Note, if you want to use [Tor bridges](, AppArmor has been known in the past to cause problems with `obfsproxy` [see this issue](
You will want to complete the following instructions in both the **Whonix-Gateway** referred to in Qubes VM Manager as `whonix-gw` and the **Whonix-Workstation** or `whonix-ws`. You only need to apply these settings to the TemplateVMs before creating any template based VMs from these Whonix templates.
(This is because, [since Qubes Q3, TemplateBasedVMs inherit the kernelopts setting of their TemplateVM](
Launch the `dom0` terminal app `Konsole (konsole)`or `Terminal Emulator (xfce4-terminal)` from your Qubes App Launcher. Then get a list of current kernel parameters.
When running the command to get a list of current kernel parameters again (just hit the arrow up key twice, so you don't have to type the command again).
In current version of Qubes, this will show `nopat` as a response. To keep those existing kernel parameters and add `apparmor=1 security=apparmor` do the following:
When running the command to get a list of current kernel parameters again (just hit the arrow up key twice, so you don't have to type the command again).