mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 05:56:28 -04:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ You can start apps directly from the start menu. Each domain has its own menu di
By default, each domain's menu contains only a few shortcuts. If you'd like to add more, simply click **Add more shortcuts...**, select the desired applictions, and click **OK**. You can also add shortcuts manually. (This is sometimes necessary if the desired application doesn't show up in the Qubes VM Manager window.) To do this in KDE, right-click on the **Start** button and click **Menu Editor**. Click the domain directory in which you'd like the menu to appear, click **New Item**, enter its name as **\<domain name\>: \<app name\>**, and provide the command for starting the app (see below). Then click **Save** and wait approximately 15 seconds for the changes to propagate to the KDE menu.
By default, each domain's menu contains only a few shortcuts. If you'd like to add more, simply click **Add more shortcuts...**, select the desired applications, and click **OK**. You can also add shortcuts manually. (This is sometimes necessary if the desired application doesn't show up in the Qubes VM Manager window.) To do this in KDE, right-click on the **Start** button and click **Menu Editor**. Click the domain directory in which you'd like the menu to appear, click **New Item**, enter its name as **\<domain name\>: \<app name\>**, and provide the command for starting the app (see below). Then click **Save** and wait approximately 15 seconds for the changes to propagate to the KDE menu.
To start apps from the console in dom0, type:
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ qvm-run -a <domain> "<app name> [arguments]"
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
qvm-run -a red firefox
qvm-run -a untrusted firefox
{% endhighlight %}
Adding, Removing, and Listing Domains
@ -1,37 +1,43 @@
layout: doc
title: InstallationGuide
title: Installation Guide
permalink: /doc/InstallationGuide/
redirect_from: /wiki/InstallationGuide/
redirect_from: /doc/InstallationGuideR1/
redirect_from: /doc/InstallationGuideR2B1/
redirect_from: /doc/InstallationGuideR2B2/
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redirect_from: /doc/InstallationGuideR2rc1/
redirect_from: /doc/InstallationGuideR2rc2/
redirect_from: /doc/InstallationGuideR3.0rc1/
redirect_from: /doc/InstallationGuideR3.0rc2/
Installation Guide (for Qubes Release 1)
Installation Guide
1. [Hardware Requirements](#HardwareRequirements)
2. [Download installer ISO](#DownloadinstallerISO)
3. [Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick](#BurningtheISOontoaDVDorUSBstick)
4. [Upgrading from Qubes 1.0-rc1](#UpgradingfromQubes1.0-rc1)
5. [Migrating from Qubes Beta 3](#MigratingfromQubesBeta3)
6. [Installing Updates](#InstallingUpdates)
7. [Known Issues](#KnownIssues)
8. [Getting Help](#GettingHelp)
1. [Hardware Requirements](#hardware-requirements)
2. [Download installer ISO](#download-installer-iso)
3. [Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick](#burning-the-iso-onto-a-dvd-or-usb-stick)
4. [Upgrading](#upgrading)
5. [Troubleshooting problems with the installer](#troubleshooting-problems-with-the-installer)
6. [Getting Help](#getting-help)
Hardware Requirements
Please see the [Hardware Compatibility List](/hcl/) page for more information on required and recommended hardware.
Note: We don't recommend installing Qubes in a virtual machine! It will likely not work. Don't send emails asking about it.
Note: We don't recommend installing Qubes in a virtual machine! It will likely not work. Don't send emails asking about it. However, you can install it on an external USB hard drive and run from it, at least for testing (normally such disks are *orders* of magnitude slower than even the slowest internal hard drives).
Download installer ISO
See [this page](/doc/QubesDownloads/) for ISO downloads. Remember, we have absolutely no control over those servers, and so you should be assuming that they might be compromised, or just be serving a compromised ISOs because their operators decided so for whatever reason. Always verify the digital signature on the downloaded ISO. See this [page](/doc/VerifyingSignatures/) for more info about how to download and verify our GPG keys, and then verify the downloaded ISO:
See [this page](/doc/QubesDownloads/) for ISO downloads. Remember, we have absolutely no control over those servers, and so you should be assuming that they might be compromised, or just be serving a compromised ISOs because their operators decided so, for whatever reason. Always verify the digital signature on the downloaded ISO. See this [page](/doc/VerifyingSignatures/) for more info about how to download and verify our GPG keys, and then verify the downloaded ISO:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
gpg -v <iso>.asc
{% endhighlight %}
gpg -v Qubes-R2-x86_64-DVD.iso.asc
Adjust filename to the version you're installing.
Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick
@ -40,11 +46,13 @@ Once you verify this is an authentic ISO, you should burn it on a DVD.
If you prefer to use USB as a source for installation, then you just need to copy the ISO onto the USB device, e.g. using dd:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
dd if=Qubes-R1-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/dev/sdX
{% endhighlight %}
dd if=Qubes-R2-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/dev/sdX
**Be sure to use a correct device as the target in the dd command above (instead of sdX)'''**
Adjust filename to the version you're installing. **Be sure to use a correct device as the target in the dd command above (instead of sdX)'''**
On windows you can use [Rufus](http://rufus.akeo.ie/) tool. Be sure to select "DD image" mode (you need to do that **after** selecting Qubes iso image):
<img src="/attachment/wiki/InstallationGuide/rufus-main-boxed.png" height="350">
Before proceeding with the installation, you are encouraged to first read all the information on this page, especially the *Known Issues* paragraph.
@ -52,45 +60,12 @@ Then, when finally ready, boot your system from the installer DVD and follow the
The installer loads Xen right at the beginning, so chances are high that if you can see the installer's graphical screen, Qubes will work on your system :)
Upgrading from Qubes 1.0-rc1
If you're already running Qubes 1.0-rc1, you don't need to reinstall, it's just enough to update the packages in your Dom0 and the template VM(s). The easiest way for doing this is to click on the Update Button in the Qubes Manger -- one click when you selected Dom0, and one click for each of your template VM (by default there is just one template).
See [release notes](/doc/releases/) of appropriate version.
Migrating from Qubes Beta 3
If you have Qubes Beta 3 currently installed on your system, you must reinstall from scratch, as we offer no direct upgrade option in the installer (sorry). However, we do offer tools for smooth migration of your AppVMs. In order to do that, please backup your AppVMs using the `qvm-backup` tool [as usual](/doc/BackupRestore/). Then, after you install Qubes 1.0 rc1, you can restore them using `qvm-backup-restore` tool. However, because we have changed the default template in RC1, you should tell qvm-back-restore about that by passing `--replace-template` option:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
qvm-backup-restore <backup_dir> --replace-template=fedora-15-x64:fedora-17-x64
{% endhighlight %}
Installing Updates
Installing updates is very easy and can be done using the "Update" button in the Qubes Manager. Alternatively it can also be done from command prompt -- see the following for more details:
- For installing updates for Dom0 -- see instructions [here](/doc/SoftwareUpdateDom0/).
- For installing updates for you domains (VMs) -- see instructions [here](/doc/SoftwareUpdateVM/).
Known Issues
- Installer might not support some USB keyboards (\#230). This seems to include all the Mac Book keyboards (most PC laptops have PS2 keyboards and are not affected).
- If you don't enable Composition (System Setting -\> Desktop -\> Enable desktop effects), which you really should do, then the KDE task bar might get somehow ugly (e.g. half of it might be black). This is some KDE bug that we don't plan to fix.
- Some keyboard layout set by KDE System Settings can cause [keyboard not working at all](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel/browse_thread/thread/77d076b65dda7226). If you hit this issue, you can switch to console (by console login option) and manually edit `/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-system-setup-keyboard.conf` (and `/etc/sysconfig/keyboard`) and place correct keyboard layout settings (details in linked thread). You can check if specific keyboard layout settings are proper using `setxkbmap` tool.
- On systems with more than 8GB of RAM there is problem with Disposable VM. To fix it, limit maximum memory allocation for DispVM to 3GB
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
qvm-prefs -s fedora-17-x64-dvm maxmem 3072
qvm-create-default-dvm --default-template --default-script
{% endhighlight %}
- On some systems the KDE Window Manager might freeze upon resuming from S3 sleep when compositing is enabled (and the only method to log in to the system if this happens is to switch to a text console, enter your user's password, kill the kwin process, go back to the Xorg console, log in, and start a new instance of kwin using Konsole application :) If you experience such problems, make sure to disable compositing before putting the system into sleep by pressing Alt-Ctrl-F12 (and then enabling it back once you log in after resume) -- this way you should never see this problem again.
Getting Help
@ -99,7 +74,8 @@ Getting Help
- Developers documentation (normally not needed by users) is [here](/doc/SystemDoc/)
- If you don't find answer in the sources given above, write to the *qubes-devel* mailing list:
- [http://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel](http://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel)
- `qubes-devel@googlegroups.com`
- If you don't find answer in the sources given above, write to the *qubes-users* mailing list (you don't need to be subscribed to the list, just send email to the address given below):
- [https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users)
- `qubes-users@googlegroups.com`
- Please do not write email to individual developers (Marek, Joanna, etc) asking questions about installation or other problems. Please send all such questions to the mailing list.
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
layout: doc
title: InstallationGuideR2
permalink: /doc/InstallationGuideR2/
redirect_from: /wiki/InstallationGuideR2/
Installation Guide for Qubes Release 2
1. [Hardware Requirements](#HardwareRequirements)
2. [Download installer ISO](#DownloadinstallerISO)
3. [Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick](#BurningtheISOontoaDVDorUSBstick)
4. [Upgrading](#Upgrading)
5. [Troubleshooting problems with the installer](#Troubleshootingproblemswiththeinstaller)
6. [Known Issues](#KnownIssues)
7. [Getting Help](#GettingHelp)
Hardware Requirements
Please see the [Hardware Compatibility List](/hcl/) page for more information on required and recommended hardware.
Note: We don't recommend installing Qubes in a virtual machine! It will likely not work. Don't send emails asking about it. However, you can install it on an external USB hard drive and run from it, at least for testing (normally such disks are *orders* of magnitude slower than even the slowest internal hard drives).
Download installer ISO
See [this page](/doc/QubesDownloads/) for ISO downloads. Remember, we have absolutely no control over those servers, and so you should be assuming that they might be compromised, or just be serving a compromised ISOs because their operators decided so, for whatever reason. Always verify the digital signature on the downloaded ISO. See this [page](/doc/VerifyingSignatures/) for more info about how to download and verify our GPG keys, and then verify the downloaded ISO:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
gpg -v Qubes-R2-x86_64-DVD.iso.asc
{% endhighlight %}
Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick
Once you verify this is an authentic ISO, you should burn it on a DVD.
If you prefer to use USB as a source for installation, then you just need to copy the ISO onto the USB device, e.g. using dd:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
dd if=Qubes-R2-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/dev/sdX
{% endhighlight %}
On windows you can use [this](http://www.chrysocome.net/dd) tool. Example command would be (as Administrator):
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
dd if=Qubes-R2-x86_64-DVD.iso of=\\?\Device\Harddisk1\Partition0 bs=1M --size --progress
{% endhighlight %}
**Be sure to use a correct device as the target in the dd command above (instead of sdX or Harddisk1)**
Before proceeding with the installation, you are encouraged to first read all the information on this page, especially the *Known Issues* paragraph.
Then, when finally ready, boot your system from the installer DVD and follow the instructions on screen. The installer is very simple and asks very few questions -- it's actually easier to install Qubes right now than most other Linux distributions!
