--- title: Translations --- Crowdin has good documentation, and we suggest looking at their [Getting Started](https://support.crowdin.com/crowdin-intro) guide. Our site is largely written in [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown), so it should be easy to contribute. This page contains some helpful pointers for translating some specific syntax you may encounter on our site. Please join our localization room on Matrix ([#pg-i18n:aragon.sh](https://matrix.to/#/%23pg-i18n:aragon.sh)) if you have any additional questions, and read our [announcement blog post](https://blog.privacyguides.org/2023/02/26/i18n-announcement) for additional information about the project. Note that the English version of the site is the primary version, meaning changes occur there first. If you notice a language falling behind the English version, please help out. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of all our translations. If you have a suggestion about content specific to your region, please open an issue or pull request to our [main repository](https://github.com/privacyguides/privacyguides.org). ## Admonitions Throughout the site we use MkDocs's [admonitions](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/reference/admonitions/#usage), to show information to readers. They come in a few different flavors such as `example`, `warning`, `tip`, etc. When admonitions are used they will have an English string on the site by default. This can be [customized](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/reference/admonitions/#changing-the-title), without too much effort. For example, if you were translating an admonition of type [`warning`](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/reference/admonitions/#type:warning) to Dutch, this is how you would write it: === "Dutch translation" ```text !!! warning "Waarschuwing" ``` === "English source text" ```text !!! warning ``` Downloads are a [custom admonition](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/reference/admonitions/#custom-admonitions) which is written as follows: === "Dutch translation" ```text ??? downloads "Downloaden" ``` === "English source text" ```text ??? downloads ``` The same goes for other types, such as `tip`, `example`, `warning`, `danger` etc. Recommendations are a special type of admonition which do **not** need overriding as they have no visible text, so they are never changed: === "Dutch translation" ```text !!! recommendation ``` === "English source text" ```text !!! recommendation ``` ## Translation output Translation software gets the translation quite accurate; however, you need to make sure the translated string is correct. For example: ```text ![Software logo](assets/img/path/to/image.svg){ align=right } ``` We have sometimes found that the syntax for inserting an image like above was missing the `![` or an extra space was placed between the text and the path, e.g. `](`. If a translation string is clearly not correct, we encourage you to **delete** it by pressing the trash icon [or vote](https://support.crowdin.com/enterprise/getting-started-for-volunteers/#voting-view) on which one you think sounds best. When invalid strings are deleted, they are removed from the organization's [translation memory](https://support.crowdin.com/enterprise/translation-memory), meaning that when the source string is seen again, it won't suggest the incorrect translation. ## Punctuation For examples like the above admonitions, quotation marks, e.g.: `" "` must be used to specify string text. MkDocs will not correctly interpret other symbols i.e., `「 」` or `« »`. Other punctuation marks are fine for marking regular quotations within the text otherwise. ## Fullwidth alternatives and Markdown syntax CJK writing systems tend to use alternative "fullwidth" variants of common symbols. These are different characters and cannot be used for markdown syntax. - Links must use regular parenthesis ie `(` (Left Parenthesis U+0028) and `)` (Right Parenthesis U+0029) and not `(` (Fullwidth Left Parenthesis U+FF08) or `)` (Fullwidth Right Parenthesis U+FF09) - Indented quoted text must use `:` (Colon U+003A) and not `:` (Fullwidth Colon U+FF1A) - Pictures must use `!` (Exclamation Mark U+0021) and not `!` (Fullwidth Exclamation Mark U+FF01)