GUIdocs changed

MSG_CROSSING back to life
This commit is contained in:
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki 2011-10-15 22:52:12 +00:00
parent 0153f50523
commit 0a63806670

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@ -203,7 +203,15 @@ The header is followed by message-specific data.
` uint32_t override_redirect; `
` }; `|Map a window with given parameters|
|MSG\_CLOSE|None|send wmDeleteMessage to the window|
|MSG\_CROSSING|Obsolete|Obsolete, unused|
|MSG\_CROSSING|` struct msg_crossing { `
` uint32_t type; `
` uint32_t x; `
` uint32_t y; `
` uint32_t state; `
` uint32_t mode; `
` uint32_t detail; `
` uint32_t focus; `
` }; `|Notify window about enter/leave event|
|MSG\_FOCUS|` struct msg_focus { `
` uint32_t type; `
` uint32_t mode; `