The installer loads Xen right at the beginning, so chances are high that if you can see the installer's graphical screen, Qubes will work on your system :)

Upgrading from Qubes R2 rc1 should be a simple matter of installing updates for [dom0](/doc/SoftwareUpdateDom0/) and [VMs](/doc/SoftwareUpdateVM/).
Users of R2 beta 3 should follow instructions on how to upgrade to Qubes R2 rc1 [here](/doc/UpgradeToR2rc1/).
Troubleshooting problems with the installer
If the installer fails for some reason, typically because of the graphics card not being correctly supported, it is possible to try booting the installer with a different kernel -- to do that, choose Troubleshooting menu in the Installer Welcome screen, and later choose an option to proceed with one of the kernels provided:

The installer ships with 4 different kernels (3.12, 3.11, 3.9 and 3.7) and all those kernel will be installed (regardless of which is selected to run the installer) so it is later always possible to boot the Qubes OS using any of those kernels.
Known Issues
- On some graphics cards the Xfce4 Window Manager (one of the two supported Dom0 Windows Managers in Qubes R2, the other being KDE) might behave "strangely", e.g. decorations might not be drawn sometimes. Also the accompanying lightdm login manager might incorrectly display the wallpaper. If you're facing those problems, it's advisable to use the KDE Window Manager and kdm instead of Xfce4 and lightdm (this is default if one chooses the KDE only installation option in the installer).
- Some icons in the Qubes Manager application might not be drawn correctly when using the Xfce4 environment in Dom0. If this bothers you, please use the KDE environment instead.
- If your GPU is not correctly supported by the Dom0 kernel (e.g. the 3D desktop effects do not run smoothly) then you might experience "heaviness" with Windows 7-based AppVMs. In that case, please solve the problem with your GPU support in Dom0 in the first place (by using a different kernel), or install Qubes OS on a different system.
- Under some circumstances, Qubes backup can create broken backup, without any visible message (\#902). It is advisable to verify a backup to spot the problem. If you encounter this problem, backup VM directory manually.
- System shutdown sometimes is very slow (\#903). To mitigate the problem, shutdown all the VMs first.
- For other known issues take a look at [our trac tickets](https://wiki.qubes-os.org/query?status=accepted&status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&type=defect&milestone=Release+2.1+(post+R2)&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&col=component&order=priority)
It is advised to install updates just after system installation to apply bug fixes for (some of) the above problems.
Getting Help
- **User manuals are [here](/doc/UserDoc/).** (Strongly recommended!)
- Developers documentation (normally not needed by users) is [here](/doc/SystemDoc/)
- If you don't find answer in the sources given above, write to the *qubes-users* mailing list (you don't need to be subscribed to the list, just send email to the address given below):
- [https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users)
- `qubes-users@googlegroups.com`
- Please do not write email to individual developers (Marek, Joanna, etc) asking questions about installation or other problems. Please send all such questions to the mailing list.
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
layout: doc
title: InstallationGuideR2B1
permalink: /doc/InstallationGuideR2B1/
redirect_from: /wiki/InstallationGuideR2B1/
Installation Guide (for Qubes Release 2 Beta 1)
1. [Hardware Requirements](#HardwareRequirements)
2. [Download installer ISO](#DownloadinstallerISO)
3. [Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick](#BurningtheISOontoaDVDorUSBstick)
4. [Upgrading from Qubes R1](#UpgradingfromQubesR1)
5. [Installing Updates](#InstallingUpdates)
6. [Known Issues](#KnownIssues)
7. [Getting Help](#GettingHelp)
Hardware Requirements
Please see the [Hardware Compatibility List](/hcl/) page for more information on required and recommended hardware.
Note: We don't recommend installing Qubes in a virtual machine! It will likely not work. Don't send emails asking about it. However, you can install it on an external USB hard drive and run from it, at least for testing (normally such disks are *orders* of magnitude slower than even the slowest internal hard drives).
Download installer ISO
See [this page](/doc/QubesDownloads/) for ISO downloads. Remember, we have absolutely no control over those servers, and so you should be assuming that they might be compromised, or just be serving a compromised ISOs because their operators decided so, for whatever reason. Always verify the digital signature on the downloaded ISO. See this [page](/doc/VerifyingSignatures/) for more info about how to download and verify our GPG keys, and then verify the downloaded ISO:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
gpg -v <iso>.asc
{% endhighlight %}
Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick
Once you verify this is an authentic ISO, you should burn it on a DVD.
If you prefer to use USB as a source for installation, then you just need to copy the ISO onto the USB device, e.g. using dd:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
dd if=Qubes-R2-Beta-1-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/dev/sdX
{% endhighlight %}
**Be sure to use a correct device as the target in the dd command above (instead of sdX)'''**
Before proceeding with the installation, you are encouraged to first read all the information on this page, especially the *Known Issues* paragraph.
Then, when finally ready, boot your system from the installer DVD and follow the instructions on screen. The installer is very simple and asks very few questions -- it's actually easier to install Qubes right now than most other Linux distributions!
The installer loads Xen right at the beginning, so chances are high that if you can see the installer's graphical screen, Qubes will work on your system :)
Upgrading from Qubes R1
If you're already running Qubes Release 1, you don't need to reinstall, it's just enough to update the packages in your Dom0 and the template VM(s). This procedure is described [here?](/doc/UpgradeToR2/).
Installing Updates
Installing updates is very easy and can be done using the "Update" button in the Qubes Manager. Alternatively it can also be done from command prompt -- see the following for more details:
- For installing updates for Dom0 -- see instructions [here](/doc/SoftwareUpdateDom0/).
- For installing updates for you domains (VMs) -- see instructions [here](/doc/SoftwareUpdateVM/).
Known Issues
- Installer might not support some USB keyboards (\#230). This seems to include all the Mac Book keyboards (most PC laptops have PS2 keyboards and are not affected).
- If you don't enable Composition (System Setting -\> Desktop -\> Enable desktop effects), which you really should do, then the KDE task bar might get somehow ugly (e.g. half of it might be black). This is some KDE bug that we don't plan to fix.
- Some keyboard layout set by KDE System Settings can cause [keyboard not working at all](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel/browse_thread/thread/77d076b65dda7226). If you hit this issue, you can switch to console (by console login option) and manually edit `/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-system-setup-keyboard.conf` (and `/etc/sysconfig/keyboard`) and place correct keyboard layout settings (details in linked thread). You can check if specific keyboard layout settings are proper using `setxkbmap` tool.
- On systems with more than 8GB of RAM there is problem with Disposable VM. To fix it, limit maximum memory allocation for DispVM to 3GB
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
qvm-prefs -s fedora-17-x64-dvm maxmem 3072
qvm-create-default-dvm --default-template --default-script
{% endhighlight %}
- Qubes installer/system won't boot from a USB3-attached disks due to missing modules in initramfs (\#691). Please use USB2 port/device instead for now.
- Systems with AMD graphics needs additional firmware (missing in default installation), details [here](http://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel/browse_thread/thread/e27a57b0eda62f76).
Getting Help
- **User manuals are [here](/doc/UserDoc/).** (Strongly recommended!)
- Developers documentation (normally not needed by users) is [here](/doc/SystemDoc/)
- If you don't find answer in the sources given above, write to the *qubes-devel* mailing list (you don't need to be subscribed to the list, just send email to the address given below):
- [http://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel](http://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel)
- `qubes-devel@googlegroups.com`
- Please do not write email to individual developers (Marek, Joanna, etc) asking questions about installation or other problems. Please send all such questions to the mailing list.
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
layout: doc
title: InstallationGuideR2B2
permalink: /doc/InstallationGuideR2B2/
redirect_from: /wiki/InstallationGuideR2B2/
Installation Guide for Qubes Release 2 Beta 2
1. [Hardware Requirements](#HardwareRequirements)
2. [Download installer ISO](#DownloadinstallerISO)
3. [Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick](#BurningtheISOontoaDVDorUSBstick)
4. [Upgrading from Qubes R1 or R2 Beta 1](#UpgradingfromQubesR1orR2Beta1)
5. [Installing Updates](#InstallingUpdates)
6. [Known Issues](#KnownIssues)
7. [Getting Help](#GettingHelp)
Hardware Requirements
Please see the [Hardware Compatibility List](/hcl/) page for more information on required and recommended hardware.
Note: We don't recommend installing Qubes in a virtual machine! It will likely not work. Don't send emails asking about it. However, you can install it on an external USB hard drive and run from it, at least for testing (normally such disks are *orders* of magnitude slower than even the slowest internal hard drives).
Download installer ISO
See [this page](/doc/QubesDownloads/) for ISO downloads. Remember, we have absolutely no control over those servers, and so you should be assuming that they might be compromised, or just be serving a compromised ISOs because their operators decided so, for whatever reason. Always verify the digital signature on the downloaded ISO. See this [page](/doc/VerifyingSignatures/) for more info about how to download and verify our GPG keys, and then verify the downloaded ISO:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
gpg -v <iso>.asc
{% endhighlight %}
Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick
Once you verify this is an authentic ISO, you should burn it on a DVD.
If you prefer to use USB as a source for installation, then you just need to copy the ISO onto the USB device, e.g. using dd:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
dd if=Qubes-R2-Beta2-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/dev/sdX
{% endhighlight %}
**Be sure to use a correct device as the target in the dd command above (instead of sdX)**
Before proceeding with the installation, you are encouraged to first read all the information on this page, especially the *Known Issues* paragraph.
Then, when finally ready, boot your system from the installer DVD and follow the instructions on screen. The installer is very simple and asks very few questions -- it's actually easier to install Qubes right now than most other Linux distributions!
The installer loads Xen right at the beginning, so chances are high that if you can see the installer's graphical screen, Qubes will work on your system :)
Upgrading from Qubes R1 or R2 Beta 1
Because of the distribution change in R2B2 (from fc13 to fc18) it's preferred that users reinstall Qubes R2B2 from scratch, and use [qubes backup and restore tools](/doc/BackupRestore/) for migrating of all of the user VMs.
Advanced users (and advanced users only) can also try a manual upgrade procedure that has been described [here](/doc/UpgradeToR2B2/). It's advisable to backup your VMs before proceeding anyway!
Installing Updates
Installing updates is very easy and can be done using the "Update" button in the Qubes Manager. Alternatively it can also be done from command prompt -- see the following for more details:
- For installing updates for Dom0 -- see instructions [here](/doc/SoftwareUpdateDom0/).
- For installing updates for you domains (VMs) -- see instructions [here](/doc/SoftwareUpdateVM/).
Known Issues
- On some graphics cards the Xfce4 Window Manager (one of the two supported Dom0 Windows Managers in Qubes R2 B2, the other being KDE) might behave "strangely", e.g. decorations might not be drawn sometimes. Also the accompanying lightdm login manager might incorrectly display the wallpaper. If you're facing those problems, it's advisable to use the KDE Window Manager and kdm instead of Xfce4 and lightdm (this is default if one chooses the KDE only installation option in the installer).
- Some icons in the Qubes Manager application might not be drawn correctly when using the Xfce4 environment in Dom0. If this bothers you, please use the KDE environment instead.
- When restoring service VMs from a backup (such as custom netvms, firewallvms, etc) their icons might not be preserved in the "Start Menu".
Getting Help
- **User manuals are [here](/doc/UserDoc/).** (Strongly recommended!)
