diff --git a/basics_dev/coding-style.md b/basics_dev/coding-style.md
index 4110eb40..b85212a2 100644
--- a/basics_dev/coding-style.md
+++ b/basics_dev/coding-style.md
@@ -132,6 +132,21 @@ Source Code management (Git) guidelines
     -   Code repositories represent also licensing boundaries. So, e.g. because `core-agent-linux` and `core-agent-windows` are maintained in two different repositories, it is possible to have the latter under a proprietary, non-GPL license, while keeping the former fully open source.
     -   We have drastically changes the layout and naming of the code repositories shortly after Qubes OS R2 Beta 2 release. For details on the current code layout, please read [this article](http://theinvisiblethings.blogspot.com/2013/03/introducing-qubes-odyssey-framework.html).
+Commit message guidelines
+Please attempt to follow these conventions when writing your Git commit messages:
+ * Separate the subject line from the body with a blank line.
+ * Limit the subject line to approximately 50 characters.
+ * Capitalize the subject line.
+ * Do not end the subject line with a period.
+ * Use the imperative mood in the subject line.
+ * Wrap the body at 72 characters.
+ * Use the body to explain *what* and *why* rather than *how*.
+For details, examples, and the rationale behind each of these conventions, please see [this blog post](http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/), which is the source of this list.
 Security coding guidelines
diff --git a/basics_dev/doc-guidelines.md b/basics_dev/doc-guidelines.md
index 53d42246..5062d02c 100644
--- a/basics_dev/doc-guidelines.md
+++ b/basics_dev/doc-guidelines.md
@@ -141,19 +141,8 @@ making contributions, please try to observe the following style conventions:
 Git Conventions
-Please attempt to follow these conventions when writing your Git commit
- * Separate the subject line from the body with a blank line.
- * Limit the subject line to approximately 50 characters.
- * Capitalize the subject line.
- * Do not end the subject line with a period.
- * Use the imperative mood in the subject line.
- * Wrap the body at 72 characters.
- * Use the body to explain *what* and *why* rather than *how*.
-For details, examples, and the rationale behind each of these conventions,
-please see [this blog post][git-commit], which is the source of this list.
+Please try to write good commit messages, according to the
+[instructions in our coding style guidelines][git-commit].
 [qubes-doc]: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-doc
@@ -165,4 +154,4 @@ please see [this blog post][git-commit], which is the source of this list.
 [gh-pull]: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/
 [GitHub]: https://github.com/
 [md]: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
-[git-commit]: http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/
+[git-commit]: /doc/coding-style/#commit-message-guidelines