>` |
| `admin.property.Help` | `dom0` | property | - | `help` |
| `admin.property.HelpRst` | `dom0` | property | - | `help.rst` |
| `admin.property.Reset` | `dom0` | property | - | - |
| `admin.property.Set` | `dom0` | property | value | - |
| `admin.vm.property.List` | vm | - | - | `<property>\n` |
| `admin.vm.property.Get` | vm | property | - | `default={yes|no} <value>` |
| `admin.vm.property.Help` | vm | property | - | `help` |
| `admin.vm.property.HelpRst` | vm | property | - | `help.rst` |
| `admin.vm.property.Reset` | vm | property | - | - |
| `admin.vm.property.Set` | vm | property | value | - |
| `admin.vm.feature.List` | vm | - | - | `<feature>\n` |
| `admin.vm.feature.Get` | vm | feature | - | value |
| `admin.vm.feature.CheckWithTemplate` | vm | feature | - | value |
| `admin.vm.feature.Remove` | vm | feature | - | - |
| `admin.vm.feature.Set` | vm | feature | value | - |
| `admin.vm.tag.List` | vm | - | - | `<tag>\n` |
| `admin.vm.tag.Get` | vm | tag | - | `0` or `1` | retcode? |
| `admin.vm.tag.Remove` | vm | tag | - | - |
| `admin.vm.tag.Set` | vm | tag | - | - |
| `admin.vm.firewall.Get` | vm | - | - | `<rule>\n` | rules syntax as in [firewall interface](/doc/vm-interface/#firewall-rules-in-4x) with addition of `expire=` and `comment=` options; `comment=` (if present) must be the last option
| `admin.vm.firewall.Set` | vm | - | `<rule>\n` | - | set firewall rules, see `admin.vm.firewall.Get` for syntax
| `admin.vm.firewall.Flush` | vm | - | - | - |
| `admin.vm.firewall.SetPolicy` | vm | - | `accept|drop` | - |
| `admin.vm.firewall.GetPolicy` | vm | - | - | `accept|drop` |
| `admin.vm.firewall.Reload` | vm | - | - | - | force reload firewall without changing any rule
| `admin.vm.device.<class>.Attach` | vm | device | options | - | `device` is in form `<backend-name>+<device-ident>` <br/>optional options given in `key=value` format, separated with spaces; <br/>options can include `persistent=yes` to "persistently" attach the device (default is temporary)
| `admin.vm.device.<class>.Detach` | vm | device | - | - | `device` is in form `<backend-name>+<device-ident>`
| `admin.vm.device.<class>.List` | vm | - | - | `<device> <options>\n` |
| `admin.vm.device.<class>.Available` | vm | device-ident | - | `<device-ident> <properties> description=<desc>\n` | optional service argument may be used to get info about a single device, <br/>optional (device class specific) properties are in `key=value` form, <br/>`description` must be the last one and is the only one allowed to contain spaces; <br/>options can include `persistent=yes` for "persistently" attached devices (default is temporary)
| `admin.vm.microphone.Attach` | vm | - | - | - |
| `admin.vm.microphone.Detach` | vm | - | - | - |
| `admin.pool.List` | `dom0` | - | - | `<pool>\n` |
| `admin.pool.ListDrivers` | `dom0` | - | - | `<pool-driver> <property> ...\n` | Properties allowed in `admin.pool.Add`
| `admin.pool.Info` | `dom0` | pool | - | `<property>=<value>\n` |
| `admin.pool.Add` | `dom0` | driver | `<property>=<value>\n` | - |
| `admin.pool.Remove` | `dom0` | pool | - | - |
| `admin.pool.volume.List` | `dom0` | pool | - | volume id |
| `admin.pool.volume.Info` | `dom0` | pool | vid | `<property>=<value>\n` |
| `admin.pool.volume.ListSnapshots` | `dom0` | pool | vid | `<snapshot>\n` |
| `admin.pool.volume.Snapshot` | `dom0` | pool | vid | snapshot |
| `admin.pool.volume.Revert` | `dom0` | pool | `<vid> <snapshot>` | - |
| `admin.pool.volume.Resize` | `dom0` | pool | `<vid> <size_in_bytes>` | - |
| `admin.pool.volume.Import` | `dom0` | pool | `<vid>\n<raw volume data>` | - |
| `admin.vm.volume.List` | vm | - | - | `<volume>\n` | `<volume>` is per-VM volume name, `<vid>` is pool-unique volume id
| `admin.vm.volume.Info` | vm | volume | - | `<property>=<value>\n` |
| `admin.vm.volume.ListSnapshots` | vm | volume | - | snapshot | duplicate of `admin.pool.volume.`, but with other call params |
| `admin.vm.volume.Snapshot` | vm | volume | - | snapshot | id. |
| `admin.vm.volume.Revert` | vm | volume | snapshot | - | id. |