- Developers documentation (normally not needed by users) is [here](/doc/SystemDoc/)
- If you don't find answer in the sources given above, write to the *qubes-devel* mailing list (you don't need to be subscribed to the list, just send email to the address given below):
- [http://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel](http://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel)
- `qubes-devel@googlegroups.com`
- Please do not write email to individual developers (Marek, Joanna, etc) asking questions about installation or other problems. Please send all such questions to the mailing list.
@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
layout: doc
title: InstallationGuideR2B3
permalink: /doc/InstallationGuideR2B3/
redirect_from: /wiki/InstallationGuideR2B3/
Installation Guide for Qubes Release 2 Beta 3
1. [Hardware Requirements](#HardwareRequirements)
2. [Download installer ISO](#DownloadinstallerISO)
3. [Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick](#BurningtheISOontoaDVDorUSBstick)
4. [Upgrading from Qubes R1 or R2 Beta 2](#UpgradingfromQubesR1orR2Beta2)
5. [Installing Updates](#InstallingUpdates)
6. [Troubleshooting problems with the installer](#Troubleshootingproblemswiththeinstaller)
7. [Known Issues](#KnownIssues)
8. [Getting Help](#GettingHelp)
Hardware Requirements
Please see the [Hardware Compatibility List](/hcl/) page for more information on required and recommended hardware.
Note: We don't recommend installing Qubes in a virtual machine! It will likely not work. Don't send emails asking about it. However, you can install it on an external USB hard drive and run from it, at least for testing (normally such disks are *orders* of magnitude slower than even the slowest internal hard drives).
Download installer ISO
See [this page](/doc/QubesDownloads/) for ISO downloads. Remember, we have absolutely no control over those servers, and so you should be assuming that they might be compromised, or just be serving a compromised ISOs because their operators decided so, for whatever reason. Always verify the digital signature on the downloaded ISO. See this [page](/doc/VerifyingSignatures/) for more info about how to download and verify our GPG keys, and then verify the downloaded ISO:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
gpg -v <iso>.asc
{% endhighlight %}
Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick
Once you verify this is an authentic ISO, you should burn it on a DVD.
If you prefer to use USB as a source for installation, then you just need to copy the ISO onto the USB device, e.g. using dd:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
dd if=Qubes-R2-Beta3-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/dev/sdX
{% endhighlight %}
On windows you can use [this](http://www.chrysocome.net/dd) tool. Example command would be (as Administrator):
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
dd if=Qubes-R2-Beta3-x86_64-DVD.iso of=\\?\Device\Harddisk1\Partition0 bs=1M --size --progress
{% endhighlight %}
**Be sure to use a correct device as the target in the dd command above (instead of sdX or Harddisk1)**
Before proceeding with the installation, you are encouraged to first read all the information on this page, especially the *Known Issues* paragraph.
Then, when finally ready, boot your system from the installer DVD and follow the instructions on screen. The installer is very simple and asks very few questions -- it's actually easier to install Qubes right now than most other Linux distributions!
The installer loads Xen right at the beginning, so chances are high that if you can see the installer's graphical screen, Qubes will work on your system :)

Upgrading from Qubes R1 or R2 Beta 2
The easiest and safest way to upgrade to Qubes R2B3 is to install it from scratch and use [qubes backup and restore tools](/doc/BackupRestore/) for migrating of all of the user VMs.
Users can also try a manual upgrade procedure that has been described [here](/doc/UpgradeToR2B3/).
Note: if the user has custom Template VMs (i.e. other than the default template, e.g. created from it by cloning), or Standalone VMs, then the user should perform manual upgrade from R2B2 to R2B3, as described under the link given above.
Installing Updates
NOTE: Updates has been released after R2B3 ISO has been built -- it is recommended to install Dom0 updates shortly after installation to resolve some of the issues mentioned in the section below (Known Issues).
Installing updates is very easy and can be done using the "Update" button in the Qubes Manager. Alternatively it can also be done from command prompt -- see the following for more details:
- For installing updates for Dom0 -- see instructions [here](/doc/SoftwareUpdateDom0/).
- For installing updates for you domains (VMs) -- see instructions [here](/doc/SoftwareUpdateVM/).
Troubleshooting problems with the installer
If the installer fails for some reason, typically because of the graphics card not being correctly supported, it is possible to try booting the installer with a different kernel -- to do that, choose Troubleshooting menu in the Installer Welcome screen, and later choose an option to proceed with one of the kernels provided:

The installer ships with 3 different kernels (3.11, 3.9 and 3.7) and all those kernel will be installed (regardless of which is selected to run the installer) so it is later always possible to boot the Qubes OS using any of those kernels.
Known Issues
- On some graphics cards the Xfce4 Window Manager (one of the two supported Dom0 Windows Managers in Qubes R2 B2, the other being KDE) might behave "strangely", e.g. decorations might not be drawn sometimes. Also the accompanying lightdm login manager might incorrectly display the wallpaper. If you're facing those problems, it's advisable to use the KDE Window Manager and kdm instead of Xfce4 and lightdm (this is default if one chooses the KDE only installation option in the installer).
- Some icons in the Qubes Manager application might not be drawn correctly when using the Xfce4 environment in Dom0. If this bothers you, please use the KDE environment instead.
- When restoring service VMs from a backup (such as custom netvms, firewallvms, etc) their icons might not be preserved in the "Start Menu".
- If you're GPU is not correctly supported by the Dom0 kernel (e.g. the 3D desktop effects do not run smoothly) then you might experience "heaviness" with Windows 7-based AppVMs. In that case, please solve the problem with your GPU support in Dom0 in the first place (by using a different kernel), or install Qubes OS on a different system.
- For HVMs without Qubes Tools installed the GUI window will not be shown unless 'debug' flag is enabled for the VM. This has been fixed in `qubes-core-dom0` package \>= 2.1.35 -- please ensure you install updates after installation to resolve this issue.
- Clocks might not get syncs in the VMs for up to several minutes after resume from sleep. This has been fixed in `qubes-core-dom0-linux` package \>= 2.0.4 -- please ensure you install updates after installation to resolve this issue.
- Gnome terminal window sometimes shrinks to minimal size (especially when opening new tab). The workaround is to disable its menubar and scrollbar.
Getting Help
- **User manuals are [here](/doc/UserDoc/).** (Strongly recommended!)
- Developers documentation (normally not needed by users) is [here](/doc/SystemDoc/)
- If you don't find answer in the sources given above, write to the *qubes-users* mailing list (you don't need to be subscribed to the list, just send email to the address given below):
- [http://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users](http://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users)
- `qubes-users@googlegroups.com`
- Please do not write email to individual developers (Marek, Joanna, etc) asking questions about installation or other problems. Please send all such questions to the mailing list.
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
layout: doc
title: InstallationGuideR2rc1
permalink: /doc/InstallationGuideR2rc1/
redirect_from: /wiki/InstallationGuideR2rc1/
Installation Guide for Qubes Release 2 rc1
1. [Hardware Requirements](#hardware-requirements)
2. [Download installer ISO](#download-installer-iso)
3. [Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick](#burning-the-iso-onto-a-dvd-or-usb-stick)
4. [Upgrading](#upgrading)
5. [Troubleshooting problems with the installer](#troubleshooting-problems-with-the-installer)
6. [Known Issues](#known-issues)
7. [Getting Help](#getting-help)
Hardware Requirements
Please see the [Hardware Compatibility List](/hcl/) page for more information on required and recommended hardware.
Note: We don't recommend installing Qubes in a virtual machine! It will likely not work. Don't send emails asking about it. However, you can install it on an external USB hard drive and run from it, at least for testing (normally such disks are *orders* of magnitude slower than even the slowest internal hard drives).
Download installer ISO
See [this page](/doc/QubesDownloads/) for ISO downloads. Remember, we have absolutely no control over those servers, and so you should be assuming that they might be compromised, or just be serving a compromised ISOs because their operators decided so, for whatever reason. Always verify the digital signature on the downloaded ISO. See this [page](/doc/VerifyingSignatures/) for more info about how to download and verify our GPG keys, and then verify the downloaded ISO:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
gpg -v <iso>.asc
{% endhighlight %}
Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick
Once you verify this is an authentic ISO, you should burn it on a DVD.
If you prefer to use USB as a source for installation, then you just need to copy the ISO onto the USB device, e.g. using dd:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
dd if=Qubes-R2-rc1-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/dev/sdX
{% endhighlight %}
On windows you can use [this](http://www.chrysocome.net/dd) tool. Example command would be (as Administrator):
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
dd if=Qubes-R2-rc1-x86_64-DVD.iso of=\\?\Device\Harddisk1\Partition0 bs=1M --size --progress
{% endhighlight %}
**Be sure to use a correct device as the target in the dd command above (instead of sdX or Harddisk1)**
Before proceeding with the installation, you are encouraged to first read all the information on this page, especially the *Known Issues* paragraph.
Then, when finally ready, boot your system from the installer DVD and follow the instructions on screen. The installer is very simple and asks very few questions -- it's actually easier to install Qubes right now than most other Linux distributions!
The installer loads Xen right at the beginning, so chances are high that if you can see the installer's graphical screen, Qubes will work on your system :)

The easiest and safest way to upgrade to Qubes R2rc1 (especially from older releases) is to install it from scratch and use [qubes backup and restore tools](/doc/BackupRestore/) for migrating of all of the user VMs.
Users of R2 beta 3 can upgrade using procedure that has been described [here](/doc/UpgradeToR2rc1/).
Note: if the user has custom Template VMs (i.e. other than the default template, e.g. created from it by cloning), or Standalone VMs, then the user should perform manual upgrade from R2B3 to R2rc1, as described under the link given above.
Troubleshooting problems with the installer
If the installer fails for some reason, typically because of the graphics card not being correctly supported, it is possible to try booting the installer with a different kernel -- to do that, choose Troubleshooting menu in the Installer Welcome screen, and later choose an option to proceed with one of the kernels provided:

The installer ships with 4 different kernels (3.12, 3.11, 3.9 and 3.7) and all those kernel will be installed (regardless of which is selected to run the installer) so it is later always possible to boot the Qubes OS using any of those kernels.
Known Issues
- On some graphics cards the Xfce4 Window Manager (one of the two supported Dom0 Windows Managers in Qubes R2, the other being KDE) might behave "strangely", e.g. decorations might not be drawn sometimes. Also the accompanying lightdm login manager might incorrectly display the wallpaper. If you're facing those problems, it's advisable to use the KDE Window Manager and kdm instead of Xfce4 and lightdm (this is default if one chooses the KDE only installation option in the installer).
- Some icons in the Qubes Manager application might not be drawn correctly when using the Xfce4 environment in Dom0. If this bothers you, please use the KDE environment instead.
- If your GPU is not correctly supported by the Dom0 kernel (e.g. the 3D desktop effects do not run smoothly) then you might experience "heaviness" with Windows 7-based AppVMs. In that case, please solve the problem with your GPU support in Dom0 in the first place (by using a different kernel), or install Qubes OS on a different system.
- HVMs with Qubes Tools installed will not have access to the network if firewallvm uses 3.12 kernel (the default). The workaround is to use older (3.11) kernel for firewallvm. You need to [install kernel-qubes-vm-3.11.10 package](/doc/SoftwareUpdateDom0/#how-to-downgrade-a-specific-package), then ensure that it is used for firewallvm (for example using Qubes Manager - advanced tab of VM settings).
