Postfix is full featured MTA (Message Transfer Agent). Here we will configure it in smarthost mode as part of common [Mutt](/doc/mutt/)+Postfix+[Fetchmail](/doc/fetchmail/) stack.
Cyrus-sasl is installed to authenticate to remote servers. Procmail is not strictly necessary, but is useful to sort your incoming mail, for example to put each mailing list in its own directory. Make is also not necessary, but is used to keep Postfix lookup tables.
You should also check `alternatives` command, to see if it is the default `mta`. It probably is not. You may need to `yum remove ssmtp` or something
This is the only thing to do in TemplateVM, as MTA configuration is AppVM specific, so we will keep it in `/usr/local` (ie. `/rw/usrlocal`) in each AppVM.
Now shutdown TemplateVM, start AppVM. Create directory `/usr/local/etc/postfix` and copy `/etc/postfix/` there.
### Makefile
Postfix keeps its lookup tables in bdb hash databases. They need to be compiled from source files. Postfix admins like to keep track of them by means of `/usr/local/etc/postfix/Makefile`:
`/usr/local/etc/postfix/sender_relay`. This is an important file. Put all your SMTP servers there. Pay attention to port (smtp/submission). Square brackets have their special meaning, they are almost certainly needed. For more info consult Postfix manual.
`/usr/local/etc/postfix/saslpass`. Here you put passwords to above mentioned servers. It depends on your provider if you need to put whole email as username or just the part before `@`.
Now run `make` in `/usr/local/etc/postfix`. It will hopefully compile four above mentioned lookup tables (`generic.db`, `sender_relay.db`, `saslpass.db` and `sender_access`).