| `admin.vm.volume.Resize` | vm | volume | size_in_bytes | - | id. |
| `admin.vm.volume.Import` | vm | volume | raw volume data | - | id. |
| `admin.vm.Start` | vm | - | - | - |
| `admin.vm.Shutdown` | vm | - | - | - |
| `admin.vm.Pause` | vm | - | - | - |
| `admin.vm.Unpause` | vm | - | - | - |
| `admin.vm.Kill` | vm | - | - | - |
| `admin.backup.Execute` | `dom0` | config i | - | - | config in `/etc/qubes/backup/<id>.conf` |
| `admin.backup.Info` | `dom0` | ? | content? | ? |
| `admin.backup.Restore` | `dom0` | ? | content | ? |
| `admin.Events` | `dom0|vm` | - | - | events |
Volume properties:
- `pool`
- `vid`
- `size`
- `usage`
- `rw`
- `internal`
- `source`
- `save_on_stop`
- `snap_on_start`
## Returned messages
First byte of a message is a message type. This is 8 bit non-zero integer.
Values start at 0x30 (48, `'0'`, zero digit in ASCII) for readability in hexdump.
Next byte must be 0x00 (a separator).
This alternatively can be thought of as zero-terminated string containing
single ASCII digit.
### OK (0)
30 00 <content>
Server will close the connection after delivering single message.
### EVENT (1)
31 00 <subject> 00 <event> 00 ( <key> 00 <value> 00 )* 00
Events are returned as stream of messages in selected API calls. Normally server
will not close the connection.
A method yielding events will not ever return a `OK` or `EXCEPTION` message.
When calling such method, it will produce an artificial event
`connection-established` just after connection, to help avoiding race
conditions during event handler registration.
32 00 <type> 00 ( <traceback> )? 00 <format string> 00 ( <field> 00 )*
Server will close the connection.
Traceback may be empty, can be enabled server-side as part of debug mode.
Delimiting zero-byte is always present.
Fields are should substituted into `%`-style format string, possibly after
client-side translation, to form final message to be displayed unto user. Server
does not by itself support translation.
## Tags
- `created-by-<vm>`
- `managed-by-<vm>`
- `backup-<id>`
## General notes
- there is no provision for `qvm-run`, but there already exists `qubes.VMShell` call
- generally actions `*.List` return a list of objects and have "object
identifier" as first word in a row. Such action can be also called with "object
identifier" in argument to get only a single entry (in the same format).
- closing qrexec connection normally does _not_ interrupt running operation; this is important to avoid leaving the system in inconsistent state
- actual operation starts only after caller send all the parameters (including a payload), signaled by sending EOF mark; there is no support for interactive protocols, to keep the protocol reasonable simple
- something to configure/update policy
- notifications
- how to constrain the events?
- how to pass the parameters? maybe XML, since this is trusted anyway and
parser may be complicated
- how to constrain the possible values for `admin.vm.property.Set` etc, like
"you can change `netvm`, but you have to pick from this set"; this currently
can be done by writing an extension
- a call for executing `*.desktop` file from `/usr/share/applications`, for use
with appmenus without giving access to `qubes.VMShell`; currently this can be
done by writing custom qrexec calls
- maybe some generator for `.desktop` for appmenus, which would wrap calls in
<!-- vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et : -->
@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
layout: doc-full
title: Management API
permalink: /doc/mgmt-architecture/
title: Admin API architecture
permalink: /doc/admin-api-architecture/
- /doc/mgmt-architecture/
# Qubes OS Management Architecture
# Qubes OS Admin API Architecture
*(This page is the current draft of the proposal. It is not implemented yet.)*
## Goals
The goals of the management system is to provide a way for the user to manage
The goals of the Admin API system is to provide a way for the user to manage
the domains without direct access to dom0.