- Just after installation, applications menu will not contain colorful application icons (new feature), only padlock in VM color. To get colorful icons, you need to start template VM (fedora-20-x64) and call `qvm-sync-appmenus fedora-20-x64` in dom0 terminal. If you have other Template VMs or Standalone VMs, repeat the steps for them too.
Getting Help
- **User manuals are [here](/doc/UserDoc/).** (Strongly recommended!)
- Developers documentation (normally not needed by users) is [here](/doc/SystemDoc/)
- If you don't find answer in the sources given above, write to the *qubes-users* mailing list (you don't need to be subscribed to the list, just send email to the address given below):
- [https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users)
- `qubes-users@googlegroups.com`
- Please do not write email to individual developers (Marek, Joanna, etc) asking questions about installation or other problems. Please send all such questions to the mailing list.
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
layout: doc
title: InstallationGuideR2rc2
permalink: /doc/InstallationGuideR2rc2/
redirect_from: /wiki/InstallationGuideR2rc2/
Installation Guide for Qubes Release 2 rc2
1. [Hardware Requirements](#HardwareRequirements)
2. [Download installer ISO](#DownloadinstallerISO)
3. [Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick](#BurningtheISOontoaDVDorUSBstick)
4. [Upgrading](#Upgrading)
5. [Troubleshooting problems with the installer](#Troubleshootingproblemswiththeinstaller)
6. [Known Issues](#KnownIssues)
7. [Getting Help](#GettingHelp)
Hardware Requirements
Please see the [Hardware Compatibility List](/hcl/) page for more information on required and recommended hardware.
Note: We don't recommend installing Qubes in a virtual machine! It will likely not work. Don't send emails asking about it. However, you can install it on an external USB hard drive and run from it, at least for testing (normally such disks are *orders* of magnitude slower than even the slowest internal hard drives).
Download installer ISO
See [this page](/doc/QubesDownloads/) for ISO downloads. Remember, we have absolutely no control over those servers, and so you should be assuming that they might be compromised, or just be serving a compromised ISOs because their operators decided so, for whatever reason. Always verify the digital signature on the downloaded ISO. See this [page](/doc/VerifyingSignatures/) for more info about how to download and verify our GPG keys, and then verify the downloaded ISO:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
gpg -v Qubes-R2-rc2-x86_64-DVD.iso.asc
{% endhighlight %}
Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick
Once you verify this is an authentic ISO, you should burn it on a DVD.
If you prefer to use USB as a source for installation, then you just need to copy the ISO onto the USB device, e.g. using dd:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
dd if=Qubes-R2-rc2-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/dev/sdX
{% endhighlight %}
On windows you can use [this](http://www.chrysocome.net/dd) tool. Example command would be (as Administrator):
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
dd if=Qubes-R2-rc2-x86_64-DVD.iso of=\\?\Device\Harddisk1\Partition0 bs=1M --size --progress
{% endhighlight %}
**Be sure to use a correct device as the target in the dd command above (instead of sdX or Harddisk1)**
Before proceeding with the installation, you are encouraged to first read all the information on this page, especially the *Known Issues* paragraph.
Then, when finally ready, boot your system from the installer DVD and follow the instructions on screen. The installer is very simple and asks very few questions -- it's actually easier to install Qubes right now than most other Linux distributions!
The installer loads Xen right at the beginning, so chances are high that if you can see the installer's graphical screen, Qubes will work on your system :)

Upgrading from Qubes R2 rc1 should be a simple matter of installing updates for [dom0](/doc/SoftwareUpdateDom0/) and [VMs](/doc/SoftwareUpdateVM/).
Users of R2 beta 3 should follow instructions on how to upgrade to Qubes R2 rc1 [here](/doc/UpgradeToR2rc1/).
Troubleshooting problems with the installer
If the installer fails for some reason, typically because of the graphics card not being correctly supported, it is possible to try booting the installer with a different kernel -- to do that, choose Troubleshooting menu in the Installer Welcome screen, and later choose an option to proceed with one of the kernels provided:

The installer ships with 4 different kernels (3.12, 3.11, 3.9 and 3.7) and all those kernel will be installed (regardless of which is selected to run the installer) so it is later always possible to boot the Qubes OS using any of those kernels.
Known Issues
- On some graphics cards the Xfce4 Window Manager (one of the two supported Dom0 Windows Managers in Qubes R2, the other being KDE) might behave "strangely", e.g. decorations might not be drawn sometimes. Also the accompanying lightdm login manager might incorrectly display the wallpaper. If you're facing those problems, it's advisable to use the KDE Window Manager and kdm instead of Xfce4 and lightdm (this is default if one chooses the KDE only installation option in the installer).
- Some icons in the Qubes Manager application might not be drawn correctly when using the Xfce4 environment in Dom0. If this bothers you, please use the KDE environment instead.
- If your GPU is not correctly supported by the Dom0 kernel (e.g. the 3D desktop effects do not run smoothly) then you might experience "heaviness" with Windows 7-based AppVMs. In that case, please solve the problem with your GPU support in Dom0 in the first place (by using a different kernel), or install Qubes OS on a different system.
Getting Help
- **User manuals are [here](/doc/UserDoc/).** (Strongly recommended!)
- Developers documentation (normally not needed by users) is [here](/doc/SystemDoc/)
- If you don't find answer in the sources given above, write to the *qubes-users* mailing list (you don't need to be subscribed to the list, just send email to the address given below):
- [https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users)
- `qubes-users@googlegroups.com`
- Please do not write email to individual developers (Marek, Joanna, etc) asking questions about installation or other problems. Please send all such questions to the mailing list.
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
layout: doc
title: Installation Guide for Qubes 3.0 rc1
permalink: /doc/InstallationGuideR3.0rc1/
Installation Guide for Qubes Release 3.0 rc1
1. [Hardware Requirements](#hardware-requirements)
2. [Download installer ISO](#download-installer-iso)
3. [Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick](#burning-the-iso-onto-a-dvd-or-usb-stick)
4. [Upgrading](#upgrading)
5. [Troubleshooting problems with the installer](#troubleshooting-problems-with-the-installer)
6. [Known Issues](#known-issues)
7. [Getting Help](#getting-help)
Hardware Requirements
Please see the [Hardware Compatibility List](/hcl/) page for more information on required and recommended hardware.
Note: We don't recommend installing Qubes in a virtual machine! It will likely not work. Don't send emails asking about it. However, you can install it on an external USB hard drive and run from it, at least for testing (normally such disks are *orders* of magnitude slower than even the slowest internal hard drives).
Download installer ISO
See [this page](/doc/QubesDownloads/) for ISO downloads. Remember, we have absolutely no control over those servers, and so you should be assuming that they might be compromised, or just be serving a compromised ISOs because their operators decided so, for whatever reason. Always verify the digital signature on the downloaded ISO. See this [page](/doc/VerifyingSignatures/) for more info about how to download and verify our GPG keys, and then verify the downloaded ISO:
gpg -v Qubes-R3.0-rc1-x86_64-DVD.iso.asc
Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick
Once you verify this is an authentic ISO, you should burn it on a DVD.
If you prefer to use USB as a source for installation, then you just need to copy the ISO onto the USB device, e.g. using dd:
dd if=Qubes-R3.0-rc1-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/dev/sdX
On windows you can use [this](http://www.chrysocome.net/dd) tool. Example command would be (as Administrator):
dd if=Qubes-R3.0-rc1-x86_64-DVD.iso of=\\?\Device\Harddisk1\Partition0 bs=1M --size --progress
**Be sure to use a correct device as the target in the dd command above (instead of sdX or Harddisk1)**
Before proceeding with the installation, you are encouraged to first read all the information on this page, especially the *Known Issues* paragraph.
Then, when finally ready, boot your system from the installer DVD and follow the instructions on screen. The installer is very simple and asks very few questions -- it's actually easier to install Qubes right now than most other Linux distributions!
The installer loads Xen right at the beginning, so chances are high that if you can see the installer's graphical screen, Qubes will work on your system :)
The easiest and safest way to upgrade to Qubes R3.0rc1 is to install it from scratch and use [qubes backup and restore tools](/doc/BackupRestore/) for migrating of all of the user VMs.
Users or Qubes R2 can upgrade using experimental procedure that has been described [here](/doc/UpgradeToR3.0rc1/).
Troubleshooting problems with the installer
If the installer fails for some reason, typically because of the graphics card not being correctly supported, it is possible to try booting the installer with a different kernel -- to do that, choose Troubleshooting menu in the Installer Welcome screen, and later choose an option to proceed with one of the kernels provided.
The installer ships with 4 different kernels (3.12, 3.11, 3.9 and 3.7) and all those kernel will be installed (regardless of which is selected to run the installer) so it is later always possible to boot the Qubes OS using any of those kernels.
Known Issues
- There is no Qubes Windows Tools for Qubes R3.0 yet. We are working on this
- UEFI is not supported, you need to enable "legacy boot" in BIOS before installing Qubes OS
- Some icons in the Qubes Manager application might not be drawn correctly when using the Xfce4 environment in Dom0. If this bothers you, please use the KDE environment instead.
- If your GPU is not correctly supported by the Dom0 kernel (e.g. the 3D desktop effects do not run smoothly) then you might experience "heaviness" with Windows 7-based AppVMs. In that case, please solve the problem with your GPU support in Dom0 in the first place (by using a different kernel), or install Qubes OS on a different system.
- For other known issues take a look at [our tickets](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22Release+3%22+label%3Abug)
It is advised to install updates just after system installation to apply bug fixes for (some of) the above problems.
Getting Help
- **User manuals are [here](/doc/UserDoc/).** (Strongly recommended!)
- Developers documentation (normally not needed by users) is [here](/doc/SystemDoc/)
- If you don't find answer in the sources given above, write to the *qubes-users* mailing list (you don't need to be subscribed to the list, just send email to the address given below):
- [https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users)
- `qubes-users@googlegroups.com`
- Please do not write email to individual developers (Marek, Joanna, etc) asking questions about installation or other problems. Please send all such questions to the mailing list.
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
layout: doc
title: Installation Guide for Qubes 3.0 rc2
permalink: /doc/InstallationGuideR3.0rc2/
Installation Guide for Qubes Release 3.0 rc2
1. [Hardware Requirements](#hardware-requirements)
2. [Download installer ISO](#download-installer-iso)
3. [Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick](#burning-the-iso-onto-a-dvd-or-usb-stick)
4. [Upgrading](#upgrading)
5. [Troubleshooting problems with the installer](#troubleshooting-problems-with-the-installer)
6. [Known Issues](#known-issues)
7. [Getting Help](#getting-help)
Hardware Requirements
Please see the [Hardware Compatibility List](/hcl/) page for more information on required and recommended hardware.
Note: We don't recommend installing Qubes in a virtual machine! It will likely not work. Don't send emails asking about it. However, you can install it on an external USB hard drive and run from it, at least for testing (normally such disks are *orders* of magnitude slower than even the slowest internal hard drives).
Download installer ISO
See [this page](/doc/QubesDownloads/) for ISO downloads. Remember, we have absolutely no control over those servers, and so you should be assuming that they might be compromised, or just be serving a compromised ISOs because their operators decided so, for whatever reason. Always verify the digital signature on the downloaded ISO. See this [page](/doc/VerifyingSignatures/) for more info about how to download and verify our GPG keys, and then verify the downloaded ISO:
gpg -v Qubes-R3.0-rc2-x86_64-DVD.iso.asc
Burning the ISO onto a DVD or USB stick
Once you verify this is an authentic ISO, you should burn it on a DVD.
