Please make sure you carefully read and understand the **[security considerations](/doc/device-handling-security/#pci-security)** before deviating from default behavior.
Unlike other devices ([USB](/doc/how-to-use-usb-devices/), [block](/doc/how-to-use-block-storage-devices/), mic), PCI devices need to be attached on VM-bootup.
Similar to how you can't attach a new sound-card after your computer booted (and expect it to work properly), attaching PCI devices to already booted VMs isn't supported.
Moreover, PCI devices can be attached only to VMs running in certain virtualization modes. See [FAQ: Which virtualization modes do VMs use?](/faq/#which-virtualization-modes-do-vms-use)
The Qubes installer attaches all network class controllers to `sys-net` and all USB controllers to `sys-usb` by default, if you chose to create the network and USB qube during install.
While this covers most use cases, there are some occasions when you may want to manually attach one NIC to `sys-net` and another to a custom NetVM, or have some other type of PCI controller you want to manually attach.
This requirement can be dropped with the `no-strict-reset` option during attachment, bearing in mind the aforementioned [security considerations](/doc/device-handling-security/#pci-security).
In the steps below, you can tell if this is needed if you see the BDF for the same device listed multiple times with only the number after the "." changing.
This means that you can use the device in one VM, shut that VM down, start up a different VM (to which the same device is now attached), then use the device in that VM.
This can be useful if, for example, you have only one USB controller, but you have multiple security domains which all require the use of different USB devices.
- Press Alt+F3 to open the application finder, type in the VM name, select the "\[VM-name\]: Qube Settings" menu entry and press enter or click "Launch"!
Both are intended to fix device or driver specific issues, but both come with [heavy security implications](/doc/device-handling-security/#pci-security)! **Make sure you understand them before continuing!**
By default, when a device is detached from a VM (or when a VM with an attached PCI device is shut down), the device is *not* automatically attached back to dom0.
A device which was previously attached to a VM less trusted than dom0 (which, in Qubes, is *all* of them) could attack dom0 if it were automatically reattached there.