Team Chat Platforms

{% include cardv2.html title="" image="/assets/img/tools/" description=" is an self-hostable open source platform for team communication. It has optional federation and experimental E2EE." labels="warning:Experimental:Regarding E2EE their documentation states 'This feature is currently in alpha. It's also not yet supported on mobile'. There is no forward secrecy so compromised decryption password would leak all messages. The federation was also added afterwards potentially causing room for mistakes." website="" forum="" github="" android="" ios="" mac="" windows="" linux="" %} {% include cardv2.html title="Keybase" image="/assets/img/tools/keybase.png" description='Keybase provides a hosted team chat with end-to-end encryption. It has also been indepedently audited (PDF).' labels="warning:Warning:The server side of Keybase runs on proprietary code and is centralized." website="" forum="" github="" android="" ios="" mac="" windows="" linux="" web="" %}

Worth Mentioning