If you prefer to use USB as a source for installation, then you just need to copy the ISO onto the USB device, e.g. using dd:
dd if=Qubes-R3.0-rc2-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/dev/sdX
On windows you can use [this](http://www.chrysocome.net/dd) tool. Example command would be (as Administrator):
dd if=Qubes-R3.0-rc2-x86_64-DVD.iso of=\\?\Device\Harddisk1\Partition0 bs=1M --size --progress
**Be sure to use a correct device as the target in the dd command above (instead of sdX or Harddisk1)**
Before proceeding with the installation, you are encouraged to first read all the information on this page, especially the *Known Issues* paragraph.
Then, when finally ready, boot your system from the installer DVD and follow the instructions on screen. The installer is very simple and asks very few questions -- it's actually easier to install Qubes right now than most other Linux distributions!
The installer loads Xen right at the beginning, so chances are high that if you can see the installer's graphical screen, Qubes will work on your system :)
Upgrading from R3.0rc1
If you are using Qubes R3.0rc1, just install system updates, there is no special steps required.
If you are using Qubes R2, follow instructions below.
The easiest and safest way to upgrade to Qubes R3.0rc2 is to install it from scratch and use [qubes backup and restore tools](/doc/BackupRestore/) for migrating of all of the user VMs.
Users of Qubes R2 can upgrade using [experimental procedure](/doc/UpgradeToR3.0rc1/) (the same as for R3.0rc1).
Troubleshooting problems with the installer
If the installer fails for some reason, typically because of the graphics card not being correctly supported, it is possible to try booting the installer with a different kernel -- to do that, choose Troubleshooting menu in the Installer Welcome screen, and later choose an option to proceed with one of the kernels provided.
The installer ships with 4 different kernels (3.12, 3.11, 3.9 and 3.7) and all those kernel will be installed (regardless of which is selected to run the installer) so it is later always possible to boot the Qubes OS using any of those kernels.
Known Issues
- UEFI is not supported, you need to enable "legacy boot" in BIOS before installing Qubes OS
- Some icons in the Qubes Manager application might not be drawn correctly when using the Xfce4 environment in Dom0. If this bothers you, please use the KDE environment instead.
- If your GPU is not correctly supported by the Dom0 kernel (e.g. the 3D desktop effects do not run smoothly) then you might experience "heaviness" with Windows 7-based AppVMs. In that case, please solve the problem with your GPU support in Dom0 in the first place (by using a different kernel), or install Qubes OS on a different system.
- For other known issues take a look at [our tickets](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22Release+3.0%22+label%3Abug)
It is advised to install updates just after system installation to apply bug fixes for (some of) the above problems.
Getting Help
- **User manuals are [here](/doc/UserDoc/).** (Strongly recommended!)
- Developers documentation (normally not needed by users) is [here](/doc/SystemDoc/)
- If you don't find answer in the sources given above, write to the *qubes-users* mailing list (you don't need to be subscribed to the list, just send email to the address given below):
- [https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-users)
- `qubes-users@googlegroups.com`
- Please do not write email to individual developers (Marek, Joanna, etc) asking questions about installation or other problems. Please send all such questions to the mailing list.
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ Mutt lacks true MTA (Message Transfer Agent aka "SMTP client") and MRA (Mail
Retrieval Agent aka "IMAP/POP3 client"), thus there are some provisions
built-in. In principle it is only mail reader and composer. You may install
true MTA such as [Postfix](/doc/Postfix/) or Exim and MRA such as
[Fetchmail](/doc/Fetchmail/). Alternativelly you can synchronize your mailbox
[Fetchmail](/doc/Fetchmail/). Alternatively you can synchronize your mailbox
using [OfflineIMAP](https://github.com/OfflineIMAP/offlineimap) and just stick
to integrated SMTP support. You can even use itegrated IMAP client, but it is
to integrated SMTP support. You can even use integrated IMAP client, but it is
not very convenient.
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ In `.urlview`:
In `.mailcap`:
### TODO: override most/all default mailcap settings to prevent
### opening in muttvm
### is there a way to do this polymorphically? i.e. not
@ -18,33 +18,33 @@ Qubes Downloads
Qubes Release 3.0
- [Qubes-R3.0-rc2-x86\_64-DVD.iso](https://mirrors.kernel.org/qubes/iso/Qubes-R3.0-rc2-x86_64-DVD.iso) (mirror 1)
- [Digital Signature](https://mirrors.kernel.org/qubes/iso/Qubes-R3.0-rc2-x86_64-DVD.iso.asc) (mirror 1)
- [Qubes-R3.0-rc2-x86\_64-DVD.iso](https://ftp.qubes-os.org/iso/Qubes-R3.0-rc2-x86_64-DVD.iso) (mirror 2)
- [Digital Signature](https://ftp.qubes-os.org/iso/Qubes-R3.0-rc2-x86_64-DVD.iso.asc) (mirror 2)
- [Release notes](/doc/releases/3.0/release-notes/)
- [Qubes-R3.0-rc3-x86\_64-DVD.iso](https://mirrors.kernel.org/qubes/iso/Qubes-R3.0-rc3-x86_64-DVD.iso) (mirror 1)
- [Digital Signature](https://mirrors.kernel.org/qubes/iso/Qubes-R3.0-rc3-x86_64-DVD.iso.asc) (mirror 1)
- [Qubes-R3.0-rc3-x86\_64-DVD.iso](https://ftp.qubes-os.org/iso/Qubes-R3.0-rc3-x86_64-DVD.iso) (mirror 2)
- [Digital Signature](https://ftp.qubes-os.org/iso/Qubes-R3.0-rc3-x86_64-DVD.iso.asc) (mirror 2)
- **[Installation Guide for Qubes R3.0 rc2](/doc/InstallationGuideR3.0rc2/)**
- [Upgrading to Qubes R3.0 rc2](/doc/InstallationGuideR3.0rc2/#upgrading)
- **[Installation Guide](/doc/InstallationGuide/)**
- [Upgrading to Qubes R3.0 rc3](/doc/releases/3.0/release-notes/#upgrading)
Qubes Release 2
- [Release notes](/doc/releases/2.0/release-notes/)
- [Qubes-R2-x86\_64-DVD.iso](https://mirrors.kernel.org/qubes/iso/Qubes-R2-x86_64-DVD.iso) (mirror 1)
- [Digital Signature](https://mirrors.kernel.org/qubes/iso/Qubes-R2-x86_64-DVD.iso.asc) (mirror 1)
- [Qubes-R2-x86\_64-DVD.iso](https://ftp.qubes-os.org/iso/Qubes-R2-x86_64-DVD.iso) (mirror 2)
- [Digital Signature](https://ftp.qubes-os.org/iso/Qubes-R2-x86_64-DVD.iso.asc) (mirror 2)
- **[Installation Guide for Qubes R2](/doc/InstallationGuideR2/)**
- [Upgrading to Qubes R2](/doc/InstallationGuideR2/#upgrading)
- **[Installation Guide for Qubes R2 rc2](/doc/InstallationGuideR2rc2/)** (deprecated)
- [Upgrading to Qubes R2 rc2](/doc/InstallationGuideR2rc2/#upgrading)
- **[Installation Guide](/doc/InstallationGuide/)**
- [Upgrading to Qubes R2](/doc/releases/2.0/release-notes/#upgrading)
Qubes Release 1
(This is mainly for historical reference, we strongly recommend Qubes R2 above)
- [Release notes](/doc/releases/1.0/release-notes/)
- [Qubes-R1-x86\_64-DVD.iso](https://mirrors.kernel.org/qubes/iso/Qubes-R1-x86_64-DVD.iso) (mirror 1)
- [Digital Signature](https://mirrors.kernel.org/qubes/iso/Qubes-R1-x86_64-DVD.iso.asc) (mirror 1)
- [Qubes-R1-x86\_64-DVD.iso](https://ftp.qubes-os.org/iso/Qubes-R1-x86_64-DVD.iso) (mirror 2)
@ -57,7 +57,5 @@ Mirrors
Qubes ISOs are also available from the following mirrors:
- [http://ftp.fsn.hu/pub/linux/distributions/qubes/](http://ftp.fsn.hu/pub/linux/distributions/qubes/)
- [http://linuxtracker.org/index.php?page=torrent-details&id=3bdf893771d63bdbe3d83f31e064360ee10f30ec](http://linuxtracker.org/index.php?page=torrent-details&id=3bdf893771d63bdbe3d83f31e064360ee10f30ec)
- [http://burnbit.com/torrent/303367/Qubes\_R2\_rc2\_x86\_64\_DVD\_iso](http://burnbit.com/torrent/303367/Qubes_R2_rc2_x86_64_DVD_iso)
- [Burnbit torrent](http://burnbit.com/search?q=qubes)
- [mirrors.kernel.org](http://mirrors.kernel.org/qubes/iso/)
@ -122,14 +122,17 @@ It is preferably to avoid using **Bluetooth** if you travel and if you do not tr
Many laptops will also allow one to disable various hardware (Camera, BT, Mic, etc) **in BIOS**. This might or might not be safe, depending on how much you trust your BIOS vendor.
If the VM will not start after you have assigned a USB controller, look at [this faq](../UserFaq/#i-created-a-usbvm-and-assigned-usb-controllers-to-it-now-the-usbvm-wont-boot)
Creating and Using a USBVM
The connection of an **untrusted USB external drive to Dom0** may involve some risk because Dom0 reads **partition tables** automatically, and also because the whole USB stack is put to work **to parse** all the USB device info first, to determine if it is a USB Mass Storage, and to read its config, etc. This happens even if the drive is then assigned and mounted in another VM.
To avoid this risk it is possible to prepare and utilize a **USBVM**. However this is not presently recommended for beginners, as Xen does not yet provide a working PVUSB, and so only USB Mass Storage devices could be passed to individual VMs later (via qvm-block). This involves that a USBVM cannot be preinstalled and the whole thing cannot be automatized. So avoid it if you have doubts.
To avoid this risk it is possible to prepare and utilize a **USBVM**. However this is not presently recommended for beginners, as Xen does not yet provide a working PVUSB, and so only USB Mass Storage devices can be passed to individual VMs later (via qvm-block). This means that a USBVM cannot be preinstalled and the whole thing cannot be automated. So avoid it if you have doubts.
Also avoid it if you do not have a **USB controller free of input devices** or programmable devices. However, as already noted most laptops use PS-2 for keyboards and touchpad devices which do not cause problems.
Also avoid it if you do not have a **USB controller free of input devices** or programmable devices, for the reasons above. However, as already noted most laptops use PS-2 for keyboards and touchpad devices which do not cause problems.
An **USBVM** operates like a dedicated temporary parking area, used just to prevent any contact between dom0 and the USB drive. Then, every time you connect an **untrusted USB external drive** to a USB port managed by that USB controller, you need to attach it to the VM that needs it, using qubes manager or [terminal](/doc/StickMounting/). Again, this **works only for disk-like USB devices**. Other devices cannot be currently virtualized. So once you assign their controller to your **USBVM** they'll be no more available.
