VMs with attached PCI devices in Qubes have allocated a small buffer for DMA operations (called swiotlb).
By default, it is 2MB, but some devices (such as the [Realtek RTL8111DL Gigabit Ethernet Controller](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel/browse_thread/thread/631c4a3a9d1186e3)) need a larger DMA buffer size.
Without a larger buffer, you will face DMA errors such as `Failed to map TX DMA`.
To change this allocation, edit VM's kernel parameters (this is expressed in 512B chunks) by running the following in a dom0 terminal:
Sometimes the PCI arbitrator is too strict, which may cause errors such as `Unable to reset PCI device` and other PCI-related errors.
There is a way to enable permissive mode for it.
See also: [this thread](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/qubes-users/Fs94QAc3vQI) and the Xen wiki's [PCI passthrough](https://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Xen_PCI_Passthrough) page.
Other times, you may instead need to disable the FLR requirement on a device.
### libvirt.libvirtError: internal error: Unable to reset PCI device [...]: internal error: Active [...] devices on bus with [...], not doing bus reset ###
After running `qvm-start sys-net`, you may encounter an error message which begins with `libvirt.libvirtError: internal error: Unable to reset PCI device`.
This issue is likely to occur if you have the same device assigned to more than one
When you try to start sys-net with the `qvm-start sys-net` command, there is already a VM running (e.g., auto-starting) with one or more of the same devices as those assigned to sys-net.
To fix the error, remove the offending PCI device.
#### Using the Qubes interface ####
From the "Selected" panel in sys-net, navigate to VM Settings, then Devices. There, you can remove the offending PCI device(s) and keep the desired PCI device.
#### Using the command line ####
1. To see all the PCI available devices, enter the `lspci` command into the dom0 terminal. Each device will be listed on a line, for example:
In the above output, the BDF (Bus Device Function) of the device is `0000:03:00.0`
2. Now that you can see all the PCI devices and their BDFs, you can decide which to remove and which to keep.
Imagine we faced the following error message:
libvirt.libvirtError: internal error: Unable to reset PCI device 0000:03:00.1: internal error: Active 0000:03:00.0 devices on bus with 0000:03:00.1, not doing bus reset
In the above case, the device `0000:03:00.1` is the device which we want to use. But we are facing the `Unable to reset PCI device` error because another device, `0000:03:00.0`, is active.
To fix this error and get device `0000:03:00.1` to work, we must first remove the offending device `0000:03:00.0`
Finally, run `systemctl enable qubes-pre-netvm.service` and it will now persist between reboots.
### Domain [...] has failed to start: internal error: Unable to reset PCI device [...]: no FLR, PM reset or bus reset available ###
This is a [PCI passthrough issue](/doc/pci-troubleshooting/#pci-passthrough-issues), which occurs when PCI arbitrator is too strict.
There is a way to enable permissive mode for it.
Sometimes, you may instead need to disable the FLR requirement on a device.
Both can be achieved during attachment with `qvm-pci` as described below.
NOTE: The `permissive` flag increases attack surface and possibility of [side channel attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Side-channel_attack).
While using the `no-strict-reset` flag, do not require PCI device to be reset before attaching it to another VM. This may leak usage data even without malicious intent. Both `permissive` and `no-strict-reset` options may not be necessary and you should try one first, then the other, before using both.
You may face the problem where the BCM43602 Wi-Fi chip causes a system freeze whenever it is attached to a VM. To fix this problem on a Macbook, follow the steps in [Macbook Troubleshooting](https://github.com/Qubes-Community/Contents/blob/master/docs/troubleshooting/macbook-troubleshooting.md#system-freezes-after-attaching-broadcom-bcm43602-wi-fi-card).
For other non-Macbook machines, it is advisable to replace the Broadcom BCM43602 with one known to work on Qubes, such as the Atheros AR9462.
Note that your computer manufacturer may have added a Wi-Fi card whitelist in your BIOS, which will prevent booting your computer if you have a non-listed wireless card.
It is possible bypass this limitation by removing the whitelist, disabling a check for it or modifying the whitelist to replace device ID of a whitelisted WiFi card with device ID of your new WiFi card.
## Wireless card stops working after dom0 update ##
There have been many instances where a Wi-Fi card stops working after a dom0 update.
If you run `sudo dmesg` in sys-net, you may see errors beginning with `iwlwifi`.
You can fix the problem by going to the sys-net VM's settings and changing the VM kernel to the previous version.
## Attached devices in Windows HVM stop working on suspend/resume ##
After the whole system gets suspended into S3 sleep and subsequently resumed, some attached devices may stop working.
Refer to [Suspend/Resume Troubleshooting](/doc/suspend-resume-troubleshooting/#attached-devices-in-windows-hvm-stop-working-on-suspendresume) for a solution.
A device which was previously assigned to a less trusted qube could attack dom0 if it were automatically reassigned there.
Look at the [FAQs](/faq/#i-assigned-a-pci-device-to-a-qube-then-unassigned-itshut-down-the-qube-why-isnt-the-device-available-in-dom0) to learn how to re-enable the device in dom0.