Foreseen benefits include:
@ -33,9 +35,9 @@ TBD
## Components
![Management Architecture][mgmt-architecture]
![Admin API Architecture][admin-api-architecture]
A central entity in the Qubes management system is a `qubesd` daemon, which
A central entity in the Qubes Admin API system is a `qubesd` daemon, which
holds information about all domains in the system and mediates all actions (like
starting and stopping a qube) with `libvirtd`. The `qubesd` daemon also manages
the `qubes.xml` file, which stores all persistent state information and
@ -43,13 +45,13 @@ dispatches events to extensions. Last but not least, `qubesd` is responsible for
querying the RPC policy for qrexec daemon.
The `qubesd` daemon may be accessed from other domains through a set of qrexec
API calls called the [management API][mgmt1]. This API is the intended
API calls called the [Admin API][admin-api]. This API is the intended
management interface supported by the Qubes OS. The API is stable. When called,
the RPC handler performs basic validation and forwards the request to the
`qubesd` via UNIX domain socket. The socket API is private and unstable. It is
documented [FIXME currently it isn't -- woju 20161221] in the developer's
documentation of the source code.
[mgmt1]: ../mgmt1/
[admin-api]: ../admin-api/
[mgmt-architecture]: /attachment/wiki/mgmt/mgmt-architecture.svg
[admin-api-architecture]: /attachment/wiki/AdminAPI/admin-api-architecture.svg
@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
layout: doc-full
title: Management API
permalink: /doc/mgmt1/
- /doc/mgmt/
# Management API
*(This page is the current draft of the proposal. It is not implemented yet.)*
The API should be implemented as a set of qrexec calls. This is to make it easy
to set the policy using current mechanism.
## The calls
| call | dest | argument | inside | return | note |
| ------------------------------------- | --------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ---- |
| `mgmt.vmclass.List` | `dom0` | - | - | `<class>\n` |
| `mgmt.vm.List` | `dom0|<vm>` | - | - | `<name> class=<class> state=<state>\n` |
| `mgmt.vm.Create.<class>` | `dom0` | template | `name=<name> label=<label>` | - |
| `mgmt.vm.CreateInPool.<class>` | `dom0` | template | `name=<name> label=<label> `<br/>`pool=<pool> pool:<volume>=<pool>` | - | either use `pool=` to put all volumes there, <br/>or `pool:<volume>=` for individual volumes - both forms are not allowed at the same time
| `mgmt.vm.CreateTemplate` | `dom0` | name | `root.img` | - |
| `mgmt.vm.Clone` | vm | - | `name=<name>` | - |
| `mgmt.vm.CloneInPool` | vm | - | `name=<name> `<br/>`pool=<pool> pool:<volume>=<pool>` | - | same as for `mgmt.vm.CreateInPool`
| `mgmt.vm.Remove` | vm | - | - | - |
| `mgmt.label.List` | `dom0` | - | - | `<property>\n` |
| `mgmt.label.Create` | `dom0` | label | `0xRRGGBB` | - |
| `mgmt.label.Get` | `dom0` | label | - | `0xRRGGBB` |
| `mgmt.label.Index` | `dom0` | label | - | `<label-index>` |
| `mgmt.label.Remove` | `dom0` | label | - | - |
| `mgmt.property.List` | `dom0` | - | - | `<property>\n` |
| `mgmt.property.Get` | `dom0` | property | - | `default={yes|no} `<br/>`type={str|int|bool|vm|label} <value>` |
| `mgmt.property.Help` | `dom0` | property | - | `help` |
| `mgmt.property.HelpRst` | `dom0` | property | - | `help.rst` |
| `mgmt.property.Reset` | `dom0` | property | - | - |
| `mgmt.property.Set` | `dom0` | property | value | - |
| `mgmt.vm.property.List` | vm | - | - | `<property>\n` |
| `mgmt.vm.property.Get` | vm | property | - | `default={yes|no} <value>` |