@ -140,7 +143,7 @@ An **USBVM** operates like a dedicated temporary parking area, used just to prev
3. Give it "red" or "orange" or "yellow" label.
4. In the AppVM's settings, go to the "devices" tab. Find your USB controller in the "Available" list. Move it to the "Selected" list.
5. Click OK. Restart the AppVM. (Restarting may not even be required.)
6. **In dom0 terminal**, run
6. Set the VM to start automatically at Boot using the VM Manager, (under VM Settings), or **In dom0 terminal**, run
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
qvm-prefs -s usbvm autostart true
@ -148,6 +151,9 @@ An **USBVM** operates like a dedicated temporary parking area, used just to prev
This will cause your new **USBVM** to automatically start when the system starts up. So that in case you forgot to start it and then accidentally plugged a USB stick (or your colleague at work did it while you were at lunch), **it won't compromise the Dom0**.
If the USBVM will not start, look at [this faq](../UserFaq/#i-created-a-usbvm-and-assigned-usb-controllers-to-it-now-the-usbvm-wont-boot)
Dom0 Precautions
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Booting your computer from a live CD (or DVD) when you need to perform sensitive
How does Qubes compare to running VMs in a convential OS?
Not all virtual machine software is equal when it comes to security. You may have used or heard of VMs in relation to software like VirtualBox or VMware Workstation. These are known as "Type 2" or "hosted" hypervisors. (The **hypervisor** is the software, firmare, or hardware that creates and runs virtual machines.) These programs are popular because they're designed primarily to be easy to use and run under popular OSes like Windows (which is called the **host** OS, since it "hosts" the VMs). However, the fact that Type 2 hypervisors run under the host OS means that they're really only as secure as the host OS itself. If the host OS is ever compromised, then any VMs it hosts are also effectivley compromised.
Not all virtual machine software is equal when it comes to security. You may have used or heard of VMs in relation to software like VirtualBox or VMware Workstation. These are known as "Type 2" or "hosted" hypervisors. (The **hypervisor** is the software, firmare, or hardware that creates and runs virtual machines.) These programs are popular because they're designed primarily to be easy to use and run under popular OSes like Windows (which is called the **host** OS, since it "hosts" the VMs). However, the fact that Type 2 hypervisors run under the host OS means that they're really only as secure as the host OS itself. If the host OS is ever compromised, then any VMs it hosts are also effectively compromised.
By contrast, Qubes uses a "Type 1" or "bare metal" hypervisor called [Xen](http://www.xenproject.org). Instead of running inside an OS, Type 1 hypervisors run directly on the "bare metal" of the hardware. This means that an attacker must be capable of subverting the hypervisor itself in order to compromise the entire system, which is vastly more difficult.
@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ How to Mount USB Sticks to AppVMs
Qubes supports the ability to attach a USB stick (or just one or more of its partitions) to any AppVM easily, no matter which VM actually handles the USB controller. (The USB controller may be assigned on the **Devices** tab of an AppVM's settings page in Qubes VM Manager or by using the [qvm-pci command](/doc/AssigningDevices/).)
As of Qubes R2 Beta 3, USB stick mounting has been integrated into the Qubes VM Manger GUI. Simply insert your USB stick, right-click the desired AppVM in the Qubes VM Manager list, click **Attach/detach block devices**, and select your desired action and device. This, however, only works for the whole device. If you would like to attach individual partitions you must use the command-line tool (shown below). The reason for this is that when attaching a single partition, it used to be that Nautilus file manager would not see it and automatically mount it (see [this ticket](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/623)). This problem, however, seems to be resolved (see [this issue comment](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1072#issuecomment-124270051)). If for some reason it does not show up in nautilus for you and you still need to attach just a single partition to a device, you will need to mount it manually; the device will show up as /dev/xvdi (or /dev/xvdj if there is already one device attached--/dev/xvdk and so on).
As of Qubes R2 Beta 3, USB stick mounting has been integrated into the Qubes VM Manager GUI. Simply insert your USB stick, right-click the desired AppVM in the Qubes VM Manager list, click **Attach/detach block devices**, and select your desired action and device. This, however, only works for the whole device.
If you would like to attach individual partitions you must use the command-line tool (shown below). The reason for this is that when attaching a single partition, it used to be that Nautilus file manager would not see it and automatically mount it (see [this ticket](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/623)). This problem, however, seems to be resolved (see [this issue comment](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1072#issuecomment-124270051)).
If for some reason the device does not appear in nautilus and you still need to attach just a single partition to a device, you will need to mount it manually; the device will show up as /dev/xvdi (or /dev/xvdj if there is already one device attached - if two, /dev/xvdk and so on).
The command-line tool you may use to mount whole USB sticks or their partitions is `qvm-block`. This tool can be used to assign a USB stick to an AppVM as follows:
@ -23,21 +25,27 @@ The command-line tool you may use to mount whole USB sticks or their partitions
qvm-block -l
This will list all available block devices connected to any USB controller
in your system, no matter in which VM hosts the controller. The name of the
in your system, no matter which VM hosts the controller. The name of the
VM hosting the USB controller is displayed before the colon in the device
name. The string after the colon is the name of the device used within the
VM. Like this:
dom0:sdb1 Cruzer () 4GiB
usbVM:sdb1 Disk () 2GiB
**Note:** If your device is not listed here, you may refresh the list by calling (from the VM to which device is connected):
sudo udevadm trigger --action=change
1. Assuming our USB stick is sdb, we attach the device to an AppVM like so:
1. Assuming our USB stick is attached to dom0 and is sdb, we attach the device to an AppVM like so:
qvm-block -a personal dom0:sdb
`qvm-block -a personal dom0:sdb`
This will attach the device as "/dev/xvdi", if not already taken by another attached device, in the AppVM. You may also mount one partition at a time by using the same command with the partition number after sdb.
This will attach the device to the AppVM as "/dev/xvdi", if not already taken by another attached device, or "/dev/xvdj" etc.
You may also mount one partition at a time by using the same command with the partition number after sdb.
**Warning: when working with single partitions, it is possible to assign the same partition to multiple VMs.** For example, you could attach sdb1 to VM1 and then sdb to VM2. It is up to the user not to make this mistake. Xen block device framework currently does not provide an easy way around this. Point 2 of [this ticket comment](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1072#issuecomment-124119309) gives details on this.
@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ this steps:
sys-usb:sda DataTraveler_2.0 () 246 MiB (attached to 'testvm' as 'xvdi')
[user@dom0 ~]$ xl block-attach testvm phy:/dev/sda backend=sys-usb xvdi
In above example all `xl block-attach` parameters can be deducted from
In above example all `xl block-attach` parameters can be deduced from
`qvm-block` output. In order:
* `testvm` - name of target VM to which device was attached - listed in brackets by `qvm-block` command
@ -26,14 +26,19 @@ Install
It can be installed via the following command:
Debian 7 (wheezy) - stable:
Debian 7 (wheezy) - old stable:
[user@dom0 ~]$ sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-debian-7
Debian 8 (jessie) - testing:
Debian 8 (jessie) - stable:
[user@dom0 ~]$ sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-debian-8
Debian 9 (stretch) - testing:
A prebuilt template is not yet available, but you can build an experimental stretch template from source.
Known issues
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ It is a good idea to clone the original template, and make any changes in the ne
[user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-clone fedora-21-minimal <your new template name>
{% endhighlight %}
The sudo package is not installed by default, so lets install it:
The sudo package is not installed by default, so let's install it:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
[user@F21-Minimal ~]$ su -
@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ The sudo package is not installed by default, so lets install it:
The rsyslog logging service is not installed by default. All logging is now being handled by the systemd journal. Users requiring the rsyslog service should install it manually.
To access the journald log, use the following command: `journalctl`
To access the journald log, use the `journalctl` command.
### as a NetVM
If You want to use this template to for standard NetVMs You should install some more packeges:
If you want to use this template to for standard NetVMs you should install some more packeges:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
[user@F21-Minimal ~]$ sudo yum install NetworkManager NetworkManager-wifi network-manager-applet wireless-tools dbus-x11 dejavu-sans-fonts tar tinyproxy
@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ And maybe some more optional but useful packages as well:
[user@F21-Minimal ~]$ sudo yum install pciutils vim-minimal less tcpdump telnet psmisc nmap nmap-ncat gnome-keyring
{% endhighlight %}
If Your network device needs some firmware then you should also install the corresponding packages as well. The `lspci; yum search firmware` command will help to choose the right one :)
If your network device needs some firmware then you should also install the corresponding packages as well. The `lspci; yum search firmware` command will help to choose the right one :)
### as a ProxyVM
If You want to use this template as a ProxyVM You may want to install evem more packages
If you want to use this template as a ProxyVM you may want to install even more packages
#### Firewall
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ This template is ready to use for a standard firewall VM.
#### VPN
The needed packages are depend on the VPN technology. `yum search "NetworkManager VPN plugin"` command may help you to choose the right one.
The needed packages depend on the VPN technology. The `yum search "NetworkManager VPN plugin"` command may help you to choose the right one.
[More details about setting up a VPN Gateway](/wiki/VPN#ProxyVM)
@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
layout: doc
title: UpgradeToR2rc1
permalink: /doc/UpgradeToR2rc1/
title: UpgradeToR2
permalink: /doc/UpgradeToR2/
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redirect_from: /wiki/UpgradeToR2rc1/
Upgrading Qubes R2 Beta 3 to R2 rc1
Upgrading Qubes R2 Beta 3 to R2
Current Qubes R2 Beta 3 (R2B3) systems can be upgraded in-place to the latest R2 rc1 (R2rc1) release by following the procedure below.
Current Qubes R2 Beta 3 (R2B3) systems can be upgraded in-place to the latest R2 (R2) release by following the procedure below.
**Before attempting either an in-place upgrade or a clean installation, we strongly recommend that users back up the system by using the built-in [backup tool](/doc/BackupRestore/).**
Upgrade Template and Standalone VM(s)
- Qubes R2 rc1 comes with new template based on Fedora 20. You can upgrade existing template according to procedure described [here](/doc/FedoraTemplateUpgrade/).
- Qubes R2 comes with new template based on Fedora 20. You can upgrade existing template according to procedure described [here](/doc/FedoraTemplateUpgrade/).
- **It also possible to download a new Fedora 20-based template from our repositories**. To do this please first upgrade the Dom0 distro as described in the section below.
While technically it is possible to use old Fedora 18 template on R2 rc1, it is strongly recommended to upgrade all the Template VMs and Standalone VMs, because Fedora 18 no longer receive security updates.
While technically it is possible to use old Fedora 18 template on R2, it is strongly recommended to upgrade all the Template VMs and Standalone VMs, because Fedora 18 no longer receive security updates.
By default, in Qubes R2, there is only one Template VM, however users are free to create more Template VMs for special purposes, as well as Standalone VMs. If more than one template and/or Standalone VMs are used, then it is recommended to upgrade/replace all of them. More information on using multiple Template VMs, as well as Standalone VMs, can be found [here](/doc/SoftwareUpdateVM/).
Upgrading dom0
Note that dom0 in R2rc1 is based on Fedora 20, in contrast to Fedora 18 in previous release, so this operation will upgrade a lot of packages.
Note that dom0 in R2 is based on Fedora 20, in contrast to Fedora 18 in previous release, so this operation will upgrade a lot of packages.
