There is some [common bug in UEFI implementation](, affecting mostly Lenovo systems, but probably some others too. You can try existing workaround:
06. Execute `mount | grep boot/efi` and note device name (first column). It should be something like `/dev/sda1`.
07. Execute `efibootmgr -v`, search for `Qubes` entry and note its number (it should be something like `Boot0001` - `0001` is an entry number).
08. Replace existing `Qubes` entry with modified one. Replace `XXXX` with entry number from previous step, `/dev/sda` with your disk name and `-p 1` with `/boot/efi` partition number):
Some Dell systems and probably others have [another bug in UEFI firmware]( And there is another workaround for it:
<bname="f1">1</b> If you use rEFInd, you can see 3 options regarding the USB installer. Choose "Fallback Boot Loader" to enter the GRUB menu. [↩](#a1-1) [↩](#a1-2)