# The strings in these files need to be copied MANUALLY to /config/mkdocs.LANG.yml # This file exists just so these strings can be originally translated on Crowdin. config: description: Privacy Guides is your central privacy and security resource to protect yourself online. copyright: - 1: | Privacy Guides is a non-profit, socially motivated website that provides information for protecting your data security and privacy. - 2: | We do not make money from recommending certain products, and we do not use affiliate links. - 3: | Privacy Guides and contributors. - 4: | Content licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. feedback: question: Was this page helpful? yes: This page was helpful yes-note: Thanks for your feedback! no: This page could be improved no-note: | Thanks for your feedback! Help us improve this page by opening a discussion on our forum. theme: dark: Switch to dark mode light: Switch to light mode system: Switch to system theme nav: Home: Home Knowledge Base: Knowledge Base Technology Essentials: Technology Essentials Operating Systems: Operating Systems Advanced Topics: Advanced Topics Recommendations: Recommendations Internet Browsing: Internet Browsing Providers: Providers Software: Software About: About Community: Community Online Services: Online Services Code of Conduct: Code of Conduct Contributing: Contributing Writing Guide: Writing Guide Technical Guides: Technical Guides Changelog: Changelog Forum: Forum Blog: Blog site: translation: | You're viewing the English copy of Privacy Guides, translated by our fantastic language team on Crowdin. If you notice an error, or see any untranslated sections on this page, please consider helping out! For more information and tips see our translation guide.