1. Open terminal in Dom0. E.g. Start-\>System Settings-\>Konsole.
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ Note that dom0 in R2rc1 is based on Fedora 20, in contrast to Fedora 18 in previ
After this step you should have `qubes-release-2-5` in your Dom0. Important: if you happen to have `qubes-release-2-6*` then you should downgrade to `qubes-release-2-5`! The `qubes-release-2-6*` packages have been uploaded to the testing repos and were kept there for a few hours, until we realized they bring incorrect repo definitions and so we removed them and also have changed the update procedure a bit (simplifying it).
1. Upgrade dom0 to R2 rc1:
1. Upgrade dom0 to R2:
Note: be sure that the VM used as a update-downloading-vm (by default its the firewallvm based on the default template) has been updated to the latest qubes packages, specifically `qubes-core-vm-2.1.33` or later. This doesn't imply that the VM must already be upgraded to fc20 -- for Dom0 upgrade we could still use an fc18-based VM (updatevm) it is only important to install the latest Qubes packages there.
@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
layout: doc
title: Upgrade to R3.0 rc1
permalink: /doc/UpgradeToR3.0rc1/
title: Upgrade to R3.0
permalink: /doc/UpgradeToR3.0/
redirect_from: /doc/UpgradeToR3.0rc1/
Upgrading Qubes R2 to R3.0-rc1
Upgrading Qubes R2 to R3.0
**This instruction is highly experimental, the official way to upgrade from R2 is to backup the data and reinstall the system. Use at your own risk!**
Current Qubes R3.0-rc1 (R3.0rc1) systems can be upgraded in-place to the latest R3.0 release candidate by following the procedure below. However, upgrading in-place is riskier than performing a clean installation, since there are more things which can go wrong. For this reason, **we strongly recommended that users perform a [clean installation](/doc/InstallationGuideR3.0rc1/) of Qubes R3.0 rc1**.
Current Qubes R3.0 (R3.0) systems can be upgraded in-place to the latest R3.0 by following the procedure below. However, upgrading in-place is riskier than performing a clean installation, since there are more things which can go wrong. For this reason, **we strongly recommended that users perform a [clean installation](/doc/InstallationGuide/) of Qubes R3.0**.
**Before attempting either an in-place upgrade or a clean installation, we strongly recommend that users back up the system by using the built-in [backup tool](/doc/BackupRestore/).**
@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ Qubes Users' FAQ
2. [My keyboard layout settings are not behaving correctly. What should I do?](#my-keyboard-layout-settings-are-not-behaving-correctly-what-should-i-do)
3. [My dom0 and/or TemplateVM update stalls when attempting to update via …](#my-dom0-andor-templatevm-update-stalls-when-attempting-to-update-via-the-gui-tool-what-should-i-do)
4. [How do I run a Windows HVM in non-seamless mode (i.e., as a single window)?](#how-do-i-run-a-windows-hvm-in-non-seamless-mode-ie-as-a-single-window)
5. [I assigned a PCI device to an AppVM, then unassigned it/shut down the …](#i-assigned-a-pci-device-to-an-appvm-then-unassigned-itshut-down-the-appvm-why-isnt-the-device-available-in-dom0)
5. [I created a usbVM and assigned usb controllers to it. Now the usbVM wont boot.](#i-created-a-usbvm-and-assigned-usb-controllers-to-it-now-the-usbvm-wont-boot)
6. [I assigned a PCI device to an AppVM, then unassigned it/shut down the …](#i-assigned-a-pci-device-to-an-appvm-then-unassigned-itshut-down-the-appvm-why-isnt-the-device-available-in-dom0)
General Questions
@ -187,6 +188,27 @@ In your TemplateVMs, open a terminal and run `sudo yum upgrade`.
Enable "debug mode" in the AppVM's settings, either by checking the box labelled "Run in debug mode" in the Qubes VM Manager AppVM settings menu or by running the [qvm-prefs command](/doc/Dom0Tools/QvmPrefs/).)
### I created a usbVM and assigned usb controllers to it. Now the usbVM wont boot.
This is probably because one of the controllers does not support reset. In Qubes R2 any such errors were ignored but in Qubes R3.0 they are not.
A device that does not support reset is not safe and generally should not be assigned to a VM.
Most likely the offending controller is a USB3.0 device. You can remove this controller from the usbVM, and see if this allows the VM to boot.
Alternatively you may be able to disable USB 3.0 in the BIOS.
Another solution would be to set the pci_strictreset option using qvm-prefs in dom0:
`qvm-prefs usbVM -s pci_strictreset false`
This option allows the VM to ignore the error and the VM will start.
Please review the note on [this page](https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/Dom0Tools/QvmPrefs/) and be aware of the potential risk.
### I assigned a PCI device to an AppVM, then unassigned it/shut down the AppVM. Why isn't the device available in dom0?
This is an intended feature. A device which was previously assigned to a less trusted AppVM could attack dom0 if it were automatically reassigned there. In order to re-enable the device in dom0, either:
@ -8,36 +8,139 @@ redirect_from: /wiki/VersionScheme/
Version Scheme
Beginning with R3 release, we change (and formalise) the versioning scheme. From now on, it will be as follows.
Beginning with R3 release, we change (and formalise) the versioning scheme.
From now on, it will be as follows.
Qubes distributions and products
We intend to make it easy to make a remix of qubes, targetting another hypervisor or isolation provider. We may also create commercial products intended for specific circumstances. There is one distinguished distribution called **Qubes OS**. All source code for it is available for download under GPL licence and is openly developed on the mailing lists. The rest of this document discusses Qubes OS. Another remix may have its own version series.
We intend to make it easy to make a remix of qubes, targetting another
hypervisor or isolation provider. We may also create commercial products
intended for specific circumstances. There is one distinguished distribution
called **Qubes OS**. All source code for it is available for download under GPL
licence and is openly developed on the mailing lists. The rest of this document
discusses Qubes OS. Another remix may have its own version series.
Release version
Qubes OS as a whole is released from time to time. Version scheme for all releases is modelled after Linux kernel version numbers. When announcing new release, we decide on the major.minor version (like `3.0`) and release `3.0-rc1`. When we feel that enough progress has been made, we put `3.0-rc2` and so on. All these versions are considered unstable and not ready for production. You may ask for support on mailing lists (specifically **qubes-devel**), but it is not guaranteed (you may for example get answer „update to newer `-rc`”). Public ISO image may or may not be available.
Qubes OS as a whole is released from time to time. Version scheme for all
releases is modelled after Linux kernel version numbers. When announcing new
release, we decide on the major.minor version (like `3.0`) and release
`3.0-rc1`. When we feel that enough progress has been made, we put `3.0-rc2`
and so on. All these versions are considered unstable and not ready for
production. You may ask for support on mailing lists (specifically
**qubes-devel**), but it is not guaranteed (you may for example get answer
„update to newer `-rc`”). Public ISO image may or may not be available.
When enough development has been made, we announce the first stable version, like e.g. `3.0.0` (i.e. without `-rc`). This version is considered stable and we support it for some period. Core components are branched at this moment and bugfixes are backported from master branch. Questions about stable release should be directed to the **qubes-users** mailing list. No major features and interface incompatibilities are to be included in this release. We release bugfixes as `3.0.1`, `3.0.2` and so on, while new features come into the next release e.g. `3.1-rcX`.
When enough development has been made, we announce the first stable version,
like e.g. `3.0.0` (i.e. without `-rc`). This version is considered stable and
we support it for some period. Core components are branched at this moment and
bugfixes are backported from master branch. Questions about stable release
should be directed to the **qubes-users** mailing list. No major features and
interface incompatibilities are to be included in this release. We release
bugfixes as `3.0.1`, `3.0.2` and so on, while new features come into the next
release e.g. `3.1-rcX`.
Tickets in the tracker are sorted out by release major.minor, such as `3.0`, `3.1` (trac calls this „milestone”).
Tickets in the tracker are sorted out by release major.minor, such as `3.0`,
`3.1` (trac calls this „milestone”).
Release schedule
There is no specific schedule for major and minor other that more general
roadmap. When time comes, Supreme Committee declares feature freeze and tags
`-rc1` and releases ISO image. From this time on, no new features are accepted.
Also a strict time schedule kicks in.
Each release candidate period is as follows. For the first two weeks we accept
and assign bugreports to be fixed before next release candidate. For the next
two weeks we generally focus on fixing assigned bugreports, so issues discovered
during this time may be postponed until later RC. Finally after that there is
one week of current-testing freeze, during which time no new packages are
released, in hope that they will be installed by wider user base and tested.
The next RC is released five weeks after the former. All packets are published
in `current` repository and the cycle starts over. There should be no less than
1 and no more than 3 release candidates before final release.
<tr><td>initial testing</td><td>2 weeks</td></tr>
<tr><td>bug fixing</td><td>2 weeks</td></tr>
<tr><td>`current-testing` freeze</td><td>1 week</td></tr>
Starting with second cycle (that is, after `-rc1`) two weeks into the cycle
(after primary bug-reporting period) the Supreme Committee decides wether there
should be another RC. If, based on remaining issues, the Committee decides to
release final, then the Committee agrees upon the release date, which should be
no later than a week after.
Bug priorities
When deciding whether the current release candidate is the final one, the Committee
takes bugs priorities into consideration. The meaning of them is as follows:
* `blocker` - when any such bug is present in the current release candidate, it
can't be considered final release. Bugs with this priority must be fixed before
the next release candidate, even if that means delaying its release (which
should be considered only last resort option).
* `critical` - when any such bug is present in the current release candidate, it
can't be considered final release. But such bugs are not qualified to delay
next release candidate release.
* `major` - existence of such bugs do not strictly prevent the current release
candidate be considered final (but of course we should try hard to not have
them there). Fixing bugs of this priority can be delayed and qualified as
updates to the final stable release.
* `minor` - existence of such bugs do not prevent the current release candidate
be considered final. Fixing such bugs can be delayed to the next Qubes OS
release. Eventually such fixes might be backported as an update to the stable
All above is about bugs, no features should be assigned to the current release
after first `-rc`. Supreme Committee is free to adjust priorities appropriately.
Component version
Qubes release is defined as specific versions of components, which are developed more or less separately. Their versions are composed of major and minor version of target Qubes OS release followed by third component which is just incremented. There is no apparent indication that given version is stable or not.
Qubes release is defined as specific versions of components, which are
developed more or less separately. Their versions are composed of major and
minor version of target Qubes OS release followed by third component which is
just incremented. There is no apparent indication that given version is stable
or not.
There are some non-essential components like `qubes-apps-*` that are shared between releases. Their versions indicate oldest qubes-release that is supported. We try hard to support multiple releases by one branch to ease code maintenance.
There are some non-essential components like `qubes-apps-*` that are shared
between releases. Their versions indicate oldest qubes-release that is
supported. We try hard to support multiple releases by one branch to ease code
Different Qubes releases remixes may comprise of different components and version are not guaranteed to be monotonic between releases. We may decide that for newer release some component should be downgraded. There is no guarantee that arbitrary combination of different versions of random components will yield usable (or even install-able) compilation.
Different Qubes releases remixes may comprise of different components and
version are not guaranteed to be monotonic between releases. We may decide that
for newer release some component should be downgraded. There is no guarantee
that arbitrary combination of different versions of random components will
yield usable (or even install-able) compilation.
Git tags and branches
We mark each component version in the repository by tag containing `v<version>`. Likewise, each Qubes OS release is marked by `R<release>` tag.
We mark each component version in the repository by tag containing
`v<version>`. Likewise, each Qubes OS release is marked by `R<release>` tag.