| `mgmt.vm.property.Help` | vm | property | - | `help` |
| `mgmt.vm.property.HelpRst` | vm | property | - | `help.rst` |
| `mgmt.vm.property.Reset` | vm | property | - | - |
| `mgmt.vm.property.Set` | vm | property | value | - |
| `mgmt.vm.feature.List` | vm | - | - | `<feature>\n` |
| `mgmt.vm.feature.Get` | vm | feature | - | value |
| `mgmt.vm.feature.CheckWithTemplate` | vm | feature | - | value |
| `mgmt.vm.feature.Remove` | vm | feature | - | - |
| `mgmt.vm.feature.Set` | vm | feature | value | - |
| `mgmt.vm.tag.List` | vm | - | - | `<tag>\n` |
| `mgmt.vm.tag.Get` | vm | tag | - | `0` or `1` | retcode? |
| `mgmt.vm.tag.Remove` | vm | tag | - | - |
| `mgmt.vm.tag.Set` | vm | tag | - | - |
| `mgmt.vm.firewall.Get` | vm | - | - | `<rule>\n` | rules syntax as in [firewall interface](/doc/vm-interface/#firewall-rules-in-4x) with addition of `expire=` and `comment=` options; `comment=` (if present) must be the last option
| `mgmt.vm.firewall.Set` | vm | - | `<rule>\n` | - | set firewall rules, see `mgmt.vm.firewall.Get` for syntax
| `mgmt.vm.firewall.Flush` | vm | - | - | - |
| `mgmt.vm.firewall.SetPolicy` | vm | - | `accept|drop` | - |
| `mgmt.vm.firewall.GetPolicy` | vm | - | - | `accept|drop` |
| `mgmt.vm.firewall.Reload` | vm | - | - | - | force reload firewall without changing any rule
| `mgmt.vm.device.<class>.Attach` | vm | device | options | - | `device` is in form `<backend-name>+<device-ident>` <br/>optional options given in `key=value` format, separated with spaces; <br/>options can include `persistent=yes` to "persistently" attach the device (default is temporary)
| `mgmt.vm.device.<class>.Detach` | vm | device | - | - | `device` is in form `<backend-name>+<device-ident>`
| `mgmt.vm.device.<class>.List` | vm | - | - | `<device> <options>\n` |
| `mgmt.vm.device.<class>.Available` | vm | device-ident | - | `<device-ident> <properties> description=<desc>\n` | optional service argument may be used to get info about a single device, <br/>optional (device class specific) properties are in `key=value` form, <br/>`description` must be the last one and is the only one allowed to contain spaces; <br/>options can include `persistent=yes` for "persistently" attached devices (default is temporary)
| `mgmt.vm.microphone.Attach` | vm | - | - | - |
| `mgmt.vm.microphone.Detach` | vm | - | - | - |
| `mgmt.pool.List` | `dom0` | - | - | `<pool>\n` |
| `mgmt.pool.ListDrivers` | `dom0` | - | - | `<pool-driver> <property> ...\n` | Properties allowed in `mgmt.pool.Add`
| `mgmt.pool.Info` | `dom0` | pool | - | `<property>=<value>\n` |
| `mgmt.pool.Add` | `dom0` | driver | `<property>=<value>\n` | - |
| `mgmt.pool.Remove` | `dom0` | pool | - | - |
| `mgmt.pool.volume.List` | `dom0` | pool | - | volume id |
| `mgmt.pool.volume.Info` | `dom0` | pool | vid | `<property>=<value>\n` |
| `mgmt.pool.volume.ListSnapshots` | `dom0` | pool | vid | `<snapshot>\n` |
| `mgmt.pool.volume.Snapshot` | `dom0` | pool | vid | snapshot |
| `mgmt.pool.volume.Revert` | `dom0` | pool | `<vid> <snapshot>` | - |
| `mgmt.pool.volume.Resize` | `dom0` | pool | `<vid> <size_in_bytes>` | - |
| `mgmt.pool.volume.Import` | `dom0` | pool | `<vid>\n<raw volume data>` | - |
| `mgmt.vm.volume.List` | vm | - | - | `<volume>\n` | `<volume>` is per-VM volume name, `<vid>` is pool-unique volume id
| `mgmt.vm.volume.Info` | vm | volume | - | `<property>=<value>\n` |
| `mgmt.vm.volume.ListSnapshots` | vm | volume | - | snapshot | duplicate of `mgmt.pool.volume.`, but with other call params |
| `mgmt.vm.volume.Snapshot` | vm | volume | - | snapshot | id. |
