For example, in Whonix, [Tor's data dir `/var/lib/tor` has been made persistent in the TemplateBased ProxyVM sys-whonix](
5. If the directory you wish to make persistent doesn't exist in the template on which the app qube is based, you'll need to create the directory (with its full path) under `/rw/bind-dirs` in the app qube. For example, if `/var/lib/tor` didn't exist in the template, then you would execute the following command in your app qube:
6. (optional) If the directory you want to persist across reboots (`/var/lib/tor` in this case) needs special ownership and permissions, make sure the directory you created just under `/rw/bind-dirs/` has the same ones (using the commands `chown` and `chmod`, respectively).
Files or folders identified in the array are copied to `/rw/bind-dirs` if they do not already exist there, and are then bind mounted over the original files/folders.
If you want to circumvent this process, you can create the relevant file structure under `/rw/bind-dirs` and make any changes at the same time that you perform the configuration, before reboot.
Note that you must create the full folder structure under `/rw/bind-dirs` - e.g you would have to create `/rw/bind-dirs/var/lib/tor`
Any changes you make will not survive a reboot. If you think it likely you will want to edit a file, then either include the parent directory in bind-dirs rather than the file, or perform the file operation on the file in `/rw/bind-dirs`.
* Some files are altered when a qube boots - e.g. `/etc/hosts`.
If you try to use bind-dirs on such files you may break your qube in unpredictable ways.
`binds` is actually just a bash variable (an array) and the configuration folders are sourced as bash snippets in lexical order.
Therefore if you wanted to remove an existing entry from the `binds` array, you could do that by using a lexically higher configuration file.
For example, if you wanted to make `/var/lib/tor` non-persistent in `sys-whonix` without manually editing `/usr/lib/qubes-bind-dirs.d/40_qubes-whonix.conf`, you could use the following in:
(Editing `/usr/lib/qubes-bind-dirs.d/40_qubes-whonix.conf` directly is strongly discouraged, since such changes get lost when that file is changed in the package on upgrades.)
Custom persist is an optional advanced feature allowing the creation of minimal state AppVM. The purpose of such an AppVM is to avoid unwanted data to persist as much as possible by the disabling the ability to configure persistence from the VM itself. When enabled, the following happens:
* ``/rw/config/rc.local`` is no longer executed
* ``/rw/config/qubes-firewall-user-script`` is ignored
* ``/rw/config/suspend-module-blacklist`` is ignored
* User bind dirs defined in ``/rw/config/qubes-bind-dirs.d`` are no longer read
* ``/home`` and ``/user/local`` are not persistent anymore unless explicitly configured.
Bind dirs are obviously still supported but this must be configured either in the template (``/usr/lib/qubes-bind-dirs.d`` and ``/etc/qubes-bind-dirs.d``) or from dom0 using ``qvm-features``. The bind dirs declaration must be done this way: ``qvm-features <VMNAME> custom-persist.<ARBITRARY NAME> [PRE-CREATION SETTINGS]<PATH>``
To use this feature, first, enable it:
qvm-service -e my-app-vm custom-persist
Then, configure a persistent directory with ``qvm-features``:
When starting the VM, declared custom-persist bind dirs are automatically added to the ``binds`` variable described above and are handled in the same way.
A user may want their bind-dirs to be automatically pre-created in ``/rw/bind-dirs``. Custom persist can do this for you by providing the type of the resource to create (file or dir), owner, group and mode. For example:
[app qubes: make selected files and folders located in the root image persistent- review](!topic/qubes-devel/tcYQ4eV-XX4/discussion)