At the release of some release we create branches named like `release2`. Only bugfixes and compatible improvements are backported to these branches. These branches should compile. All new development is done in `master` branch. This branch is totally unsupported and may not even compile depending on maintainer of repository.
At the release of some release we create branches named like `release2`. Only
bugfixes and compatible improvements are backported to these branches. These
branches should compile. All new development is done in `master` branch. This
branch is totally unsupported and may not even compile depending on maintainer
of repository.
All version and release tags should be made and signed by someone from ITL staff. Public keys are included in `qubes-builder` and available at [http://keys.qubes-os.org/keys/](http://keys.qubes-os.org/keys/).
All version and release tags should be made and signed by someone from ITL
staff. Public keys are included in `qubes-builder` and available at
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title: Qubes releases
permalink: /doc/releases/
Qubes releases
Qubes R1
* [Release Notes](/doc/releases/1.0/release-notes/)
Qubes R2
* [Release Notes](/doc/releases/2.0/release-notes/)
Qubes R3.0
* [Release Notes](/doc/releases/3.0/release-notes/)
* [Release schedule](/doc/releases/3.0/schedule/)
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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
layout: doc
title: Qubes R1.0 release notes
permalink: /doc/releases/1.0/release-notes/
Qubes R1.0 release notes
Detailed release notes in [this blog post](http://blog.invisiblethings.org/2012/09/03/introducing-qubes-10.html).
Known issues
- Installer might not support some USB keyboards (\#230). This seems to include all the Mac Book keyboards (most PC laptops have PS2 keyboards and are not affected).
- If you don't enable Composition (System Setting -\> Desktop -\> Enable desktop effects), which you really should do, then the KDE task bar might get somehow ugly (e.g. half of it might be black). This is some KDE bug that we don't plan to fix.
- Some keyboard layout set by KDE System Settings can cause [keyboard not working at all](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel/browse_thread/thread/77d076b65dda7226). If you hit this issue, you can switch to console (by console login option) and manually edit `/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-system-setup-keyboard.conf` (and `/etc/sysconfig/keyboard`) and place correct keyboard layout settings (details in linked thread). You can check if specific keyboard layout settings are proper using `setxkbmap` tool.
- On systems with more than 8GB of RAM there is problem with Disposable VM. To fix it, limit maximum memory allocation for DispVM to 3GB
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
qvm-prefs -s fedora-17-x64-dvm maxmem 3072
qvm-create-default-dvm --default-template --default-script
{% endhighlight %}
- On some systems the KDE Window Manager might freeze upon resuming from S3 sleep when compositing is enabled (and the only method to log in to the system if this happens is to switch to a text console, enter your user's password, kill the kwin process, go back to the Xorg console, log in, and start a new instance of kwin using Konsole application :) If you experience such problems, make sure to disable compositing before putting the system into sleep by pressing Alt-Ctrl-F12 (and then enabling it back once you log in after resume) -- this way you should never see this problem again.
See [Qubes Downloads](/doc/QubesDownloads/).
Installation instructions
See [Installation Guide](/doc/InstallationGuide/).
### From Qubes 1.0-rc1
If you're already running Qubes 1.0-rc1, you don't need to reinstall, it's just enough to update the packages in your Dom0 and the template VM(s). The easiest way for doing this is to click on the Update Button in the Qubes Manger -- one click when you selected Dom0, and one click for each of your template VM (by default there is just one template).
### From Qubes 1.0 Beta 3
If you have Qubes Beta 3 currently installed on your system, you must reinstall from scratch, as we offer no direct upgrade option in the installer (sorry). However, we do offer tools for smooth migration of your AppVMs. In order to do that, please backup your AppVMs using the `qvm-backup` tool [as usual](/doc/BackupRestore/). Then, after you install Qubes 1.0 rc1, you can restore them using `qvm-backup-restore` tool. However, because we have changed the default template in RC1, you should tell qvm-back-restore about that by passing `--replace-template` option:
{% highlight trac-wiki %}
qvm-backup-restore <backup_dir> --replace-template=fedora-15-x64:fedora-17-x64
{% endhighlight %}
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layout: doc
title: Qubes R2.0 release notes
permalink: /doc/releases/2.0/release-notes/
Qubes R2.0 release notes
Detailed release notes in [this blog post](http://blog.invisiblethings.org/2014/09/26/announcing-qubes-os-release-2.html)
New features since 1.0
* Support for generic fully virtualized VMs (without qemu in the TCB!)
* Support for Windows-based AppVMs integration (clipboard, file exchange, qrexec, pv drivers)
* Secure audio input to select AppVMs (Hello Skype users!)
* Clipboard is now also controlled by central policies, unified with other qrexec policies.
* Out of the box TorVM support
* Experimental support for PVUSB
* Updated Xorg packages in Dom0 to support new GPUs
* DisposableVM customization support
* Introduced Xfce 4.10 environment for Dom0 as an alternative to KDE
* Advanced infrastructure for system backups
* Ability to autostart selected VM at system startup
* Support for dynamic screen resolution change
* Dom0 distribution upgraded to Fedora 20
Known issues
- On some graphics cards the Xfce4 Window Manager (one of the two supported Dom0 Windows Managers in Qubes R2, the other being KDE) might behave "strangely", e.g. decorations might not be drawn sometimes. Also the accompanying lightdm login manager might incorrectly display the wallpaper. If you're facing those problems, it's advisable to use the KDE Window Manager and kdm instead of Xfce4 and lightdm (this is default if one chooses the KDE only installation option in the installer).
- Some icons in the Qubes Manager application might not be drawn correctly when using the Xfce4 environment in Dom0. If this bothers you, please use the KDE environment instead.
- If your GPU is not correctly supported by the Dom0 kernel (e.g. the 3D desktop effects do not run smoothly) then you might experience "heaviness" with Windows 7-based AppVMs. In that case, please solve the problem with your GPU support in Dom0 in the first place (by using a different kernel), or install Qubes OS on a different system.
- Under some circumstances, Qubes backup can create broken backup, without any visible message (\#902). It is advisable to verify a backup to spot the problem. If you encounter this problem, backup VM directory manually.
- System shutdown sometimes is very slow (\#903). To mitigate the problem, shutdown all the VMs first.
- For other known issues take a look at [our trac tickets](https://wiki.qubes-os.org/query?status=accepted&status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&type=defect&milestone=Release+2.1+(post+R2)&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&col=component&order=priority)
It is advised to install updates just after system installation to apply bug fixes for (some of) the above problems.
See [Qubes Downloads](/doc/QubesDownloads/).
Installation instructions
See [Installation Guide](/doc/InstallationGuide/).
### From Qubes R2 rc1
Upgrading from Qubes R2 rc1 should be a simple matter of installing updates for [dom0](/doc/SoftwareUpdateDom0/) and [VMs](/doc/SoftwareUpdateVM/).
### From Qubes R2 beta 3 and older
The easiest and safest way to upgrade to Qubes R2 (especially from older releases) is to install it from scratch and use [qubes backup and restore tools](/doc/BackupRestore/) for migrating of all of the user VMs.
Users of R2 beta 3 can upgrade using procedure that has been described [here](/doc/UpgradeToR2/).
Note: if the user has custom Template VMs (i.e. other than the default template, e.g. created from it by cloning), or Standalone VMs, then the user should perform manual upgrade from R2B3 to R2rc1, as described under the link given above.
### Migrating between beta releases
#### From Qubes R1 to R2 beta1
If you're already running Qubes Release 1, you don't need to reinstall, it's just enough to update the packages in your Dom0 and the template VM(s). This procedure is described [here?](/doc/UpgradeToR2/).
#### From Qubes R1 or R2 Beta 1 to R2 beta2
Because of the distribution change in R2B2 (from fc13 to fc18) it's preferred that users reinstall Qubes R2B2 from scratch, and use [qubes backup and restore tools](/doc/BackupRestore/) for migrating of all of the user VMs.
Advanced users (and advanced users only) can also try a manual upgrade procedure that has been described [here](/doc/UpgradeToR2B2/). It's advisable to backup your VMs before proceeding anyway!
#### Upgrading from Qubes R1 or R2 Beta 2 to R2 beta 3
The easiest and safest way to upgrade to Qubes R2B3 is to install it from scratch and use [qubes backup and restore tools](/doc/BackupRestore/) for migrating of all of the user VMs.
Users can also try a manual upgrade procedure that has been described [here](/doc/UpgradeToR2B3/).
Note: if the user has custom Template VMs (i.e. other than the default template, e.g. created from it by cloning), or Standalone VMs, then the user should perform manual upgrade from R2B2 to R2B3, as described under the link given above.
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
layout: doc
title: Qubes R3.0 release notes
permalink: /doc/releases/3.0/release-notes/
Qubes R3.0 release notes
*this page is a draft for yet unreleased version*
New features since 2.0
* Xen 4.4
* Qrexec 3
* Debian templates
* Whonix templates
* Build system improvements
Known issues
* Windows Tools: `qvm-block` does not work
* UEFI is not supported, you need to enable "legacy boot" in BIOS before installing Qubes OS
* Some icons in the Qubes Manager application might not be drawn correctly when using the Xfce4 environment in Dom0. If this bothers you, please use the KDE environment instead.
* If your GPU is not correctly supported by the Dom0 kernel (e.g. the 3D desktop effects do not run smoothly) then you might experience "heaviness" with Windows 7-based AppVMs. In that case, please solve the problem with your GPU support in Dom0 in the first place (by using a different kernel), or install Qubes OS on a different system.
* For other known issues take a look at [our tickets](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22Release+3%22+label%3Abug)
It is advised to install updates just after system installation to apply bug fixes for (some of) the above problems.
See [Qubes Downloads](/doc/QubesDownloads/).
Installation instructions
See [Installation Guide](/doc/InstallationGuide/).
### From from R3.0rc1
If you are using Qubes R3.0rc1, just install system updates, there is no special steps required.
### From R2.0 or earlier
The easiest and safest way to upgrade to Qubes R3.0 is to install it from scratch and use [qubes backup and restore tools](/doc/BackupRestore/) for migrating of all of the user VMs.
Users of Qubes R2 can upgrade using [experimental procedure](/doc/UpgradeToR3.0/).
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title: Qubes R3.0 release schedule
permalink: /doc/releases/3.0/schedule/
Qubes R3.0 release schedule
| Date | Stage |
| -----------:| ------------------------------------- |
| 5 Sep 2015 | current-testing freeze before 3.0-rc3 |
| 15 Sep 2015 | 3.0-rc3 release |
| 1 Oct 2015 | 3.0 release |
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
layout: doc
title: Release checklist
permalink: /doc/releases/todo/
Release checklist
*the checklist is probably unfinished*
On -rc1
* write schedule
* create package repositories (linux-yum, linux-deb)
* update repository definition (core-agent-linux, installer-qubes-os/qubes-release)
* push all packages to `current-testing`
* draft release notes, one note per feature
* create upgrade package in previous release branch (r2->r3.0, r3.0->r3.1, etc) - core-agent-linux
* make sure that keys for the current release are included in previous release's qubes-release package (for upgrade)
* build ISO and push to mirrors
On subsequent -rc
* push packages to `current`
* update release notes
* build ISO and push to mirrors
On final release
* push packages to `current`
* finish release notes
* build ISO and push to mirrors
* write blog post
* announce on Twitter
Reference in New Issue
Block a user