| `mgmt.vm.volume.Revert` | vm | volume | snapshot | - | id. |
| `mgmt.vm.volume.Resize` | vm | volume | size_in_bytes | - | id. |
| `mgmt.vm.volume.Import` | vm | volume | raw volume data | - | id. |
| `mgmt.vm.Start` | vm | - | - | - |
| `mgmt.vm.Shutdown` | vm | - | - | - |
| `mgmt.vm.Pause` | vm | - | - | - |
| `mgmt.vm.Unpause` | vm | - | - | - |
| `mgmt.vm.Kill` | vm | - | - | - |
| `mgmt.backup.Execute` | `dom0` | config i | - | - | config in `/etc/qubes/backup/<id>.conf` |
| `mgmt.backup.Info` | `dom0` | ? | content? | ? |
| `mgmt.backup.Restore` | `dom0` | ? | content | ? |
| `mgmt.Events` | `dom0|vm` | - | - | events |
Volume properties:
- `pool`
- `vid`
- `size`
- `usage`
- `rw`
- `internal`
- `source`
- `save_on_stop`
- `snap_on_start`
## Returned messages
First byte of a message is a message type. This is 8 bit non-zero integer.
Values start at 0x30 (48, `'0'`, zero digit in ASCII) for readability in hexdump.
Next byte must be 0x00 (a separator).
This alternatively can be thought of as zero-terminated string containing
single ASCII digit.
### OK (0)
30 00 <content>
Server will close the connection after delivering single message.
### EVENT (1)
31 00 <subject> 00 <event> 00 ( <key> 00 <value> 00 )* 00
Events are returned as stream of messages in selected API calls. Normally server
will not close the connection.
A method yielding events will not ever return a `OK` or `EXCEPTION` message.
When calling such method, it will produce an artificial event
`connection-established` just after connection, to help avoiding race
conditions during event handler registration.
32 00 <type> 00 ( <traceback> )? 00 <format string> 00 ( <field> 00 )*
Server will close the connection.
Traceback may be empty, can be enabled server-side as part of debug mode.
Delimiting zero-byte is always present.
Fields are should substituted into `%`-style format string, possibly after
client-side translation, to form final message to be displayed unto user. Server
does not by itself support translation.
## Tags
- `created-by-<vm>`
- `managed-by-<vm>`
- `backup-<id>`
## General notes
- there is no provision for `qvm-run`, but there already exists `qubes.VMShell` call
- generally actions `*.List` return a list of objects and have "object
identifier" as first word in a row. Such action can be also called with "object
identifier" in argument to get only a single entry (in the same format).
- closing qrexec connection normally does _not_ interrupt running operation; this is important to avoid leaving the system in inconsistent state
- actual operation starts only after caller send all the parameters (including a payload), signaled by sending EOF mark; there is no support for interactive protocols, to keep the protocol reasonable simple
- something to configure/update policy
- notifications
- how to constrain the events?
- how to pass the parameters? maybe XML, since this is trusted anyway and
parser may be complicated
- how to constrain the possible values for `mgmt.vm.property.Set` etc, like
"you can change `netvm`, but you have to pick from this set"; this currently
can be done by writing an extension
- a call for executing `*.desktop` file from `/usr/share/applications`, for use
with appmenus without giving access to `qubes.VMShell`; currently this can be
done by writing custom qrexec calls
- maybe some generator for `.desktop` for appmenus, which would wrap calls in
<!-- vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et : -->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user