diff --git a/customization/dispvm-customization.md b/customization/dispvm-customization.md
index 7ad9f046..6c70c651 100644
--- a/customization/dispvm-customization.md
+++ b/customization/dispvm-customization.md
@@ -67,3 +67,32 @@ It is possible to change the settings of each new Disposable VM (DispVM). This c
**Note:** All of the above requires at least qubes-core-vm \>= 2.1.2 installed in template.
+Adding arbitrary programs to Disposable VM Application Menu
+For added convenience, arbitrary programs can be added to the Application Menu of the Disposable VM. In order to do that `arbitrary.desktop` file has to be created in `/usr/share/applications` that file will point to the desired program. Use following template when creating a .desktop file:
+ [Desktop Entry]
+ Version=1.0
+ Type=Application
+ Exec=sh -c 'echo arbitrary | /usr/lib/qubes/qfile-daemon-dvm qubes.VMShell dom0 DEFAULT red
+ Icon=dispvm-red
+ Terminal=false
+ Name=DispVM: Arbitrary Name
+ GenericName=DispVM: Arbitrary Generic Name
+ StartupNotify=false
+ Categories=Network;X-Qubes-VM;
+Next, the /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/qubes-dispvm.menu file has to be modified so that it points to our newly-created .desktop file.
+Add `arbitrary.desktop` line to the `` block. The modified file should look like this:
+ qubes-dispvm-firefox.desktop
+ qubes-dispvm-xterm.desktop
+ arbitrary.desktop
+After saving the changes our program should appear under the Disposable VM Applications menu.